Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday July 22,2010

Annie is planning her and Scott's wedding excitedly.Scott was on the phone about business .She's talking Empire State building ,Eiffel tower wedding.Annie says all those people that said she was washed up after Adam cank iss her...Scott says she still needs a divorce.Jr wheeling and dealing lying with someone to get Courlandt.Annie says she doesn't need a megawatt wedding Vegas wedding is fine.You and are all that is what matters she says.
Marissa is looking for Krystal can't find her cries and tells Caleb!she says she blew bar exam .
Emma says she made wishes that she would find Cinderella dress.Ryan says he'll be replace but she says it isn't the same Greenlee gave it to me.Did you make Wishes too Daddy she asks?
David grills Greenlee about NYc asks if they were all advertisers?Greenlee says you found out I saw Ryan.How did you know Frankie told me.How did he ...doesn't matter why didn't you ask me?David says why didn't you tell me.Greenlee says I wasn't going for him I didn't want to hurt you.David says so much for honesty.Greenlee says this was wake up call she has loving supportive husband here and thriving business.If that's true why are you carrying a pic of Ryan?
Greenlee accuses David of going through her dayplanner to find pic.She tells him Daddy gave it to her to attempt to manipulate her.David has risked all for her and she's grateful too grateful to go backwards she says.Please says you believe me.David says he does asks forgiveness.Says he has meeting with board!
Ryan calls Greenlee she says bad tme.He says he has crisis Emma lost Cinderella dress.She says she will get new one he tells her she wants new embroidered message.She says she will get team to re-embroider.she says park it is David hears only that freaks out!
Annie is excited about wedding as Scott says he doesn't care what she's done.Scott says he can fast track divorce through courts and they can be ready next week.He wants to know why she's rushing don't play games.She says she wants to be with him and be Mrs. Scott Chandler.
Madison drops by asks about Cinderella dress.She hands Emma present of Cinderella dress. Emma says it's not the same one mine had a special message I'm your fairy god mother love greenlee embroidered into it!
Madison says let's go look in the park
Ryan calls Greenlee she says bad tme.He says he has crisis Emma lost Cinderella dress.She says she will get new one he tells her she wants new embroidered message.She says she will get team to re-embroider.she says park it is David hears only that freaks out!
Caleb asks Marissa who wants to be alawyer anyway? Caleb says people take those tests two and three times.Marissa says it's living in that house with those poeple and her marriage.She apologises for telling acomplete stranger.He tells her she can't drive like that sit down have water.
Annie says sCott is the only thing that matters and he says he will give her
wedding of her dreams.Scott says Check on Marissa when Jr brings up business we are busy planning wedding.Scott says you don't have to give up wedding dreams to prove to me I want to give you the world!
Marissa says that Her marriage is a problem cries leaves crying Jr comes in and blames Caleb for it.Caleb says it's probably because she discovered that she is marrid to a world class jerk like his father Adam.Krystal finds her crying in the park ask what Jr did.she tells mom that she flnked. She says she tanked exam.Krystal says you probaly did better than you think.She says your marriage problems would keep someone in bed.She sys they continue to stare at ech other across room.I'm not as strong as I thought.Krystal says jr is eak aJ has you for his mother and as for that exam...before you throw yourself into studying see if Jr is worth it.again aasks yourself if Jr is worth it.Aj will always be part of your life but Jr is toxic he comes with aboat load of problems you deserve more don't let him rob you of him.she syas Krystal sunds like Caleb Cooney.she says he said don't let a Chandler ruin your life.Krystal says Jr can pull you down with him.
Jr says don't stick yourself into my family business what did a Chandler do to you.Palmer and my father made up along time ago.
Caleb:Seeing how upset your wife was proves to me that I was right instead of chasing after yor wife you pick afight with me.
Jr looks like he's going to hit Caleb.Aj says daddy stop as he comes in Where is the adult with him?Oh anni is running after rhim he got away.
Greenlee brings Emma the new dress with the embriodered message.David stares at pic goes to spy on them
Greenlee says she looks like princess Emma Cinderella in dress.Thanks Madison for taking dress to Fusion.It must be odd that you are spending time with them.
Madison asks her to back off Ryan. They both offer to take Emma to babysitter.Greenlee excepts Daisy chain form Emma tells her if she needs magic then just call
Aj was brought by a running Annie.Scott was suppose to bring him to Marissa but he's busy working.Aj asks why they were arguing.Jr says he wasn't .He explains that Caleb is family and Aj asks why there family is always yelling at each other.Jr says we have to try to get along better.
Jr says my son is right we shouldn't be at throats.You are not my ememy but my family that's why I wanted Chandler.You're probably won't be if you change your mind.Caleb says he has perfected BS from his dad.He will never sell to a Chandler I 'll see you at that family picture says Jr in parting shot.
Greenlee is ordering food and Krystal tells her to order steak extra lean for David!Krystal says David manipulates.Greenlee says he doesn't manipulate me.Krystal says she heard about the bar.
She and Amanda were thinking about former exes club.She warns about David.
David says Lavery we need to talk it's about Greenlee did you or did you not call her to meet you in the park.David says he was stooping to use Emma ,Sir Galahad using a child disgusting.Ryan tries to walk away David says he's pissing him off grabs him.Ryan says take your hand off of me!TOO FUNNY RYAN ALWAYS GRABS PEOPLE
Greenlee says she's sorry that it didn't work out for them but when did it change for you.Krystal says she doesn't really know but she figured it out.
Marissa rips papers.Scott says she thought she was at Krystal's Marissa says thye can't stay away from each other why ae you marrying Annie do you really think she''ll make you happy.So it's a competition btween you and jR.He says they had a connection before Jr.she says she doesn't want him to get hurt he says take care of yourself.Krystal thanks Caleb for helping Marissa!He says as long as she doesn't make a habit.Caleb says buisness is done between him and Erica .He says P.V are msotly not his type of people.Krystal says Jack told her about him being ahigh powered attorney,Caleb says being here convinced me I was right.She sys being around people you gt good and bad. Someone calls Krystals's for Caleb he say he gave her number as office says he sold Cortlandt!Not to JR? Caleb says not if my life depended on it.Caleb says some suit has it to worry about it.
Jr huggs Annie says he proved daddy wrong got deal done.
David shakes Ryan he holds head collapses as David asks what's wrong with head!

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