Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday July 30th ,2010

Miranda is asking Caleb's questions as he sets up home says shse loved Uncle Palmer he used to do puppet shows for her.Scott is whining about being found out about the nanotech theft as Annie plans their honeymoon in places like bali and Australia.
Marissa is upset about not passing the bar and Jr just doesn't get it.He says she doesn't have to be a lawyer.Jr says he should have put her first and helped her study.She says no one will hire her without her bar exam passing
Annie wants to talk marissa goes to leave but Annie stps her.
Jesse is over the moon about Angie's pregnancy as Jake talks about cravings and blueberry pie or lemon custard pie.He says they will get desert and come back to their apartment.Amanda show Jesse where the bottle is for Trevor shold he wake
Jesse keeps saying were having ababy.Angie says we have lots to.angelic angelica as names.Jesse says he will be all for her and the baby.He cries says it's his dream.
Binca says mom's tweet says they are having a fairytale trip.Binca says he can follow her at IAMEricaKane.He's says who named it twitter? Miranda say you know her?
Caleb says she fell off plane into my house Miranda:just like dorothy in wzard of OZ!
Caleb agrees as binca says do you wnat tosee the pictures mom posted on line.she wants to use Caleb's computer.
Binca looks at pics with miranda as caleb pretends not to look.miranda says she looks
like aprincess.Caleb asks what a tweet is .Miranda says it's like a post like atext only shorter.Caleb says she's a smart kid.I guess I like kids Caleb says under his breath.Miranda says she likes him too.
Anniewants afavour from Marissa. Marissa is shocked says you have to be kidding me.Annie says you don't understand.Annie apologises wants all to go well for scot.she says she doesn't blame how Marissa feels about her.She wants fresh start bcaause they live in same house.she wnats this for Scott.
angie tries to tell Jesse.she apologises for not telling him alone. Jesse says he's doing everything for her now.angie says she loves him.Jesse says can youimgine the kids faces.Angie wants to wait for awhile to do that.Jesse says there blessed.
mirand goes outside for her doll binca says no stables.Binca says Miranda really likes him and she's picky.Binca asks if he has aplan.Jr is ruthless she says.Calen says he can't figure out a google awiki and a twit. she asks if he's checked out Chendler website he says no as she goes there for him
Scott is worried as he comes to see Caleb just as they are looking at nanotech project.Caleb says what are you doing here?
annie begs Marissa to hear her out.Annie ssys sleeping with jr put a strain on their marriage and she's sorry for her part in that.She should have gi ven her space when she found out but she hit back hard.she sid terible things nad she is ashamed for all of it. This just came to you now? asks Marissa
Annie:your Jr's wife and i want to have alife with Scott.i truly wish you both happiness Marissa:the same happiness that I had before you slept with my husband?
Annie:yes.I know I can't take back what I did ilike to put the past in the past
Marissa:you were married to Jr's fahter when you jumoed into bed with him so excuse me if I don't feel safe with you marrying another relative
Annie:I wasn't happy then I'm happy now.i honestly want us to be afamily that's why I'm here apologising to you.
Marissa:says you are really good at this sincerety thingI defende you beore and youused me so you'll understnd why I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth.
Annie:I hope in time I'll prove that you can trust me.and maybe will be???
Marissa:don't think that's going to happen but you did save jR's life.
Annie:It's been good I have to go
Jrsays that was intense wants toknow if she's okay.she says she hs to get aj .Jr says he loves hr.
Annie sees envelope looks at it.It's her divorce papers from Adam
Caleb says that must make you the good chandler because Miranda let him in and he doesn't agree wit jR's tactics.You do dirty workcome over and apologise.binca takes Miranda away to see horse.
Scott says he is sorry that you have to deal with them.Scott says he doesn't want im as enemy. scott says jr and I are tring to work together to make it sucessful.Scott asks cAleb for peace offer of dinenr with him and Annie.
Annie stares at divorce decree as Jr comes to restuarant.
Jesse says there is nothing more important to him then Angie's health and happiness.H's been worried about hte strain she's been under.This baby is sign of better days ahead he says.He will be there untilwe are old and gray.Angie says they are blessed but it's not all good news.Jesse says he will keep david aay from her.Angie says it's not work.Jesse says it's our age we'll do all right.Jesse says they'll keep up with baby.they have raised 3 stellar human beings.she knows how much hemissed with Frankie. He's soexcited he's talking about all stages of babies life.
Angie tells him she doesn't know how to say it.
Caleb calls them a tag team. Scott says Chandler fued was toolong he wants peace.Only invite to dinner he'll be in touch.Binca says you should bring moonshine with you.He asks her about scott.Bimca says he is honest and decent.Scott wants to amke it right.Caleb says it's never just a dinner invite.
Annie says she cancelled wedding planner.Jr says he saw how upse she was claims he has business meeting she says he can't feel go away be wih wife.
Annie is beating herself up about losing Adam.Marriage no 4 to sCott will work this is the one.Jr says yes!
Annie says she thought Terry would take care ofher and it was marriage from hell.Ryna made me princess bride but wrong bride.she wanted security safety with adm but it wasn't love.annie sys at least she's now one of the Chandler's
Jr says and your marriage to Scott what do you get out of that?
Caleb says he is enjoying it to Palmer.Miranda says she talk to pictures too.she talks to mommy reese al the time.she's in france right.Mirandaun huh!want a Carrot?
as Bianca ovehears.He says the horse needs it
Binca says talking to Palmer again he could get the best and the worst out of you but you always got something!Looks like he stillc an you fight for legacy is exactly what he would wnat that too
annie says she loves csott nad he loves her despite all the bad.He throws armas aroud andhe loves her for who she is.He treats Emma with love nd gives her what hse neds .She knows she is getitng lot out of this marriage.She can give back
Jr he makes you hppy.are you happy for me.Yes says Jr.
Jr says it takes alot of guts to put yourself out there like that.Annie says maybe I'm not such a bad person after all .Annie gets call from adam
Amanda is excited about Angie.She guesses it's something about Angie.amnda says he's shutting her out tell her.Jake tels her.
Jesse says what ever it is i'll help Hayward is going down.Jesse makes her feel like the luckest person on earth.
Jesse says tell mewhat it is and we will deal with it together.she tries to tell as Trevor cries.she says a few months ago there was... as Jesse gets baby Angie loses sight.
Scott is excited about first step at Chandler.She says marrying Annie makes him good at risk management.Marissa says Annie apologised to her she says maybe she was jsut putting on show for jr.Sscott begs her to try and forgive Annie make peace.she says mayb if you and aannie leave happily after so will Jr and I.
Annie says I'm sorry Adam I'm sorry I cheated on you.I want you to be happy!she begs him to listen as he yells Jr takesthe phone and tells him that Annie did love him but her heart got trampled on to many times he defends Annie as Adam hangs up
Annie thanks him .
Jake says he hates not telling Amanda so he tels her.She's telling him she may not be able to carry baby to term .He explains that Angie was exposed to toxin.
Jesse asks her to get bottle.Angie can't.she sys she can't because she can't see!OO

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