Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday July 29,2010

amnda says Trevor is down for the count but jake i more interested in buiding.she says toy time is over.Jesse says one eye witness is all he needs to get David.angie coems home croos and tired says he can't live like this she so tired,She tells him she's tried she's going to chnge.Angie answers phone as dr.Beldan wants to discuss latest tst results.shea sks if ther si problem?
Binca calls well Reese is sleeping says he willc all earlier so she can talk to grils.Girls wanted to sleepin stables .we really need tot ak tomorrow I hope.Ryna sys waht does that mean is it over between you.Greenlee:Imarried himfor all the wrong reasons I believed in him for all the wrong reasons.Ryan says you can trust me Greenlee I know that Ryanyou are not wearing wedding ring!
Greenlee sys she took ring off tonight as David holds rings says Greenlee is visiting Ryan get on it to someone.
Binca is suddenly there says don't know what David is trying to pull but it won't work David says he hopes that Reese not coming doesn't mean her marriage is on rocks.Ryna says he knows why it's hard for her to leve he hlped her but that doesn't mean she owes her life to himRyna wants h rto be happy so if he can do anything tell him.Brot comes for Mrs.Hawyard he has orders to bring her to station immediately
Jesse says your boss take one hour eat dinner.Angie sys she has really bad migrane find me ibprfen!Angie calls Jake who answers despite amnda no! She asks Jake to take her to hospital.Amnda says why are you on 24 hours seven alert for angie.He says he takes care of her she takes care of me I keep my job indispeansible at hospial.Amnda knocks pieces he wwas working on.He says don't!
Greenlee goes to station with brot as Ryna protests call me !Jesse goes to police station.Natalia says it looks weird casue he's suspended.You got someone he has habit of slipping through cracks.Natalia asys don't weigh in on case work.He is working on plane crash says Jesse Natalia is worried.When youpush david he pushes back you could lsoe your job
angie is worried hse says she feels off.She's worroed what dr.Beldan will say she has constant headache nausea.Jake goes in with her.
Binca brings icecream as Ryan tires to go to Greenlee.He's worried David ahs done something.Binca sys David seems like everthing is fine.David and Greenlee are not spliting up.Mayor blanco ordered her in she cals david Greenlee's accomplice
Natlaia aoffers food beer to dad he refsues.she says you were the one who wanted me to keep my don't wnat permanent umemplyment prsion worse.Your love is her rock you've gotten throuh.Natalia gets called back to station Rodriguez will drive she says! How's the other work husband doing? They need to save selves.what would you says to kinapping.Dr.Beltan is surprised to see Jake.Angie wants Jake there.Drugs are working infection is slowing Blood tests show HCC is elevated 425!
She's pregnant.Angie is happy excited.He is not sure but he thinks 5weeks!
she needs extra tests right away she's worried drugs hurt baby.If youplan on having baby you have to stop meds doc says!
Natalia aaks what is going on?she needs help .Brot says he is checking into hospital doesn't explain
Mayor blanc wanted to express her gratitude for thre help.she is grateful for duaghter's life.DA office will intervene someone always has your back,she brought champagne
Greenlee says does hse know about blackmail scheme?David says she'll never knw let's g back to room send nice quiet evening alone.Ryan slurs wnats toknow why Greenlee was brought in.Mayor blanco wanted to thank thye looked happy with champagne
why after what she talked about would she do that?I thought she was awalking away.I had dream she was alive and things were different I waited no Kendall.Bianca says you can't change what happened she asks if he's still in love with Greenlee?
Are youokay asks Jake.It'a mazing says Jake.Angie's worried Baby is already hurt.Baby will be fine says Jake.But if istop i may go blind.Jake asys take time.Angie ahs totell Jesse all howcan I do that.Jake and amanda burst in.Amnda sys we are hee torescue you both let us take care fo you says the Amanda and Jesse
Brot says thye are opertting on eye no 33 operation.He says tehy are going for world record.this isn't cosmetic he wants eye to wrok so he can do job.They will gie drugs to make it less painfl.Natlaia asks lots of questions says she is curious becasue she cars.Bianca says Madiosn seems less trouble but you can't choose who you love.You smiled when you talked about her.i didn't relaize how truly deeply you lovd her until she was gone.binca says they fight to hold on when thye love someone sometimes things happen..Bianca says everything is great with Reese when Ryan asks!
David calls Iris's chamapgne ceeap swill.Grenlee says waht a wonderful surpise but hen youa re aloving generous husband.Let's paly some music and dance.toe it down anotch says DAvid.David: you have to stay away from negative influences like dad Ryan .David says booze will calm us down.Greenlee is still mad about prison threat.
amnda and Jesse offer booze.she says she doesn't want wine even when Jesse pushes.Jake tries to get juice for them.
amnda says you have to be careful turning down wine people will think your preganat .Jesse looks at angie's reaction says baby are you?
David says you will come arounf in time I gave you back life you gave me mine that is bond will share as he puts rings back on.Youkeep rinfgs there he says where theybelong.She says Ineed shower as Ryan phones.Ryan saks wher she is why are you answeringDavid:it's Ryan go ahead talk to him we wouldn't him to worry
Greenlee says she's fine.Why is ryna answeing phone?I'm fine and I need to go she says
Jesse is so happy he says it's miracle crazy .He is so happy.she says she jsut found out today!
Amanda is hpapy or them says congrats.Jesse is crying for happy .He asks if it's a dream?She says we are definitely having baby As Jake looks on worried!
Angie says yes

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