Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday July 9,2010

Colby surprises Damon with a Yankees hat aand ticks to the Yankees Red sox game.Gina who works in the kitchen who knows some guy who's the front singer of Ghangis Khan can get you some Knitting factor. mercury lounge gigs drumming.
Jr and Scott are crunching data (working peaceflly together)from Chandler as Annie comes in smiling!Annie says Caleb won't know what hit him with scott and Jr working together she also says once the deal is signed they are going to need Pr form her depeartment she's the new head she says.Scott already made her that before will Jr looks shocked and unhappy!
Caleb is unhappy he's doorbell keeps ringing .He takes aswig of whisky answers to Tad! He asks if there there for house or corproration Ta appologises along with liza for his bad impression of p.V.He says so far everyone he's met in twon is alair a hypocrite or both but I'm sure you two re different.Sarcastically!
Erica walks in park with Jack .complaining about Caleb and how horrible he is.Jack says get him out of her mind.erica wants him to go back to mountains of west Virginia!Are you sure?asks Jack.Erica says yes and jack says he doesn't respect EricaKane.Guy doesn't know about big business probably feels intimidatd.Erica says Val has five taste testing from top chefs for them for wedding. Text for dates.
Jack wants some pre weddng pedicures
Tad assures Caleb he wants nothing from Caleb!He's here becsue of dixie she would want him to welcome him.He invites him to meet Kathy Dixie and his daughter who is like he angel Dixie ,Caleb mentions.she's got mother's heart and is straight shooter.
He tells him he also a second father to Dixie's son Jr. which sets off caleb saying Chndler's here Chandler's there Chandler's everywhere.
Annie tells Scott Jr is pissed that she is pr person working with them.Jr still wants to prove soemthing to Adam.Annie says she knows waht is at stake for them covering up where it came from. she's done this job at Fusion she can do it she says.
Jr says he knows to get Caleb to trust.Family connection in hollow.JScott answers phone.Jr hates that Annie is involved shesays it isn't about caleb.
Tad says youknow about p.V. He callas tad slick.
What did P.V. do to her. Liza says Tad is suffering!Tad says if you ever want to drop by.Liza says tad is nice to you and you ask to leave.Tad says they are family my mother married to Palmer,Dixie's kids
Tad gives number says if you cange mind call.
Caleb takes out locket afte they leave.
Jr says it isn't good for them to work together.annie says she wnats to help family nad it feels like team palyer nad hse belongs she wants to give back positively. Krystal comes in!insuates crap!
Chndler is offering fro courlandt says Jr.Krystal says he isn't Ceo type.She tells annie toget lsot so they can talk.she wants toknow why she hangs around her.Jr says she is with Scott he wouldn't endanger anything with annie.She says he is giving her hard sell and hsse doesn't believe.
colby uses kisses promises more if he comes to NYC.Damon says he can't bail on Tad.she sys it doesn't make sense.She insuates other girl.Ilove you you don't say back you says go alone.Damon says you got all weird at wedding .he says he wants them to be together but she wants what he's not read yfor commitment etc.She says go I don't care.SPOILED BRAT! she throws things like two year old. including phone with pic Annie asks if she's decorating gets her phone when it rings and hands to her.
Annie gives her hell when she turns down internship are you really going to turn it down for some guy ?ask Annie
Krystal tells Jr not to break Marissa's heart again as she comes in room!
Marissa asks what is going onJr says he was telling her mom that he left beach early becasue he couldn't bare to be without her.hugs her then says Marissa is studying for bar and he knows she'll do well!ace it! Marissa says she hopes so.Marissa apologises.Krystal says go somewhere for couple of hours.Mairssa says she put things in our room and put rings on. Jr smiles hugs her.
liza says caleb is jerk.Tad says he jsut wants to be elft alone aren't you remotely interested why he is messed up asks tad.Liza says no!he's an overbearing bully.Tad says he has been in his shoes he recognizes it.He knows that was a mistake he won't do it agin no matter how risky!
Erica gets taken to yacht club Jack says think of our wedding dances with her. They are stumbling dancing why?Caleb sees them together smiles at Erica
Colby claims she is not hurting Annie tells her she can not feel empty void with guy beleive her she knows! Annie and Damon is not Ryan or my dad or Scott.Annie says if you make yourself all about the guy your life becomes meaningless I'm telling yougod don't be afraid to make something of yourself you have amazing opportunity skills and you're going to blow it all on Damon?
I love Damon says Colby!We belong togther it will kill me to be away.Annie: don't be so dramatic this fashion thing in Nyc is huge.this could be your dream job and if Damon is he guy he'll support youeven if that means letting you go.I don't want him to let me go says colby.
annie:don't let your feelings for some guy stiffle your dreams ffor yourself if you do i would feel really sorry for you says annie walking away.
Liza is palying cards with Tad asks if Opal will come a parading in with Kathy and Jenny for tea party as Tad gets Gin.She lsot so she loses shirt!Tad has conodms in shirt pocket.Damon walks in Tad frowns so does liza!
Caleb meets cott and Jr at the yacht club asks about WV! He freezes him out and jr asks.Erica glances at Caleb angry and says Palmer would not want his company wth chndler's she's putting stop to it.Erica says you shouldn't not well i'm running it.unless i'm mistaken Dorothy Plamer gave it to me i can do what I ant with it.
He didn't trust you enough ot runit.Erica says Palmer wouldn't want them to run it.Caleb asks if erica alawayas acts like spolied brat in public does she always act this way.
Erica says don't you dare!Try to insult me and public it's uncalled for and quit game playing and name calling it ends now!
Erica says Jack has to do something he says he can't!Erica sasys he's trying to spite her.Jr Adam put his stamp on you.Jr says he sounds like Palmer.
Jr says he is family wants to put end to feud.
Caleb says you're only part Cooney mostly Chandler
Tad says to Damon you wre suppose to be gone all day.Damon says plans change! Tad answers phone job
Liza says don't play innocent did you enjoy view don't work me.damon says kiss was surprise!Forget kiss never happening again.Damon wants to explain.Liza says kiss me again and I'll rip your lips off .He calims he was of meds he doesn't want to screw Tad over.Please don't tell Tad!Damon leaves.Liza says teens
Marissa says he is defensive about marriage to mom.she apologises she says she should have addressed comment to Annie!Krystal asks if she's sure about bed sharing again!Marissa says absolutely!
annie is not threat Jr loves her .
Annie joins meeting Caleb says Chandler blood is nothing to brag about!Plamer and Dad got past differences.annie says she is Pr person.Scott gives papers
Caleb:Jr why should I give to you!
Erica takes Caleb aside!Caleb asks if last night meant anything to Erica did she forget what happened?
Jack looks upset.Ericasays she won't let him ruin her and jack.Let's sell it the right way please.A suitable buyer.Caleb says your planning wedding you and me working togehre aint going to happen.He has no intention of sharing office company or anything else with Chandlers but he will sell.He's had it with town nad all people in it make agood offer.Annie is hpapy hugs JR!Erica complains about Caleb Jack says he wants to hear about you and Caleb last night angrily.
Damon goes to colby who apologises she is sorry for accusing him of seeing someone esle she went crazy becasue hewasn't comin.he doesn't wnat to fight.He's trying to find his way who he is who tad is.she says she gets that.
Colby claims she lsot her spot.they can't do that says Damon call your adviser saysDamon you got gipped I'm ticked off.Colby says she now gets to spend more time with him.
Liza looks unhappy as Tad brings in videos Rocky for Damon.Liza says he has to keep eye on Damon.
Marissa asks how meeting went as they hug and look goos together they should be together .
she says you and Annie are clicking.He apologises says thanks for not tearing off head.Annie thanks him for them all working well togther they calim all is under control the attraction put in palce.
Caleb goes to Krsytal's.She offers him ber burger.He remembers
she asks him if he selling to Chandler she warns him about JR.He kicks out customers sys there is gas leak!
Erica says she tried to get him drunk so he'd sell eelectronics to her.She says she should forget and concentrate on man she loves Jack.Jack says did something happen between you?

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