Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday July 12,2010

Colby asks why Damon isn't smiling that she's not going. Asks why he looks guilty.Liza tells Tad to watch his son he's mad he says she's all about Colby!
Jack is angry Erica says she doesn't care about Caleb but she has obligation to prtect legacy!He demends honesty and says they won't work if she doesn't tell truth .she says she doesn't know!
Krystal tells caleb they don't stop until they get what they want.Jr is his daddy's son he tries to love Marissa but can't succeed.Jr says I don't known what we were thinking we can't be near each other to Annie!
Scott talks to marissa in her rrom.He tells her Annie is new PR .Shut up Marissa annie knows how to do PR!!
She had sex with her husband blah blah blah!
Scott says thye have to trust Jr nad Annie.Anie says the same. we have to wrok out at business.she wants to learn from Jr thae business.annie says it was easier to hate them.
Krystal ants to know what is going on Caleb says he heard things about Adam .she wants toknow why he is considering their offer.
Caleb says hewants peace and quiet.Krystal says I've seen you and Erica.Caleb says Erica is the mouse that roars.
Krystal says she shared tent with her .Calb says Erica talks like she is Queen of england!
Erica says she thought she was going to die inplane crash she was trappe Caleb carried her saved her life.He was rude and she doesn't understand him but she owes her life to Caleb it was very intenese.She was alone trapped and scared and missing home and when you found me I was happy to be going home with you.
Caleb shows up hereas Palmer's nephew it's bizarre Caleb pushes her buttons.Why do you let him get to you asks Jack.she's trying to figure that out but she wants him to go back where he belongs.she may have spent time with Caleb on mountain but she was missing Jack wanting Jack
Tad says Damon has problems but he is turning around he did laundry. He's changed.
Tad says you don't want toexcept that he's chnged!he's agood boy.He iss doing things Tad says Liza
Tad won't allow anyone to attack his kid he says.Give Damon some slack!Liza blames Damon for internship!
Colby says you should be excited i'm staying there. Damon kisses her but breaks off.
colby says a lot of people bailed lied used your differnt don't let me down. Pressure pressure pressure stupid Colby
Annie seems confident that they will get company offers kisses lemonade as Jr watches
Jr offer is ready right back says scott.Marissa comes in wants to show fort.Jr says forts are cool but violence isn't the answer.Marissa says stick to public relations no private meetings with husband
Caleb rings bell at Chndler thinks about burning mansion down.
Jr says we don't have number yet but plaeae be comfortable to Caleb
Jack wants to get married on yacht as Erica says she can't run away she has to end this now end all ties with Caleb for herself and Jack/us!
Colby goes tosee Tad no ones home she searches Damon's shirt room? She can't get in so she tries to break in.Liza says you turned down internship it's my dcison says colby i'm stayinghere with dAmon.Liza says what's wrong with you are sneaking through his pockets trying to break int his room.what's next his room you are on the verge of losing it.This is not love this is never going to last!Obsession!!!!Colby!
Tad is at lunch with Damon his hand hurts.He tells hima bout Ray! My mom was so busy taking care of me she couldn't help.I promised I wouldn't be like him but i should have used violence yeaterday!there are better ways.Livng well is best revenge.The martins addopted me that was best way to get even with Ray.they were complete opposites.He knows it's hard he knows Damon needs time but he's not going anywhere and he will be there for you.
Caleb meets Marissa knows sh's Krystal's.
Caleb calls him on dismissing his wife and child.
Jr's offer is blood says Caleb.Annie says you have wrong idea about Chandler's .Jr drops glass cuts himself Annie tries to help as Erica walks in asks waht's going on.
Erica says for someone who hates Chandler's you're here. He wants blood and now he has it sa.ys Jr who annie thinks needs stitsches.Erica ants caelb to talk to herHe is disgusted
Marissa talks to mom about jr Krystal says she saw them working close this morning.Krystal is disgusted that shse's PR.Marissa says if annie tries soemthing she'll fight back like David said!Krystal says don't listen to david he screws up his realtionships.
Annie gets hand fixed on Jr.He and Annie discuss Caleb says our family Annie feels like part of.
Erica says what's wrong with you Caleb says not your responsibility
Caleb says it's about to happena gain it's that woman says Erica.Tell me what's troubling you?
Jr made me lousy offer says caleb drop it walk away.Erica says no she dosn't do that she can't escape him we keep colliding we detest each other but something keeps happening!
Liza is talking to colby she says mom is pissing her off.Damon brings flowrs sayshe doesn't want to fight he needs to figure allout says she is only girl he wants to be with he will focus on her.
Jr says hewants to showdad.annie says you have lots to prove your there you need toprove to anyone.Annie yells at Jr in front of Marissa to make it look good says he blew deal. Marisa says she will take care of her husband and hand
Erica demands conversation Caleb says go way.then says there is no where else to go away.
Coby nad damon talka bout camping white water rafting and msic festival Damon says he's up for all with her.she apologises says she feels like she's lsoing him.She's scared her dad left,her mom is drama brother drama.shewnats to count on someone.Damon says she can count on him.
Liza says she almost had Colby convinced Damon ruined it with flowers.
Liza checks Damon's pills takes them. she took his pills!
Marissa and Jr make love.Anne thinks of Jr and her.
Jack is dining alone Jack tells Krystal they will be married on yacht and off on honeymoon.Jack says Erica is scattered!Krystal says Erica loves him.
Caleb breaks in room with Erica as ericasays she shouldn't be here alone with him she has to go!

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