Thursday, July 1, 2010

Friday July 2,2010

Liza says Damon is hard to read what questions does he have about adoption.He wants to know why Liza is being nice.She says show me decency respect and I'll be nice erase pics!.Colby wants Tad to investigate Damon because she thinks he's cheating.She says he has been acting shady secretive he's always in the middle of doing something.Colby says she is upset because he won't go to NYC with her.Tad says he is trying to figure things out.Colby says your Damon's dad and ag uy you'd just coverup anyway.Tad says yes Damon is son he won't go behind his back and find something that is't.Colby says one second he's running to me next running awqy.NYc is a big deal at his age maybe you should talk to him.Colby calls him Damon the palya!Colby is being much too clingy no wonder Damon needs space!!!
Damon says he likes the commaradie but she doesn't trust him. Liza says Colby is passionate Colby needs safety love.Not everyone can provide that why are you thinking you can asks Liza.Damon is starting life with Tad let Colby have same in NYC.If you tell her to stay she will.If you do let her find herself I'll help you with everything just be straight and you earn friend me! Damon says this is weird I almost like you after everything.

Jesse wants to know why Natalia hasn't found anything.Brot says you have play by the rules toget David.Amnda and Jake are talking about trip he's talking about learning Italian asks her to take clothes off right now in Italian. Amnda wants to know when he'll find out he'll go.Angie says her siht is going but vision not lost in 48 hrs has appointment with specialist Dr.Beldan.Jesse asks if this is home away from home Angie says she hides out there.Jesse wants her to go to lunch she won't .Jesse says he's not going to quit until he finds out what's wrong with her.
Jake says he wants real pasta for supper he'll go to Manetti's to get real thing .Red and white wine she loves both.Jake goes to hospital
Angie says Jesse is too good to her.Jesse says he is avoiding he blames David.Angie says it is just the job something she can't fix or cure.She wants to find him and bury herself in arms she says babe do you have any idea the strength you give me.He wants child he says in passing.She asks for raincheck dinner tonight.
Jake talks to Angie he's taking Angie to doctor.He says she doesn't have to do this on her own he switched with Henderson!
Colby says she was hoping Damon would be there Damon leaves he says he call later.Colby says he couldn't get away from me fast enough.Liza says he's just busy.Colby says maybe he just wants to break up with me and can't say it.Tad and Jesse talk about nailing David!Jesse wants David bad Tad says don't have a Corononary Jesse says David is going after Frankie.
Jake gives Angie in trouble for driving he hates this too!He gives her questions for specialist he researched .He gives her breath mints for doctor.LOL
Takes her to doctor!
Liza says Damon ahs alot going on with the adoption Colby wants to know why he can't talk to her about it.Liza think about yourself fofor achange.Iknow you think relationship is most crucial thing right now.It is I love him says Colby.He's having issues you can't put your life on pause don't let him hold you back,
Jesse says David is cutting back on supplies other equipment he's bullying her.What's your game plan asks Tad .Jesse says he took plane down.Tad says he's not stupid won't be easy.
Jesse though of something he's thinking about child that might have been.It could have made up time lost with Frankie.Tad asks if he discussed with Angie.Tad says he understand he will work with him to get .
Amanda finds Jake at ophthamologist he's says he has 2040 vision.he gets rid of Amanda who wants to stay.goes into Angie.Diagnosis is right fungal indoctrinitis.shes worried she could lose sight.Jake wants her to tell Jesse but she says she wants to go back and do job well she can!
Paul comes to Tad's with Damon's things.Tad invites in to ask how Damon is doing Damon comes back to see Colby runs into Paul says he dropped kicked him to the curb
Brot wants to talk about police Jesse heck for swallowing too many antiacids says they are bad for stomach!
Jake says it's possible you could lose sight it's not good to work like this you should take leave.David is ready to take over can't retreat she says.Jake says he'll help so will Frankie! Angie says she is fighting this illness because of David he diidn't provide equipment because of cut-backs
Damon says his dad is there to make sure adoption wnet through.Paul says that Hillary and he don't have a problem with this.Tad offers to leave does.Damon says it's dream come true for you.I don't need you anymore I have something I never had in my entire life a real father Damon tells Paul as Paul scoffs!did you celebrate that I wasn't your kid.No son of mine would lie and screwup.Damon says thats funny because I felt same about you!Tad is disgusted with Paul's extreme cruelty to his son!
Tad tells Liza that there will be no roadblocks for this kid this is the day that changes everything.Liza thanks for being nice to him .Liza says Damon is destined to disappoint him.Paul comes after Damon he says he made him feel like crap for 20 years.Tad asks why he treats him that way get out of my house now.
Angie says you're with me or against me.You do on my turns no seeing patients! Jake has to always be there for patients she must tell him if deteriation happens and tell Jesse.or I will!
I'm going to help you see so no fido or seeing dog name.Angie hugs cries!Thanks him for being there.she says she loves Jake's good friend!
Damon asks to come in to see Colby!He apologises if it seems he was blowing off he doesn't want her to feel like crap. Damon says you said we should talk about NYc you should go without me.Why aren't you coming take internship alone.This is a really cool thing for you don't miss out because of me says Damon.
Did my mom get to you?asks Colby.
We are beginning to figure things out you need career as fashionistic you're going places don't hold back because of me says Damon
.Tad punches Paul gts arrested Tad says it was worth it when he presses charges.
Amanda wants to know if they should stop at Manettti's first .he says he is so lucky everything she does he get to see all let's just go home!
Angie is making dinner whne Jesse says he is going to west Virgina to cover it himself to the feds he's going to nudge them back in day or two.Angie says she can take care of herself.Jesse says if David does one more thing to his family hand to god.All always have your back and you'll always have mine says Angie!

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