Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday August 31,2010

I loved when Annie just stood up to Jr and said choosing Scott was the worst thing she'd done sleeping with him was.Jr needs Annie to stand up to him if it's too easy he'll lose interest
I'm loving the relationship between Binca Miranda and Caleb.He reminds me of a grandfather with Miranda!

And now Krystal Caleb wants her to go with him as his date because there wink wink going the same way to the same place.And there is Opal helping with the party and Amanda!And Jake has been roped in!
Angie has a back-up plan for chief of the hospital? Who?
Great Angie don't volunteer to watch a child until you get used to your blindness.Okay we get it you have other abilities!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday August 30,2010

Haha Jr says he's running nanotech project well Scott goes on honeymoon.
And Marissa aks for divorce and refuses to live at Chandler and raise AJ divorced!
Go Annie you tell that bitch Marissa she plays the goodie goodie but she went after Scott.Marissa is a liar she says she didn't.Then Marissa says she will always remember who's bed Scott has been in smuggly.Annie should have smacked her.
Annie and JR are sizzling again just being in the same room!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday August 27,2010

I almost feel sorry for the way Greenlee is treating David considering how much he loves her.Vincent is an incredible actor who really gives his all to the role.

On another note writers quit sacrificing all the other characters to prop Rylee!
Kendall's not back five minutes and she's in Greenlee's drama and now she's trying to get Ryan and Greenlee back together.Sacrificing Kendall to do so she should have her own storyline not just propping that dead horse!
Please writers No more Rylee!They detract from any good in the show and disemble storylines making All my children unwatchable! .
Madison and ryan on the other hand sizzled on the screen.That was hot!!!!Now have a Radison baby and cut Greenlee out of the picture mking Ryan truly move on!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday August 26,2010

I like this Caleb hiring Tad to be his P.I. This is getting interesting Tad hates David too!!!!
Let's see Ryan Greenlee is all about mememe

Madison puts her own concerns aside to reach and help Greenme.She even says don't go back to that man when Greenlee says she's going back to David.
Now who is the better choice?Actually though thinking about it I hope Madison doesn't go after David like she did her husband!Please writers don't go there!
I'm really liking Caleb and Krystal.She doesn't pull any punches either she called him an ornery son of a bitch!
That's the Zach we know and love who told Kendall they could move back to Pine Valley and he's be back in three weeks!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday August 25-Comments and Rants

Comments and Rants
Happy Birthday Cameron Mathison(41)(Ryan)and David Canary(72)(Adam)

Writers you disapppoint me again
Annie needs to get her self esteem back you've lost the ablility to show us the confident Annie.She should be telling Scott to take a flying leap if the situation was reversed Scott would never have married Annie,and Jr offers her nothing but bed buddies ?Tell him to get lost too take back your pride and earn your own way and Emma's .Jr should then have to earn Annie's love and trust!

Writers you think this is a good twist like your stupid twist when Ryan married Kendall really it just disppoints your viewers and makes them mad!

And Asher taking the blame for crashing Tad's car and Damon just letting him and then expecting Colby to pay for the damage?when are you going to make Damon responsible.
And Zach being controlling and keeping Kendall completely away from her friends and family that's what an abuser does not a loving husband!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday August 24,2010- Rants & Comments

Yesterday Jesse picked flowers for Angie in the park today Annie was picking some for Emma to carry.The flowers are for he enjoyment of all not just for them to pick!!!
Annie 's dress is not pretty the designer on AMc seems to favor toilet paper dresses they are ugly just my opinion .
good drama today as Jr confessed that they were with the wrong people

Tuesday August 24,2010

Updates have been discontinued!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday's AMC Rant & Comments

I wish Annie wouldn't marry Scott.She needs to step back and not marry anyone.That was sweet though that Scott invited Ryan for Emma but Emma needs her mom with someone she loves and much as she tries Annie only has hero worship for Scott.
It was also nice that Ryan has decide to be civil to Annie!
For petesake Angie get that pitbull of a lawyer Caleb to sue David for a poisoned working environment and negligent safety.

Monday August 23,2010

With thanks to she knows soaps:

Angie tries to avoid David's accusations about her going blind in the park, but she is unable to keep up the ruse. David calmly questions her and she angrily tells him about her fungal infection that has compromised her vision. Jesse returns and Angie runs into his arms telling him that David knows. Jesse protectively wonders what David wants. David expresses his sympathy and offers to put her in touch with a researcher he knows. Angie thanks him and insists she's not giving up. David notes this will be the end of her career as a doctor which makes her ordeal even more painful. He then questions if she was on duty when she had bouts of blindness and makes threats about liability regarding her and the other staff who assisted her. Jesse orders him to back off but David tells him to take care of Angie because she's going to need it. David leaves and Angie fears David will punish Jake and Frankie for supporting her. Jesse thinks it's not over until it's over and assures her she won't be standing up against David alone.
Scott goes to Ryan's, but finds Greenlee there instead. Ryan walks in wondering if he left the door open, but Scott tells him Greenlee used the spare key. Scott informs Ryan that he and Annie are getting married today and he wants Ryan's help to make sure Emma is okay with it. Ryan appreciates him looking out for his little girl and offers his congratulations and good luck. Scott leaves and Ryan asks Greenlee why she's there. She explains she came to talk about David and wants to go with him to meet with the mechanic. Fearing what David will do to her, Ryan says no.Ryan goes to a hotel room and waits for the mechanic, but Madison walks through the door instead.
David comes home and tells Greenlee about Angie. Greenlee feels bad for Angie but David reminds her she put the hospital and their investment in jeopardy. Greenlee thinks Angie can still be an administrator at the hospital, but realizes David won't let that happen. David hasn't decided yet what he will do with Angie, but Greenlee reminds him he's covered up worse and suggests he be the better man that she knows him to be. She asks him not to disappoint her, urging him to leave Angie alone. He wants to trust her faith in him, but he isn't sure he can after everything he's done to her. She hates what he's been doing to her, but she asks him to give her some hope by letting go of his vendetta against Angie. David wants her to believe in him and to love him again. If she can do that then he can be anything she wants him to be.
At the mansion, Annie asks JR to leave her alone because she is getting married that day. He reminds her she's not married yet and asks if this is really what she wants. She declares she's marrying Scott so he tells her congratulations and good luck. Once Annie has left, JR sees Marissa. He suggests they go to the cottage so they can give Scott and Annie their day and try and save their own marriage. Marissa is hesitant but eventually agrees to go with him.
Annie goes upstairs and talks with Emma about the wedding. Emma is afraid her mother will get hurt again and says she doesn't like when she's sad. Annie reassures her she's found true love this time. Scott comes in and tells them Ryan is coming to the wedding. Emma gets excited and leaves the room. Annie is grateful he made Emma so happy and Scott tells her he can't wait until they are a real family.
Annie comes down dressed for the wedding and finds Scott who tells her they should get married elsewhere because the house is filled with bad memories. He gets an idea and runs out.
Scott brings Annie to a park, which Annie thinks is beautiful and the perfect place to start their life together.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday August 20,2010

Greenlee left a message for Ryan about his trip to see the airplane mechanic. Greenlee wanted to discuss what Ryan planned to say. Greenlee amost got caught. She managed to hang up and set her phone down just as David entered the room.
Greenlee was nice to David asked how he was feeling, and he said he had a very frustrating morning. David said that he'd had a meeting scheduled with a board member, but it was cancelled at the last minute. David suspects that Angie was attempting to turn all of the board members against him.
Greenlee suggested that she call a board meeting. She could remind them that she and David had saved them from financial ruin that they had saved the hospital . David is surprised he didn't think Greenlee would go against her friend to stand up for him. Greenlee assures him that she would. David said he wants to believe her, and Greenlee asked what was stopping him. Instead of answering the question, David asked whom Greenlee had been talking to when he walked in, and why she'd hung up so fast.

Greenlee covers that she had called Kendall. Greenlee said that she'd hung up quickly because she'd gotten Kendall's voicemail and lost her nerve. David still seemed skeptical, so Greenlee handed her phone over to him, and said that David could check her calls. David believed her and handed the phone back. Greenlee explained it meant a lot when David arranged for the two of them to have a meal with Kendall. Greenlee said that she wanted to honestly try to repair her friendship with her best friend.
Greenlee thanked david for knowing how much Kendall means to her. Greenlee said she knew how much the hospital meant to David, and wants to help. Greenlee reminded David that he wanted her to trust him. She said that David needed to learn to trust as well. If he didn't, their marriage should end. David said that not being married to Greenlee was the last thing he wanted. Greenlee suggests that they go out for breakfast, and David agrees.
Angie was working on her illness again recorded info. She said that her eyesight had worsened but her baby had escaped any ill effects from the anti-fungal medication she had taken. Jesse walks into the room and overhears Angie happy over the baby's health.
Jesse asked how long Angie had been making recordings. Angie tells Jesse that the recordings had a medical purpose however now she continued making them as a way to express her feelings. Jesse apologized for not being there for her. Jesse told Angie that she could always talk to him if she needed a confidante. I love Jesse

Angie played some of her earlier recordings for Jesse. Jesse was upset that Angie had dealt with her illness on her own for so long. Angie was glad that she finally had someone to lean on. Angie asked if Jesse was going to stick by her during the pregnancy, despite the vision loss it would cause. Jesse said that he still needed to take things on a day-by-day basis, but said he would get there she was always in his heart.

Jesse asked about what was happening at the hospital. Angie said that she needed to secure Jake as her replacement before David found out about her pregnancy or the illness. Jesse suggested that Angie leave the hospital fight to him and Jake. Angie said that she needed to take charge one last time, as a legacy to the doctors that would continue working after she stepped down.

At Krystal's restaurant, Caleb helps Marissa review for the bar exam. Marissa whines about not passing the exam the first time. Caleb points out that Marissa had a lot on her mind the first time she'd taken the test. Caleb added that he wanted to get all of the prerequisites out of the way so that they could take care of business.

Marissa asked if Caleb still wanted to take back control of Cortlandt Electronics from JR. Caleb told Marissa that if they were going to work together, he had to be sure that she would keep all of their work confidential. Marissa said that there was no need to be concerned about her giving information to JR. She told Caleb that she and JR had broke up, and that they weren't living together. Caleb thought it was for the best.
Krystal showed up at Caleb and Marissa's table and wanted to know if they were hungry. Caleb said he wanted to order something but needed to make a call first. After he left the table, Krystal talked to Marissa. Krystal thought that the job with Caleb couldn't have turned up at a better time. Krystal said that the job could remind Marissa how smart and savvy she could be. Krystal also pointed out that the job gave Marissa some much-needed independence.
Marissa admitted that she missed JR, and wondered how she had become the person she saw in the mirror. Krystal said Marissa knew everything that had already happened. Krystal says Marissa needs to figure out what her next step would be.
JR calls Marissa, but has to leave a voicemail. He asked Marissa to let him know that she was okay. JR said that he wasn't sure why Marissa left, and had no idea what to tell AJ. JR tries to work.but looks at his family picture with Marissa and AJ, and decided to focus on a different task.

Annie has a nightmare that Scott left her. Marissa taunted Annie for Annie's inability to keep a husband in the dream. Annie is scared and calls out for Scott. Her screams wake both Scott and Annie from their sleep. Scott asked if Annie wanted to talk about the nightmare but Annie doesn't . Annie jumps out of bed and says that she was ready to plan the rest of their elopement. She runs into JR when she opens the door.

Annie changes her plans and decides to take a shower. She she leaves scott and jr talking. JR tells Scott that Caleb was preparing to file a motion that would void the sale of Chandler. JR felt that if the motion were granted, it wouldn't be long before Chandler would be ordered to open their books. Scott assures JR that he had covered all connections between Palmer and the nanotech project.

Scott says JR needs to focus on what was really bothering him Marissa's leaving. Scott suggested that JR call Marissa. JR said that he had, but that Marissa hadn't called him back. JR said he didn't know why Marissa left. JR noticed the guilty look that fell over Scott's face, and asked what Scott knew.

Scott denied knowing Marissa's reasons for leaving. JR suggests that Scott had used his friendship to influence Marissa's in hopes that JR might not focus on the nanotech theft. Scott said that he wished he could help JR, but JR wasn't convinced. Annie returned to the bedroom, and JR said that he would wait for Scott downstairs.

After JR exited the room, Annie said that Scott shouldn't meet with JR. We have appointments to look at houses. Annie doesn't want to constantly deal with tension from Jr and his wife. Scott remarked that he wasn't sure Marissa would move back in. Annie was incredulous at the thought that Marissa and JR wouldn't work things out. Scott said he hoped he was wrong.

Marissa stopped by the Chandler house, and found JR in the living room. Marissa said that she wanted to visit AJ, but JR told her that AJ had gone to the park for the day. Marissa started to leave, but JR quickly stopped her. JR said that they couldn't save their marriage if Marissa continued to run away. JR said that it was his turn to show the strength, love, and support Marissa showed when JR was sick and when he let her down.

Marissa flashed back to the night she slept with Scott. She started tearing up feeling guilty .Marissa tells JR that things between them couldn't be fixed so easily. JR continued to try to convince Marissa but his words only upset Marissa more. Marissa said that she couldn't talk things out with JR at that moment, and ran out of the living room. She ran into Scott in the foyer, but didn't want to talk to him either. Marissa ran out of the house, and Scott followed her again.

Scott finds Marissa at the park, and askes if she'd told JR what they'd done. Marissa said that she had kept quiet, but was still struggling. Scott swore that they could move on from their cheating, but Marissa wasn't so sure. She reminded Scott that she'd torn JR apart for cheating on her, and then did the exact same thing. Scott said that what they'd done was different because it didn't mean anything. Marissa questioned Scott's claim, as Scott continued to find reasons not to marry Annie. Scott said that he had no hesitations, and dashed off to prove he was telling the truth.

Annie showed up in the living room of the Chandler house, looking for Scott. JR told her that Scott had never showed up. JR said that it was obvious that Scott didn't care about the future of Chandler Enterprises. Annie pointed out that JR wasn't the only one concerned. She reminded JR that what happened to the company affected her and Scott as well.

Annie got lost in her thoughts, and admitted her fear out loud that she would never find true happiness. She told JR about the nightmare she'd had. Annie also told JR that she had denied herself things she'd wanted, and worked really hard to prove her worth to Scott. Annie said she was afraid that despite her efforts, Scott would wake up one day, realize Annie wasn't who he wanted, and walk away like Adam and Ryan had before Scott. JR approached Annie and wrapped her in a comforting embrace.

JR told Annie that Scott wouldn't abandon her. Annie wanted to know how JR could be so sure. JR said that he'd tried to walk away from Annie, but something about her always pulled him back. Before they could delve any further, the front door slammed and Scott called out Annie's name. Scott rushed into the living room, and Annie ran into his arms.

Annie started to tell Scott how worried she was that Scott had left her. Scott clasped Annie's face in his hands, and told her that he would never leave her. Scott added that he wanted to get married as soon as possible. He told Annie that if she wanted, he could call a judge over to the house so that they could be married right away. Annie was overwhelmed with joy. As JR glumly looked on, Annie hugged Scott tightly and elatedly pointed out that Scott had read her mind.

Scott kissed his bride-to-be again, and then said that he would call the judge. Scott realized that he was supposed to meet with JR and apologized. JR gave Scott a pass, so Scott quickly exited to get in touch with the judge. Alone again, JR asked if Annie really planned to marry Scott. Annie nodded mutely, and then said that her impending marriage meant that she and JR had to say goodbye to each other -- for good.

Annie told JR that she and Scott planned to move out of the Chandler house after the wedding. Annie started to leave so she could finish getting ready. JR stopped her when he pointed out that Annie seemed to be getting everything that she wanted. JR warmly grabbed Annie's arm and stepped in close. Annie worried what would happen next, but JR said he only wanted to offer the bride-to-be his best. JR placed a kiss on Annie's cheek that lasted a few moments longer than necessary.

Caleb returned from making his call, and found that Marissa had left. Krystal admitted that while she encouraged Marissa to leave JR, she acknowledged Marissa's right to do what she needed. Jesse and Angie walked in just then, and Krystal excused herself briefly. Krystal greeted the couple near the door and offered to find them a table. Jesse said that they were planning to place a to-go order, so Krystal decided to catch up with them first.

Angie told Krystal that she was feeling pretty good, and was thankful for the clothes Krystal had given her. Angie was sure that the clothes would help hide her pregnancy a little longer. Krystal wondered if there wasn't a loophole that would oust David from his position at the hospital. Angie and Jesse said they would be interested if Krystal found one. Krystal didn't think she could help, but thought Caleb might.

Krystal called Caleb over and introduced him to the Hubbards. Krystal gave a brief sketch of Caleb's legal background and suggested that Caleb could help. Caleb got an earful about the trouble David had caused at the hospital. Caleb asked if the David at the hospital was the same one that was accused of sabotaging Erica's plane. Once his thought was confirmed, Caleb asked if anyone in Pine Valley minded their own business.

After Angie and Jesse left, Krystal thanked Caleb for agreeing to help them out. Caleb wondered how Krystal could hate David so much when he had fathered two of her children. Krystal didn't want to talk about David, but realized she might not have a choice when Caleb told her that David had just walked into the restaurant.

Krystal approached David and Greenlee at the door and said that she couldn't seat them. David was genuinely shocked that Krystal would refuse to serve him. Krystal reminded David that as the owner, she had a right to do as she pleased. David slid into his comfortable routine of insulting people when he felt disrespected.

Caleb fell in beside Krystal and repeated Krystal's request that David leave. David stood his ground, and Greenlee jumped to David's defense. Greenlee said that she was tired of people treating David poorly, and said she wouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior any longer. Krystal said that David wasn't a victim, and Greenlee agreed. Instead, Greenlee called David a hero for all of the lives he'd saved. Greenlee said that instead of crucifying David, the people of Pine Valley should be grateful for what David had done.

Greenlee said that she didn't like the food at Krystal's and turned to walk out. David stopped her and noted that Greenlee didn't have to defend him the way she did. Greenlee said that she wasn't willing to stand there while David was attacked. Before David could ask, Greenlee told him that she meant every word she'd said.

Greenlee and David went to the Yacht Club for breakfast. David spoke freely of the first time Greenlee had defended him. It had been during a confrontation with Jack. David said that as he'd listened, he thought that he was very lucky to have a woman like Greenlee on his side. Greenlee raised her coffee and offered a toast to the two of them. They gently clinked their mugs together and took a drink.

Suddenly, Greenlee realized she was late for a Fusion meeting. She told David she would see him that evening and started to leave. David grasped Greenlee's arm and pulled her back so he could kiss her on the cheek. Greenlee then left but was thinking of he fix she is in.

On their way home, Jesse takes Angie to the park. Angie is grateful because she knew she might not be able to see the same things in a year's time. They sat down on a bench, and Jesse said that he wished he could go through the illness for her. Jesse didn't think that he would be as brave as Angie had been. Angie admitted that she was scared. Angie said that she wasn't the only person that had been given both a blessing and a curse. Angie said that all of the things she had experienced in her life and through her work had led her to believe that everything would be okay.

Jesse found some flowers that matched Angie's dress and sweetly presented them to his wife. As a thank you, Angie kissed Jesse. Jesse admitted that sometimes he felt like he was 16 again when Angie kissed him. As if dredged up from their memories, an ice cream truck like one they used to frequent stopped nearby. Jesse asked if Angie wanted some ice cream. When Angie agreed, Jesse dashed off to do as asked. Angie's vision starts to fade.

Angie dropped her flower and attempted to find it. When she heard footsteps approaching, she instinctively thought it was Jesse. She announced what she was looking for, but became alarmed when Jesse didn't respond. Angie stood up and unknowingly looked directly at David. She asked if Jesse was in front of her, and was startled when she heard David's voice. David asked Angie what was wrong with her eyes.

Krystal and Caleb go to Wildwind and hope that Marissa will meet them there. Krystal thanks Caleb again for agreeing to help Angie. Caleb downplayed it. Krystal asked why Caleb acted as though he didn't care, when he probably cared more than most people.

Greenlee stops by to see Ryan. When Ryan answer, Greenlee found the spare key under the plant in the hall. She lets herself in to the penthouse, and asks herself what she was doing. She locks door and looks around as if she belongs there.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday August 19, 2010

David leaves Greenlee sleeping in bed kisses her goodbye.she was faking as soon as he's gone she's up and running out.Frankie missed a payment on soemthing complains about yearly fine he got.Natalia is there for physical yearly she says what happened to hours now he says he working practically part time as hours are halfed.she blames David for Angie Frankie's surprised he didn't know it was David's fault she's going blind.
Ryan doesn't recognize place pretends he is kidding.says there is sofa.
David is being blackmailed heavily.The meachanic is blackmailing as Greenlee spies on David in the park making this call.
Madison is asking him about palns for Greenle she says she understands but wait a few days and get better before playing superhero
Jesse gets snuck up on as Jesse cleans by Angie .He asks how she's feeling she says she can see but morning sickness is getting to her.He offers crackers gingerale.She looks at sonofgram says isn't he or she the sweetest thing.Jesse agrees .Jesse says you're staying home today no arguement.
Angie says she all ready called in sick ,needs a frame for the sonogram. needs name for little one.How about Jesse jr? Jesse laughs
Natalia tells him it is direct result of budget cutsthat Angie lost sight she knows becasue she looked into child that had it for Angie and got all information including info from nurse present.Dad is worried sick your mom is too proud to know that this is too much Natalia says.Frankie asks if she is really asking him to tell his mom to get an abortion.she says no but hse looks like she really means yes!
Angie starts working on successor stuff Jake.Jesse calls her on that says he knows how worried she is but he has
Krystal comes says you don't look sick.Jesse asks Krystal asks her to stay look after Angie.why is Jesse so worried?Angie tells Krystal she's pregnant.
David promises regular money to keep mouth shut.David catches Greenlee following him asks her that.
Greenlee says she did follow him and it wasn't easy catching up she wanted to give him a message Blythe the hospital board member called wants to set up urgent hospital business.David says let's go meet him now!
Greenlee says she can't meet hospital board member now she's in sweats .David says she looks fine she says your husband you have to say that as she leaves she looks for David then fishes for phone David threw away that he talked to mechanic on.
Madison gives him a snuggy as Ryan makes fun of why he need orangey brown Snuggie on backwards.Madison says fix it and he hugs her and kisses her she cuts it off and says when he's all better.she goes to get his prescriptions
Natalia claims she doesn't want to pressure Angie but she's worried that Angie is being martyr and Jesse will suffer.She says maybe she's being selfish
Jesse hears says she's not selfish Angie has made decision she is at peace.Your mother and I have this just be there for her every step of the way.There is no right or wrong Angela loves this baby with every fibre of her beingevery part of her soul.Jesse wants to use medical library.We will get through this as a family Jesse says
Angie tells Krystal about coming blindness.she wants to know how Jesse is.Angie says he admitted his scared I wanted to tell him that I'm scared to but I couldn't bring myself to do so.Angie says
angie says she has been telling everyone she could handle all but she was reassuring them.when she can't see she rides it out but when she starts imagining this could happen she's scared.Krystal says you are going through blesses and curses take this hour by hour this is beyond surperwomen but it is time you let someone do for you.You want spa day mani-peddie ?Krystal says let's go shopping I'll go then she says she is going to find clothes to disguise pregnancy.
Krystal desn't want to leave before Jesse comes back but Angie inists.Angie thanks her for being there.Krystal says he will be bck son big fashion show.Angie stares a baby sonogram
Greenlee comes to Ryan with phone for mechanic.She says phone doesn't work now.Ryan says let me take look.Greenle says things have been changed there.It's werid though it used to be home now it's not.
Frankie asks Madiosn if he knows how lucky he is?he better like everything you are ding for her.she says she has lots of games for her.Madison asks after Angie says he can call talk anytime.
Natalia asks what is up with Madiosn and frankie? she thinks Krystal is back fast but it's David.
Jesse looks at medical reserch thinks of Frankie as a baby.Angie gets blurry.As David comes to door.Angie says this is not a good time.
David says you think you are so clever you think I don't know what is going on.Blythe called you are trying to turn them against me he says if you are going to go behind my back the least you can do is look me in eyes
David says she won't even look at me to Jesse who just arrives.Jesse says this is not the hospital gt out of my home.
Natalia calls Frankie on his friendship with Madison she says if Madison gets hurt wth Ryan you better not be the one she goes to.
Ryan says he's got phone working he will pretend to be David on terrace to fool mechanic as Madison comes in finds her there.Madison asks if she's there to welcome Ryan home.she says she knows how much trouble Greenlee is in but Ryan needs rest and unless you want him to get worse back off for few days.
Frankie says can't you beleive a man and woman can be friends about Dad and Jenny do you believe they were together .that was different says Natalia
Frnkie says he loves his wife
greenlee tells Madiosn she won't push him ryan comes to greenlee's defence.Madison leaves goes to office,Ryna says he got hold of mechnic who thought he was David they will meet mechnic washington hotel in delaware couple of days.Greenlee syas he'll do it he has to rest.He says she's not going alone.
David says he promised to not fire her but she went to board behind his back one screw up she's gone for good.
Jesse says her baby as angie says blindness is lasting longer.she says she shouldn't have calle blythe first she needs them to back Jake.don't tell her she can't do this.Jesse says he will help her set up meeting .He asks if she finished errrands he says he took care of something something for her .He got her a wood picture box with frame for sonogram.I love you Jesse
Frankie goes through park finds Madison upset.He wants toknow who stole her favorite handbag he says that happened to Randi. she says she wnats to hate greenlee and that Ryan insists on being her hero but she wishes he didn't have to do this for Greenlee.
Ryna says is this what Madiosn said she wnat sme to rest.Greenle says she doesn't wnat to disrupt his personal life.Ryna says he needs tostop David who has destroyed too many kives.Ryan says hayward saved your life a year ago and it should have been me this time it will be.Greenlee hugs says thanks says he has to go.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday August 18,2010

Jake meets amnda forlunch tells her angie's request should she go blind.He takes over as chief of staf.He says Angie is best.
Brot is with doctor he keeps patch on for two weeks.NATALIA COMES TO VISIT
Randi complains all phot shoots were at niht why when in italy they are at night.Randi asks Frankie to come as Madison comes to collect her things.Randi says you can't handle me making love to camera oh shoot I forgot Angie she says.so full of herself.
Angie says she has called Cab she says she can't do this she's not going to work she has sonogram for baby.She doesn't know how she thought she could do this alone she wants Jesse to come.Jesse is upset that hse wasn't go to tell him.she says mentoning this would raise issues.so you thought I wouldn't want to be there at all?Angie says first time you see baby is joyous.Jesse says your body your life I'm sorry I put you first I care about you.Jesse says we are ateam we are meant to be side by side when we see our little baby.Cancel cab I'm driving
OMG Frankie and Randi knew about sonogram but not Jesse?Randi begs him to call her if he knows anything.He promises.Randi says when you tak to mom tell her I love her she's in my prayers.
Madison asks what is going on with mom?
Natalia asks how soon Brot will he be able toget back to work she wants to report back to station how is too.He says don't she protests there he's friends he says it's his life.Natalia says she's sorry she was insensitive he says she came at bad time.doc was going to tell me complicated regiment.
Frankie tells Madiosn after saying he has no one totealk to that Angie is going blind.Amanda says they should go to beah.amnda offers pregnancy clothes maternity store yoga!amnda sas she's sorry. as angie says they are blessed and going to sonogram.Jake says he doesn't want job.Angie says she can't keep all secret .she says she needs repalcement to help hsopital.she wants approval from board.Angie says he is best man for job.Jesse says they are going to be late as Amnda says she has more in car.Amanda says you really don't want job do you after Angie and Jesse leave.He says no!
Brot must do exeerccises eye drops 3X daiy sees Randi who twisted ankle during photo shoot.Randi says she does one tiny turn falls flat she's emebarrassed.He asks aren't yuo going to ask how surgery went.she says I figured you would if you wanted to.
Frankie says Angie is going blind having baby keep secret to Madiosn.Frankie says she helped him do all little league basketball etc and now she won't be able to do tha for this child.
Jake is upset Amnda says talk don't churn.You don't know how to let Angie down tell her.Jake sys he can't not inher position.He says he's worried about letting amnda down.Angie sys her friend said she would keep soogram out of sytem.She tells him thye can be 3d 4 d.Jesse says too futurist Angie says good they are going old school.Jesse seems excited. Angie waits as they see the babies heartbeat.They are both in wonder.Jesse sees the heatbeat and Angie can see he's not as invested in this baby in her mind.
Jake says he doesn't want to take away from their family.she says I signed up to do Fusion we made it we will be fine.Angie thinks you will be perfect.Jake says they expect me to be like my Dad and the standards are hard to live up to I am nothing like my Dad.Amanda says that's not true.Dad has amazing tolerance and paperwork makes me feel like blow my brains out .I belong in field helping patients that is why I like docotr's without Borders how do I tell Angie I want no borders
Angie says you are having trouble having the happiness I have sound like your not there.Angie loses sight says she wants to continue conversation.
Madison wnats to throw a part at her new place.She hugs Frankie as Natalia walks in.
Natalia says moving out?Madison says yes thank Randi for me Frankie.Natalia wants to know where Randi is?Natalia gets call has to go.
Brot helps Randi to chair/bed for ankle.he says he's enjoying the conversation complains that everyone asks too mnay questions including Natalia.She says the pressure she understands she says they were probaly thinking today thank goodness it was foot not face.Randi introduces her to doc she skips appointment.Drives Brot home
Angie yells at Jesse that she doesn't need to sit down she says she techniquely was alone at sonogram because he is keeping everything bottled up and not sharing.He says he is not,She says she knows when he holds back we says what we feel so say itthat's how their relationship works.She wants to know if he is going to be resentment for child.Jesse says he is breaking up inside because he worried about her her future and that is going to eat at him everyday of that beautiful child's life.
Randi calls Natalia who comes to him .Brot says he is relcutantly happy to see her complains his place is messy bu thanks her for coming it menas alot that she cares.
Jake shows wheelchair athletes he says there is another choice
Angie tells Jesse none is his fault.He says he doesn't help her enough.
She sys he isn't standing on sidelines this will take time toa ccept but she jsut aasks him to be honest.He says he hates not knowing what's ahead.she says he is her rock her strength .He asks her how he can make peace with being powerless.She says they are blessed with that tiny moving blob this will be chllenge but with faith we can get through and we will sit her in a few months and pour all our love into that child.It will take all we have but I believe in us and we can do everything as long as we do it together.Angie says

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday August 17,2010

Scott breaks off his kiss with Annie at the mansion saying he needs to get back to work. Annie tells him she was scared of losing him even though nothing happened between her and JR. She was scared of losing him. She says he has integretty and is loyal ,she says he's her rock .She talks about how wonderful Scott is, but he reminds her he stole from a dead man. Annie points out Scott didn't do anything JR wouldn't have done himself. She thinks they should write their wedding vows in order to put the unpleasantness behind them and focus on the future. Scott uncomfortably agrees, but then AJ walks in with a stomach ache. Scott takes care of him as Annie adoringly looks on. She thinks this will be them soon with Emma or maybe a child of their own.
In their room, JR tells Marissa how much he misses being with her and wants to know what he can do to fix things. She tells him it's not him, it's her. She's turned into someone she doesn't recognize anymore and she needs to figure out who she is.She was physically fought with Annie at a will reading.
Scott breaks off his kiss with Annie at the mansion saying he needs to get back to work. Annie tells him she was scared of losing him even though nothing happened between her and JR. She talks about how wonderful Scott is, but he reminds her he stole from a dead man. Annie points out Scott didn't do anything JR wouldn't have done himself. She thinks they should write their wedding vows in order to put the unpleasantness behind them and focus on the future. Scott uncomfortably agrees, but then AJ walks in with a stomach ache. Scott takes care of him as Annie adoringly looks on. She thinks this will be them soon with Emma or maybe a child of their own. Marissa and JR walk in and Marissa takes over with AJ. JR marvels over how great she is with him. Annie tries to help, but Marissa gets snotty with her. Marissa then makes an excuse to leave saying she needs to refill AJ's allergy medication. Scott watches her go and then makes excuses to leave as well. Alone, Annie shares her concerns about Marissa's attitude toward her with JR. JR defends his wife knowing it will be a long time before Marissa can trust him again. Annie says she and Scott are doing well, but they could be better. She asks JR to burn the nanotech plans so he has no evidence against Scott. After Annie has left, JR stops short of throwing the nanotech plans in the fire and puts them in the safe instead.
Frankie helps Madison bring groceries into Ryan's apartment. She notes she doesn’t know when Ryan will be better, but she has to remain hopeful.
In the hallway at the Yacht Club, Ryan assures Greenlee they'll get David, but he has to get back to the hospital before anyone notices he's missing.
Madison finds Ryan climbing back in bed and is happy to find him up and around. Ryan confesses up and explains his relapse wasn't real. Madison is angry he let her think he was going to die. He explains he is trying to help Greenlee, but she is hurt he didn't let her in on it. He assures her he's only trying to get Greenlee away from David and nothing more.
Kendall races back to Greenlee and David's room to get her phone Zach follows. David sees them in the hallway asks what they're doing. Zach covers saying he wants to talk about Erica and they go inside the room. Kendall finds her phone as Zach distracts David. Kendall says they should go, but David says they should have a drink with Greenlee downstairs.
David, Zach and Kendall meet with Greenlee in the dining area. David grows more suspicious about Zach's Zach reminds him Erica's plane fell out of the sky and Spike's dad was in trouble. He warns David if he finds out he had anything to do with Erica's crash he will come back and find him.
David and Greenlee go to the hospital and he sees Marissa. He goes to talk with her as Greenlee goes to Ryan's room. Madison offers to let them talk alone, but Ryan wants her to stay. Madison assures Greenlee she won't tell anyone what's going on and Ryan suggests Greenlee get back to David. Greenlee leaves and Madison tells Ryan she wishes Greenlee wasn't so much apart of his life, but she won't ask him to change because that's who he is and it's why she wants him in her life. Madison kisses him, as Frankie walks by and sees.
David asks Marissa what's going on and if he can help. She whines on and on about how everything is falling apart and that coming to him is a symptom of everything that is wrong in her life. She walks away as Scott comes around the corner and follows. Greenlee finds David, who thinks he's lost his daughter again. She tries to cheer him up connect with a parent late she says it's different but you sill love them.He hopes both Greenlee and Marissa can forgive him one day.
Scott stalks Marissa to Krystal's. He says she's freaking out and says she can't tell JR about them sleeping together. She says she doesn't want to lie, but he reminds her they could lose both their relationships if she tells the truth. She agrees, but only for him. He hugs her as Annie walks in, asking if something is wrong.she wonders why he's there he says late business dinner he forgot totell her about. Marissa says she fought with David and then leaves. Scott hugs Annie, who looks worried.Annie feels that there is something there.
Kendall and Zach come to Wildwind spike gives tham a Pinecomb! Bianca introduces them to Caleb as her roomie but he says he's no one's roomie.
Caleb leaves the room. Bianca leaves with Spike and Kendall thanks Zach for not telling David what she and Ryan were up to. He says they should have told him he woould have wanted to help Greenlee. He's upset she lied about Ryan He's angry she she always gets caught up in the drama. She admits she was wrong, Zach's is laughing. Kendall really wants to go to the party Caleb and Binca are giving.They discuss their life on the boat she says if making their realtionship strong means sacrifices so be it.Zach suggests she stay for the party Bianca and Caleb are throwing. He'll see her after the summer when he's attended to some business. Kendall is thrilled she'll be staying and they make-out on the couch planning their reunion. she says she will come running back to him with no clothes on after the summer.Bianca says kids around easy on that.Bianca returns and Kendall tells her sister she's staying for a bit.Bianca is pleased too!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday August 16,2010

Asher saves Colby from falling.Kendall tells Zach she misses him and wants to stay with Bianca and te girls.Kendall gets mad at Ryan for getting up dressed.she says he needs to focus on getting better not safe cracking or Greenlee.
Greenlee puts on butterfly on ring finger takes off when David calls .David wants to know why she's not ready for dinner.He says he has a suprise for her.David says it's his way of showing her how much he trusts her.David asks Kendall to have dinner with them.Ryan says go do you want David to get away with bring mom's plane down?if you help maybe you can be friends together.Kendall says on one condition you stay and rest you better be here.He says he will but gets up immediately.
Scott says don't tell Annie about us.Jr says good you are both here.Jr says nothing happened.Scott says before we say something we regret lets go back to our corners.Jr says we should get everything out once and for all.
Jr says marissa thought something happened that something has gone on the whole time. Jr says pretending won't make it goaway.Jr says he doesn't blame her for jumping to that conclusion but he didn't
Annie says she didn't either all she did was for company.Marissa says she believe Jr but will talk later she has to pick up AJ.
Damon holds Colby as she told him what happened Damon thanks Asher as Colby cries hysterically.He your that guy from the park did youfollow me? asks Colby
Ryan escapes again!
David welcome Kendall. I'm the surprise asks Kendall?David says they could be partner friends again.David goes to get champagne.Kendall says she wants to help Greenlee convince David she's following back in love with him.
Ryan breaks into Hawyard suite!
Asher says it will look like he was following he was hear first enjoying view wanted to check out P.V. Asher has back back of stuff.Damon wrries about where he is staying offers him Tad's!
He says he's Asher as they all introduce.Damon thanks for saving as Asher looks long and hard at Colby.
Kendall says to truth as thye toast.David says he would never put Erica in harms way they are vicious lies.David says it's time for healing to begin put friendship back togther.Greenlee says accidents happen it was no ones fault.Kendall says she was tore up so bad and she says it would be pretty ironic if david saved friendship and comany.
Ryan is using device to get in door of hotel.
Scott stares at files.Jr looks at him angry.Annie says she is grateful he beleieves.But he cuts her off says he and Jr hae much to talk about.
Jr laughs it's priceless Mr clean,the man who can do no wrong is no more than common thief it's hillarious.Scott says bleprints fell in lap.Jr says you couldn't wait.Scott says he knw it was wrth billions.Jr says you undervalued Cortlandt Electronics if we are found out we could lose company.We are leveraed.you are not deviosu enough you've left loose ends you've put family in jeopardy.Scott says I will not grovel.Jr says one phone call you could go to prison.Scott says you will not sacrifice company to get back at me,.He says there are other ways to faceconsequences.Annie is looking at dress.Emma asks if she is nervous becasue you have tostand in front of people.Annie says no.Emma says you get married alot.Annie says we will be so so happy becasue we love each other as Aj bursts in.annie asks what I can say to make you feel better.Marissa says you think it's that easy.Kendall says she has to go enjy yourself get desert.Kendall says thank you maybe something good will come out of it .she goes to suite.Yells at Ryan says he lost mind.Ryan says she didn't think he meant it.Jake had texted her. Greenlee says it was probably about kids David says he has to make phone call.Ryan puts in Greens birthday no dice wedding day works.
ZAch shows up finds Ryan there with Kendall she says how long before David finds you are working with david.
Zach asks what there up to.Greenlee syas obviously Kendall is trying to work with Zach just like they are .she doesn't want to talk about Kendall anymore which way to chocolate cake.
Colby finds Asher shirtless at Damon's .Asks where damon is (I heard David though weird!)Colby offers money for hotel.He says you don't have to pay him for saving her.
Colby says money is not big deal.chandler's are loaded says Colby.Never heard of them says Asher
Annie says Jr loves you to marissa.
Jr says Annie thinks the sun sets with you.Scott says so your making pints with annie Jr says no!I'm taking the high road for my family.I can't give them the time they need well cleaning up your mess so I'm taking charge like it was alaways meant to be.
Scott drinks Marissa coems down.she says she doesn't know how long she can keep secret as Annie comes in.He tells her jr told him how she pleaded her case.Annie says remember how we vowed to be complete honest she says she can't wait to marry him.she would never risk losing what they have.
Jr invites annie in .He has gift for her he got while ago he says all wrapped.It's a briefcase for work with Caleb he says he wants to support her and earn trust.She says damn you jr.
Scott says what you did going to bat with jr ,He's sorry for doubting won't do it agian.She says she will not do it again either.doubt him!
Marissa says you can't make everything better with gists money it's not that simple
Greenlee smiles says seeing kendall amde her happy.David says where is waiter.She says she deosn't get how she can feel so angry but so hopeful.David says he has felt same way he can make her happy he knows he can.Greenlee says she is going to ladies well thye wait for waiter.
Zach is told what david did.Kendall tells him that Ryan faked relapse.We have to get out of her but I'll explain.Ryan says thanks.Kendall says she is doing this for Greenlee don't blame Ryan.Zach says he understands.Plenty of blame to go around he says.
Colby says to damon that hanging over 20 storey ledge makes you grateful.Asher was camping out.Damon says he doesn't mind helping aher he did the ame for him.Asher put something in back pack?oh a wad of money?
Jr says he wanted to show Marisa he was listening he wasn't trying to buy her.Marissa sks what he want her tosay.he says say you still belive in us say that you'll move in with aj and I.
Marissa says it will never be the htree of us.Scott tells Annie he isn't perfect and he's sorry.Greenlee finds Ryan in hallway gives hell.she tells him to stop worry her.
Zach asks her if she hears herself .Is the life we have now good have you ever been happier.Here you ae agian risking everything.
Greenlee tells Ryan he is risking health and safety.Ryan ells her he broke in room she says you could have asked for key.did you find anything?no.
Zach says Ryan is fine he's gained a few pounds.Back her five minutes and they have you in the drama.Kendall says she let phone at Greenlee's if David finds Greenlee is in trouble.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday August 13,2010

Tad is happy Damon is staying and has food with him at yacht.He has new tutor lined up.Damon says youthought we'd sepend all time staringat each other.Tad says GEd is important.Damon says with all that went down his head isn't in books.Tad says youare back on meds?Damon says he is taking break from meds.
Colby is spied on by Asher.
Annie says she found out jr was holding nanotech inforamtion.she was taking care fo things that could torpedo our future.Scott says did you and Jr work all out? Scott asks what hse did to make him back off.
Marissa is at krystal's who shuts place down to listen rystal says j.r was here.Marissa says Annie had her hands all over him.she asks if they were inbed.Marissa says it was the way they were looking at each other she took off.Krystal says all will be fine.marissa says no it isn't she tells Krystal she told Scott and slept with him. You and scott?Not as if I planned it she says!Jr heard I think as he came in
Tad says no meds bad idea it was hlping.Damon says i'm back on track.Tad says he is worried not ajoke not funny.Tad says meds and therapy togther worked.Damon says he was bouncing off walls because life sucked now it doesn't.Asher Pike is stalking Colby in park.Claims he's looking for dog.he says he is trying tohelp little girl crying.colby calls him on little girl.He claims girl in bikini!
Annie says she told Jr it was her idea .she got through to him.Crisis is over he doesn't want to jeopardize company it will sty between 3 of us.annie says all is okay we can focus on elopement as Scott treats coldly.So Marissa saw us why didn't she just come in.Scott says you're telling me nothing happened.No and damn you for even thinking that.
Krystal tells off Jr with out telling.Marissa says leave us togher Krystal:I'll leave you two alone call cell if you need me.Jr wants toknow why she didn't come to beach cottage.Marissa is sarcstic says he is talking bull he was thinking of Annie
Calbe wants to hire Marissa to cater meetings .He wants to nail Jr and scott for buying cortlandt illegally .He leaves food to her drinks.She says you will have to spruce up she says
Tad says I support you but I don't think this is in your best interests.Damon says look at it my way. Waht colby and I have is real thing.Without meds I recognized it.TAd says you can't thnk youove her becasue no meds.
Damon says it will effect his relationship.You don't understand becasue youa ren't tin loveDamon wants toset Tad up on computer dates.These days nobody things it is okay to search the web for anything.Damon says he wants tad to be happy.Tad says hewants the same for you son.
Asher is with colby she says if she finds dog she'll give credit with girl.Colby says food is for her boyriend she'll watch for dog
annie says she made pledge no more lying no sleeping around Marissa created this senario.You were touching his face.annie says if shet feeling sorry for herself.He says marissa did desrve this.The intensity was for you me trying to convince Jr to cover your crime was protecting you our family.how can youmarry me if you can't even trust me.
Jr says you were the noise outside.Jr says nothing happeened Ilove you.Marissa says maybe you beleived that but this is gratitude not love.The woman you are lost without is not me but Annie!
Krystal is shaving Caleb and trimming his hair.shewants jr to get alesson she says.
Scott wants afew minutes.annie says nothing happened you either beleive me or you don't.This has nothing to do with Marissa.i thought we had something specail.Yuo are the only one who doesn't think the worst of me.scott says he was sorry I was wrong.you weres os wrong Ibeleived in us when you couldn't I want there for you.
Jr says you saw wrong Scott .i found things about him I'm going tohave totake action when I stand at the top of Chendler alone with you at my side.Marissa sys maye if youknew...how messed up everything was.Marissa says what if I'm the one who made huge mistake?
colby sys she's going bck to school wnts to get double mjor in fshion design nd picnic planning.They can't her for leaf blower though they say Ilove you!
Krystal ssys yu have tolook well to run Courtlandt she mentions Babe .Say tornado killed her daughter little Aj was buried under Mom.To save Aj we had to move beam Babe insisted.Krystal says not being anything as firece as mom she agave up life tosave little boy.shows pic ofBabe.Thinks about her everyday!
she thinks only of good timesbetter person than me.
Marissa says you have image of me aas and angel here to save you but it's time to move on.Scott calls says get over her what happeend at cottage.Marissa says leave mea lone takes off.Tad looks stunned.Jr cries that he didn't so anything.Jr says hewas at beach cottage with annie we both agreed to do right thing.how do you fix it if she won't lsten.Tad says all she does is listen.you have to do more.annie walks in
tad ssys annieand Jr says they are walking disaster they're are kids invlved they are effected by actions think about them stop fooling around and get it right.
Caleb says she's been through alot.so has he she saysT.his is for you Uncle pete says caleb as she gets hair cut.
colby takes him up where thye cansee netire city.she says dad says he could see Chandler enetrprise.He yells that he is in love with Colby Chandler like the king of te world pose.she says she elft sweater in car he goes to get it says it's boyfriend one oh one railing is lose she's leaning on.
Annie says she doesn't need Tad leacturing her when she did nothing wrong.Annie says marissa told scott this is so hard she says Jr says the four of us need to have this out.
Scott says annie left me a voice mail saying she was ta cottage.Scott say she beleives her.Marissa wants to tell what they did and she doesn't believe Annie.
Caleb is all spiffed up in siut hair trimmed.
Tad asks Opla if you ever stop worry aout your kids she says they are still fully grown and they still give you gray hair.
Tad says he will give Damon tim.Opla says as long as computer dating is liza that' s good,Opla ssys don' stop talking and Damon will come around about meds.Opla ssys damon is truning into fine young amn.
Colby says she loves Damon Miller leans on faulty railing.Asher Pike saves her stalker.
Scott says Annie told the truth she loves me and trust I want to be the guy that comes through for her do this for me do not tell Annie and Jr about us Scott says as Annie and Jr come in.Annie looks shocked did she hear?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday August 12,2010

Madison is worried sick about Ryan.she tells Bianca who comforts that Reese called .Offers to call her back binca says no.Jesse goes to work with Angie she wants him to leave befrore Dave finds out.
Dave gives Liza evidence that could put Greenlee away for life.Greenlee watches over Ryan.Kendall asks Jake how he got here .she asks if greenlee did all they says she did.she says she tried to get her to talk.She says she not so subtle pointed out silence could kill Ryan.Greenlee says she hates lying to him is it her fault he's here.You were right what is going on between me an David is really bad!

Angie says she knows it is difficult to Jesse who's dressed in afine suit.Jesse says sacrifice is huge.Angie says she will leve life have healthy baby.Jesse says he will help.angie says don't look over shoulder or you will undermine me.and confidence.Frankie asks if all is all right.Angie says if I need help Frank is her Jake is her.Go back to routine get job back from Blanco!Ilove you's were set.Jesse says watch her .Frankie says he doesn't want to get strangled with sthscope.Frankie researched but even herbal not vaible for Angie during pregnanc.
Randi says time apart is good for them.Madison says you should stay home for abit Frankie really missed you more than he let on.
Bianca says to Reese that she's not ready?
Liza says so you are holding this over Greenlee this over her.Liza says as friend Advice don't let Greenlee find out.Oops she all ready knows?asks Liza
Kendall cares about Ryan and Greenlee despite what went down says Jake that's cool.Kendall says they are like some whacked out arranged a marriage.
Greenlee says that she thinks if she hadn't arrived David would have let him die.she asked for seperation she thought he was ok with it he invited her to dinner pulled out her chair gae her wine then blackmailed her saying if she left she was going to prison. she admits to Ryan
she says she trusteddave beleived he wouldn't hurt.She says she shouldn't be doing this you need positive healing not this Ryan grabs her hand when she tries to leave.
Natalia says why won't she take meds you desrve choice too.Natlaia sounds mad.
Jesse says he is worried about her hurt.Natalia says angie did all for her mom until the eend.
Jesse talks to Blanco begs for job back.
Kendall walks into Fusion says excuse me who's in charge around here?hugs Binks!
Kendall asks if Binky is okay she says she missed sis alott.what are you doing here.Kendall says he'll becoming outof it soon.all crazy stuff that heppeend.
Kendall says spike is fluent in spanish!Ian lovestrain.Zach is great says Kendall got all his hockey by satelite.
Binks says she and girls are living with cAelb.How's Reeese wil she come soon.Binky says no .Marriage is in trouble she's the reason she's been so stressed
Liza says look what happened to me tad and Colby hate me Greenlee will hate you.Dave says she'll come around.Liza says you aren't seeing clearly.David says I am she'll come around
Angi wants tosee rYan Jake stops her. Greenlee is in with him. Jake says Angie asks what is going on.Ryna is fine.Jake says she looks tried .she says she is sick morn noon night.And vison is going in and out.Frank asks the same she says tell your father I'm fine.Jake says take her home get rest.
Greenlee asks how Ryan is he says he's fine he heard everything.She's happy he's better he says he has to help her she realizes Ryan was faking.David told her that he send her to prsion he manufactured evidence that she took down Erica's plane she says
Binky says her and Reese are on the outs!she asks how Zach and Kendalla re .Kendall says Zach didn't like her coming there.
Liza says Dave crossed the line no going back .Dave says he brought hr back to life .David you can't buid maraige on gratiude
Jesse says he made mistake won't happen again. issue won't come again blnco says if you reform behavior I'll let you know.
Ntalia says she's proud of him.Best reason in the world.
Frankie promises gormet lunch!Anie says she's not hungry.Jesse is worried but I'm not she says I have fa ith,It can't take you further than we think possible.Yuo're always right there mom now is my tur i have alovely husband beautifun.go back to your own life spend time with rand.tha's what angie wants.I'm coming back Ihave persittence from you he says.Ilove you love you too says Frankie
Angie then she says she's hungry.gets ladder to climb in cupboard loses sight
Randi is exited about her stuff Frankie interrupts says my stuff isn't inmportant?Frnakie tells her about Angie.Jesse coems asks who's with Angie gets mad.
angi says from now on i'll keep crackers in fridge we are both in darkhw about we make eal .she gest down from ladder were good she says.together we can do anything.she says you will help me apprecaite even more what l have children a wonderful husband a wondeful career and you!You are so lucky!
binca sastis woman probably tried to kill or mom.Kendall says Greenlee wouldn't do this it's david's speed.
Greenlee is very unhappy says Kendall
Jake says Greenlee is with Ryan and keeps Madison out.Madison is unhappy goes away.Greenle says my husband has all to convict me.After everything I've done why would you help me.Jake fakes this is miracle.Greenlee says you played me both of youthank-you but if you do it again watch out for your dogs playing poker.Ryan says to take you've helped enough I don't want Dave to hurt you again.
Jeseasks if angie is okay .she says she got hungry and she tried to climb ladder went Blind for moment.she says she took breath said she could handle this and did,
Liza says she kind of admires dave becasue he loves someone so fierc.David says Greenlee will realize she belongs with me.greenlee says my mess I got myself in i willg t myself out.Kendall is socked Ryan got gods on greenlee.Zach calls She says Ryan is better she says she needs few more days.Ryans says Greenlee shouldn't have let her on motorcycle should have saved her that night.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday August 11, 2010

Kendall goes into Ryan pass the protesting nurse.She cries all over him that he has to get better.she says she came as soon as she could she sasys spke needs his dad.You're okay this is good the nurses made it seem like you were at deaths door.You're faking? why are you doing this?He says he's doing this for Greenlee.David tells Greenlee Ryan could have another bleed as she panics
Krystal yells at caleb for using her daughter for revenge Scott is shocked and Marissa says she didn't want to tell him.Marissa says they weren't togther but she could feel the heat.she says she couldn't move couldn't speak.Who needs words she says
Annie thanks Jr. He says Scott made his bed he'll have to lie in it Annie begs him not to haram scott says it's the right thing.H agrees for her .
Kendall says Greenlee hates her what can she do?she says this way to involved in other people's stuff that's exactly waht Zach doesn't want.Jake and Ryan have secret knock.
Kendall says Greenlee is not wimp she can handle this.Ryan says she can't.
David says he will make sure Ryan is okay.He says if anything happened to Ryan she wouldn't forgive him.He says if you want to see ryan don't lie tell me she says she's .
Jr says company is on house of cards but all he can think about its throwing her on the bed.He found journal becasue he trashed palce.Annie says she's getting amrried she's happy she's putting Scott first.Jr says if he wanted to he could drive Scott right out of her life.What do I tell Scott tell him he's a lucky man.
Marissa is freaking out says she's going back.Scott says why bother?Marissa says it almost killed her to see Annie with her hands on his face .He was looking at her like shewas the last person on earth he'snevver looked at me like that says Marissa!
Scott takes Marissa in his arms.
Caleb says he needs Marissa to start his legal carreer again .He can help hr pass the bar.Krystal says she wowes Marissa.Caleb says how.Krystal says she had twins couldn't feed both so she gave her for money to family that wanted and needed a baby.Caleb says that's rough .Krystal for MarissaCaleb says for both.
Scott says I really thought we had something.Yuo didn't hurt me you just told me the truth.Marissa:says how did she get here rustingher lovingher?
Scott:says he was alone for solong we had instant connection understanding kind of like you.
Marissa says thank god were not alike.
Scott: I guess I thought I was Annie's answer the guy who looked beyond everything and save her.Wish we could go back before Annie?
Marissa; if it wasn't for aj she'd says yes
Kendall would like Greenlee back she loves her.Ryanyou ar love of her life.
Ryan says youare best friend she'll remember that Kendall says you stilla re doing all to save her.
Jake coughs to alert Ryan Greenlee is here
Caleb says if Marissa spent less time focusing on Jr and focusing on her law exams she'd succeed.
Jr deamnds specs of nanotech prioject.Caleb says junior party is over.
annie comes home
Marissa says she moved back home to get her husband back she is stupid.Scott says he loves that about her.Marissa cries that she isn't good enough.Scott says you deserve someone who will put you firt.Scott kissess Marissa.They make out.
Jake tels Greenlee Ryan is very serious.Jake says he shouldn't have left hospital.
Greenlee wants tosee him.Jake says someone was in there.Hey Greenlee says Kendall.
Jr demands to know what Krystal
said she says she saw JR and Annie together she knows the pull there.She says Jr keeps disppointing her over and over agian.He says he figured out things that will help him and Marissa
Caleb asks to buy JR a drink.
Annie checks on emma she's worried about Ryan.Runs to hospital
David tries to barge in Ryan's room.Kendall makes coffee.Greenlee asks when she got here.
Kendall says they were docked in NY.Kendall says Ryan was in and out .she says she talked about Spike and he opened his eyes but he got upset when she mentioned Greenlee's name Jake had to rush in and give meds.
Jake says he is Ryan's attending and he doesn't want him upsetting Ryan .You will be slapped with lawsuit buried for years
Kendall thanks her for dropping lawsuit.Greenlee syas thank RYan.Kendall says she's glad.Greenlee says I'm surprised your talking to me with miranda scandal etc.Kendall says not to gt in there.
Kendall says Ryan leaving must have been pretty important to get him to leave,
annie barges in fraks out says oh my god says she has things to say to him incase~~
Caleb says he is ther to make things right.Inside inforamtion corproate espionae who needs luck says caleb to Jr.Caleb says your family is falling apart.Scotty is ready to collapse all unravelling .five minutes with your wife iknew that.
He says he won't hurt Marissa or use heer.
Marissa puts on her clothes and so deoes csott.Scott says he wasn't trying to take advantage.Marissa says tis wasn't the way to handle this but thy have something.she packs says she's leaving JR!
annie says no matter what she will take care of Emma Scott rruly lovs me scott excepts me and I truly love him.Annie tlls Ryna she won't act on her feelings for Jr she was just at the beach housea and it didn't.After she leaves ryan rolls eyes
Marissa cries in mom's arms as cott hears message from annie and relaizes what he did!
Jr finds smashed pic of the two of them
Kendal says if you and Ryan are going through something maybe you caould put his mind at ease if he wakes up.
Your back says Annie.Kendall says hello annie.Annie says if ryan wakes up tell him emma is with me.
Greenlee goes in to see Ryan
Kendall calls dAvid a bastard says that yo sabotoged mom almost killed her.Says he's consiuous is clear.she says you sure about that?
Greenlee goes into Ryan says tell me what to do whatever you need it's yours she says!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday August 10,2010-No AMC shown


No AMC today
Kendall's has gone away
And Brenda’s come to play
I don’t know the reason why
I just sit down and cry

How could they know what this message means
The end of my hopes the end of all my dreams
How could we know the stories that they tell
How could they postpone our shows reining princess queen

No show today
And Brenda’s come to play
I don’t know the reason why
I just sit down and cry

But all that’s left is empty black screen
A empty picture where AMC has been
Becomes a shrine when I think I’m lonely
For my fix of my Pine Valley pals only

No AMC today it wasn‘t always so ,
The people were such fun,
We’d watch them in their run
We felt the pull of the show

But all that’s left is a place dark and lonely
A blank screen on my television set
All that’s left is a place dark and lonely
As I wait for her reign to end
But to the CEO’s the message I send
This is no way to treat your fans
If you don’t want your Soaps to end

With thanks to Graham Gouldman for his song No milk today made famous by Herman’s Hermit’s

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday August 9,2010

David has lunch with Greenlee says she awfully quiet.Asks her to go tolake she says no.He wants to spend time with her ask her tosee Sunset with him at yacht club she says no!He says all she thinks about is Ryan.Jake sys test look good.Ryna begs to go home.Jake asks how memory .Ryna says joking okay Steve.
Scott asks Marissa if she is thinking about leaving she says she thought there lve was worth it but she's wondering if all for nothing.Jr says Specs from Courtlandt prove that it's fraud like Scott!

Greenlee tells david she does sit around thinking bout ryan you heard me tll him off.David says I think I put you in a difficult situation. you heard me I'm worried about ryan he's inserious cnition I need him toget better.Were are you going.work says Greenlee.
Scott stole this when he lorded over his superiority? Scott stole this we could lose everything becasue we mortgaged half the company.we could lose everything like plamer always wanted.Annie says it's my fault.Marissa whine s that Jr is really in this scott says he invited her to aromantic weekend he's tryin he says she's tougher than she thinks .Marissa says she wants this to work that's why it hurts I want it to work. Ryan is win hospital bored as Greenlee checks medical charts gets caught.Nurse says she can see for herself as he eats lunch.Ryan says she's there to get his help to get awy from Ryan and he's doing much better. David calls fsuion doesn't get her .Says no messages.Calls a pi says he has job.
Ryan is told that he has a huge ego he thinks it was yesterday but it was two days ago.Leave it alone.
Ryan says he will find out what's going on.Ryan you're going to hurt yourself.Greenlee tells Jake Ryan is forgetting things don't let him out unitl he's better she says
Jr got better and there was a future.Thanks to Annie who gav bone marrow and slept with him.
Scott says you would od anything to be with them.Marissa sks if it is worth it.He says he is not unaware that therr was aconnection but it's nothing compared to what they have Scannie and Jarissa.Go be with your husband before the sun sets he says.she thanks hugs him.
Jr says you stole it. Annie says she convinced Scott to go alon with it who does it sound like me or Scott.Jr says he will call sCott and he will confess in 30seconds.annie says she is protecting company.Jr says he will protect Scott to save company but tell real story Annie says Scott was working with Palmer and he took it.You wanted A Chandler with major power so you convinced him.Annie:Damn it Jr you always make it about us!
Greenlee goes home David is there.David says he was trying toget work there he asks if she got work done at fsuionshe asks how he is.Hwants toknow if anything is going on with ryan.she says she said she would lie to him again.Did he offer to help you ?asks David.
Jake sys you may be able to leave tomorrow.Ryna sends Madison to Emma she says she will tell her daddy is coming home tomorrow.Jake wants toknow what's up.Jake sys greenlee is upset becasue of you.If she thinks I'm knocking on deahts door she'll open up.
Scott hears from someone about nanotech
Jr says he is mad about what they do.she says he would have taken big risks too.We can work togehter keep lid on it.Jr says he can't lose company .she sys she knows it like family to him.We can have courtlandt Chandler we have to work as a team she says her hands on his face can't do this without you.Marissa sees thinks there sleeping together again. Takes off Jr hears something shase after the noise.
Jake sys he doesn't want to fake Ryan's setback.Jake ssys you want to pretend so you can get Greenlee some hel.You need to let her work through this. that's the adult thing to do.Jake is worried about David but says he will change tests results and Davids spies will get info right awy.i'm risking my licence we've all ready started.
Greenle says Ryan tried to leave hospital she told him to back off .He senses that somthing is going on. he bought it?David asks of course.David says he wants to trust her agin as Greenlee e laughs . she says she would go to Ryan last.David says you are afraid of what I would do to him.
Jake hooks up Ryan says this will look more scary.Ryan sleps orders trests says no visiting unless cleared by jake.No more vistors docs orders says nurse.
David says that is the truth you won't go to Ryna becasue of what i can do to him.david says he could never hurt Ryan becasue than he would lsoe her heart forever this is not easy for him.Seeing fear distrust and hatred in her face.she says you have choice let this go.He says no he doesn't wnat tolose her.He has never loved anyone like her.think hard how she use to love him beforet he twon chipped away at waht they had we saved each others lives.He oes to sleep hoping to burn vidence that their love will triumpth .Do you honest;ly beleive day will come.David says yes I have grabbed pushed people away to get what he wants but he was different with ehr when she loved him he was the man he wants to be.
Annie calls scott Tells Jr that he knows about nano project he's at beach house .He tells her to not leave anymore messages to keep secret.He says he will destroy
all evidence he is mad but he wouldn't hurt Annie and go after scott.
Marissa comes in storms past Scott slams pic of Jr and her acks all stuff.
Scott asks what is going on she says leave me alone. Marissa is a whiny boring character !Blech!!!I just don't care that she is crying!
she need time to think and she say.They desrve so much better we both do she says .They were there at the cottage Jr and annie were there togeher.
annie says they handle this well maybe they could be friends real firends.Jr says friends and shakes her hand we want the same things family.Thanks for looking apst this .
David apologises for being mushy.Greenlee says you wre hinest it's resfreshing,David says he is so inlove he can't do so without a fight.David gets call that ryn is worse tells Greenlee
Jake tells Madison Ryna has had setback as she worries sick but Kendall barges in as nurse says you can't go in there.Kendall says you have to be okay.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday August 6, 2010

Damon doesn't let Colby call the cops on Liza says he was okay not taking pills.She asks if not taking the pills was the only reason he told her he loved her NYC?
Liza still chasing after Tad comes o his house runs into Krystal.Krystal says tad isn't home and lizasays it's probably good anyway she doesn't know what she'd say then stumbles.Krystal says et's go in and take a look at ankle.Faker!!!!
Tad says Angie is powerhouse. Jesse says how can I sit back and do anything.22 yearsago he left Angela with a baby to fend for herself he can't do that again.
Angie answers dodor to Jake. Angie tells him Jesse is upset he wants her to have abortion.Jake says he doesn't blame Jesse.Angie says she needs Jake to support her in her choice.She knows what they are both saying but she can't handle fighting with Jesse the whole time.
Annie says to Jr that he can't say things like he can't bare t see her walk down the aisle with another man. JR says fine he doesn't want to argue.She says what do you want form me JR.Jr says he wants tension to go awy between us.He really he means attraction Annie walks away when he tries to kiss.Annie says love for Plamer keeps her strong.Jr says he needs to use beach house from Plamer to save family. Calls Marissa says he has surprise.
Colby looks angry.Damon says you think i don't love you now? flakes it off.Damon says not having drugs would never make him not mean wha he said she means more than anyone he ever met in his entire life.Damon says he can use focus tricks to helpSays he is totally in lov with her as his phone buzzes.
Tad is really worried abou him he says he never had that before he says.
Colby says come on. Jesse says how can he except her giving up her drream of docoring.Jesse is worried she's doing what she always does putting someone else first.Jake says no wonder Jesse cares about you of course he puts you first.
Angie says memeories are etched in her brain mentions backwards hat in high school of Jesse's in high school.She remembers bright yellow daffodils a their first wedding.She remembers frankie's eyes so like Jesse the same man she'd fell in love with so long ago.All those wonderful memories she will never stop seeing them.
For the rest of her life.
Jesse says you think your smoth getting me to talk about angela so you can forget about your son.Your sister Jenny and I were the same age when we took off to NYC. Jesse says.Tad says he hadn't thought about that in a long time.We came back Damon will too.Tad says he found them in NYc but things went south becasue liza came along.Because of the whole kising thing? no becasue of what Liza did to Damon and the rest of the world it's messed up.Jesse figures out that Tad is done with Liza even though Tad dosn't tell Jesse what she did.TAd says yes and as a bonus prize it looks like Damon's done with me.
Jesse says it'sreally tough letting akid do what they eed to do and hoping it will turn out all right. Jesse says
Tad says it's no harder than you and Angie.
Angie says she know she promised that she was done with asking favours but if she loses he sight again at work she stil doesn't wnat David t know and not before she can choose her replacement.She says this is reality she doesn't want David to hire yes man to run hospital.she wants Jake to be replacement .He says it's not happening he doesn't want to hear it David would allow it.Angie says she'll work on board of trusties she'll get lla to back and they will make him her replacement.
Natlaia nd Frankie caome inJake leavs.Jake asys he has toget back to hospital.
Angie says thanks for coming .Frankie says natlai brought ice cream becasue all news is better with ice cream. It's not dad is they both ask. Angie says he's going toget another job as a new daddy. Natalia and rankie are shocked.
Marissa lets' goawy jsut the two of us he says Marissa says yes .Jr s headed up to cottage to give her tme to pack.He says he wants it to be like before she says yes she does too.This will be great new begginnings for everyone.
Tad lloks for Krystal finds Liza.He says she's not supose to behere. Liza says she found Damon.He asks if he is all right?he's doing fine especaily after I gave him his meds.That was mighty big of you Tad says saracastically.He's in Ohio and I almost convinced him to come back.Liza do us a bif favour and leave Damon aloneleave all of us alone.Liza says she's sorry Tad says go!
Krystal says she told all to her and she seemd really ssorry.Tad ssys only becasue she got caught. iknow you are angry right now but Iknow you will find a way to forgive her.Tad says he doesn't know if he can forgive himself.Waht did you do?asks Krystal Damon made it perfectly obvious he was comfortable with father son thing and he kept pushing and pushing and he couldn't even see what was under his nose. that guess it makes damon's disappearance as much his fault as Liza's.
Damon show up at door.Krystal says she has to go to restaurant .damon says he lsot his key you got a spare one you can give me?
Jesse comes in.Angie is glad he's home.Jesse brought ome ice cream too.Ther's the proud papa says Natalia.you couldn't wait ntilwe could tell them together ?asks Jesse
You are right I should have says Angie I'm sorry.Frankie says you think you can remeebr how o change diapers old man congratualations.You didn't tell them everything .I want to give them the good news time to sink in forst.youcan't seperate it baby.Frankie says what is dad talking about?Natlai asks if all is okay?
Scott says nanotech profits are through the roof.Annie says she is so proud of him.Scott is still worried.He says what is done is done there is no going back.Annie says Cortland is yours now it's ll yours.Scott says yes even if I did steal it.
He is feeling really guilty.
annie says he is futre they are getting amrried stay focused and they will suceed lets' do that now.
Krystal says sitter says AJ is having good time.Marissa asks if AJ can stay with her fo weekend.Krystal says she doesn't have vote but she doens't likeit.Marissa says she is going to strt working for Caleb.Krystal says i didn't think he would stoop that low to use you toget back a JR. Marissa sys that is n't true maybe he thought I had a brain and didn't jst see me as wife and mother and the hours are flexible s when Jr have ababy.Your pregnant? asks Krystal not yet says Marissa.were talking.when did you decide his you din't jr is pressuring you says Krystal
Marissa sys I didn't say that.Krystal says don't do that.
Jr brings in flowers supplies to beach cottage thinks of Annie the hotel.kicks over stuff papers with writing for cortlandt electronics it says Nano technology falls over out of magazine.
Tad says you didn't lose your key it's here shows drawer.Damon says he knows how to break in anyway.Tad laughs says he's sure.Tad sys he's happy he's back.Colby and I have put off road trip for little while.Damon says Tad says becasue of liza she came by and told me she saw you and manage to track you down.Damon says she told me you worried and stuff I'm sorry to pu you through that says damon. All right don't start none was your fault.Damon says I could have handles it better told you all when it happened. not going tolie would have been nice.If I hadn't been tryin to be the perfect Dad I would have seen what was going on.damon says no one is perfect but when it comes to being Dad you don't suck.
Colby comes home to her room and Liza is crying there and she says just because I did does mean I want anything to do with you the only reason Icame back was for Damon so he could see Tad .iza says that's really good.Do not act like you care or you wouldn't have switched Damon's meds yes he told me all about it.
Colby imade mistake and will never forgive myself for it.i want to make oit up to you.There is one hting you can do.Name it says Liza colby:leave Pine Valley and never come back.
Natlaia ask if Angie is ok.Frankie says does this mean? Angie says yes I'll probably go blind.Natalia:would you consider?angie no your father does agree with my decision either.Jesse says how could I possibly?you could be happy Angie sys.Happy to msee my wife lose her eyesight.Frankie says there has to be treatment out there. Angie says noFrankie wants to know when she came off meds.as soon as she found out she was pregnant.Jesse says her vision has all ready gotten worse.
Frankie says we will get through this all of us together.
Marissa says to krystal please don't tell me that yousut ordered me not to have a baby with my husband?Krystal:Can't protect you forever but god help me I can't let you do this I don't want to say this Marissa:then don't
Krystal:I have to.I've seem Jr with Annie there's something between them Marissa:it's over Krystal:You can't bring a baby into this.Marrissa you don't have a
say in my life .You't get asays you weren't suportive from the first and Iknow why I took Babes' husband.This is not about Babe this is about you you are my daughter too and I want you to be happy.Marissa:just like when you sold me to the highest bidder
Krystal:Iknow you're angr about that but don't let that anger make you hurt yourself just like the first time when you and Jr got together.Marissa:you didn't know anything about me then.Krystal:I knew youlost your parents and when you found out what I did you needed somone to hold onto someone to trust. then beffore youknew it you were maried and if you don't know the person you're married to...
Marissa:Would you just stop!Marissa hone rings she sys yes.Jr says i hope you are on your way she says she can't do this.Then she says No and leaves.Jr swears finds dairy of Nano technology and paperswith specks.It was Plamers he says.annie is making lv to Scott when office calls.She says she doesn't want Jr to get edge.Jr calls Annie tells her he can blow Scott out of Chandler enterprises.
Jesse says my beautiful wife love of my life always will be you have this incredible way of loking at all the good desptite all the bad this is not right for you have to sacrifice.Angie says she will see not with her eyes but her hands and her ears and her heart.she will see through you nad our baby.a nd will not be asacrifice bit a blessing.
Liza says she will make right even if it takes a long time Colby:don't waster time it's not going to happen.Liza sooner or later you are going to realize that family mattersFamily you need your mom
Colby :Damon is only family Ineed you know your way out. liza cries
Annie asks what is this about.Jr says first of alli have to make sure what I'm holding is legit.You probably don't even care on second thought I probably shouldn't have called.Annie says where are you don't do anything until you get there.
Annie says something has coming up that I have to take care of it is for our future.
Jesse's kids leave.angie says Frankie is good boy good man.Jesse says becasue he agrees with you.Angie goes to do dishes she loses sight.jessew ants to knwo if he can get angie anything she says no.
Tad serves cake for Damon and colby from adoption party.Says he's glad our his seven dollar cake would have major freezer burn.He gives Damon Rocky DVD's !all six.He wants to have marathon.sounds cool..DAd! liza is at Krystal's falling apart whining.Krystal says you don't look muach better than I leftyou.Liza sys she doesn't wnast tohave anyomore to do with me.Krystal says she fels her pain.
Marissa asks where Jr is.she cries says what Krystal says is true.Annie demands Jr tell her .He says the guy youare about to marry steals from dead people.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday August 5, 2010

Angie and Jessea re questioning the doctor who tels them if she goes ahead with the baby hse amy lose her sight as she can't take meds Angie says thank-you Harold.
Damon and Colby are taking plane soon.he apologises to her Tad and you have agood realtionship she says.He says nothing matters but you.Liza tries toget tad tohelp her get theri kids he says you did this all you should stay the hell out of their lives you switched pills too he says.
Jr and Marissa are arguing and Annie hears it all.Annie yells at him says support her make this right if she wants to work for Caleb let her.Make this work!
We are so close we have beeen able to leave under the same roof.He says he's out toet me.And yur leting him make up support Annie.Annie says she will do all to make realtionship with scott work go do same with Marissa.Where are you going asks Jr chruch joking.she says she's meeting with minister that will marry scott and her.\Colby wants Damon to meet with Hilary when he gets guitar in Ohio.He says realtionship is not stellar he doesn't want to.He suggests parent free zone.Tad has called a gazzilion times he says.colby ays he should talk with tad.Liza looks for them spies address of hotel they are staying in.
Jr goes up and apologises to his wife says he wants her to be happy.He wants them to work. he doesn't wnat to jeopardize what they have.
Angie says her vison is going again.she doesn't wnat to be pity.Jesse says start meds again.Jesse says are you sure?you'll sacrifice all doctor sight?
angie says being amother is special. Jesse says you won't be able to see patients diagnaose that way.Like other blind people I will lead a happy productiv life.Jesse wants her to think about it. she sys she wants to go home.
Tad says he wants Damon to call him back please do so hewill call him back until he does,
The minister is unhapy that Annie was married 3times before.Annie says she loves Scott forever no one else.
Jr apologises says he over reacted.He says he wanted her a Chandler.Jr says he is worried that Caleb is handing her the job to hurt him.He wants her to looka t all her options.Asks wha t if they want baby.
Angie says she can't add anything more to risk to baby.She is not terminating pregnancy,she took traizole and doesn't wnat to harm baby more with more doses.
Scott tahnks the minister for comin.annie says the minister was judginghr she hates the judgements.she says she amde emss of her life.Scott says he loves her they'llg et somoen else.Annie says I don't want a big ceremony with people judgin me let's eope.
Marisa doesn't want ababy.Jr says you wanted one what happened .she says we have palenty of time.Marisa says w have to fix us.Sh isn't ready for this she still isn't over he's cheating.
Jake asks Tad abou Damon tells him he's disgusted with Liza.Jake is working.Tad says he thought he was getting to him and then Colby found out went balistic and left with her.Tad is worried thye left.Liza admits hse switched pills.Jake says who does that?
Tad is worried that he is taking his meds.He is just trusting me and then this.Tad has to hog tie him bring him back and help himJ.ake says let him go.
Colby begs tosee Damon's mom.Colby forgot her make-up she says as she says she's going to drug store.
Liza finds him.
Jesse says she would never ask her to do that.He's happy but she comes frst.Angie says it's ur miracle.Jesse says maybe this isn't real to you you could be in the dark forever.Jesse is crying begging her to reconsdier.To choose the roughest road he can't wrap his head around it.He says it's our choice.she sys it's in my body.
she says she knows it's scary but there's reason for this.
Jesse says it's not fair David walks around without acare.He will fight thru with her be there for her.she says hse has faith.He says we can try again.She says chances are really sli m of having another child.No coming back from this decision he says
Our a parents did a good job when we are ready to build out on it but you have to let him build on it.
Liza tells him he was taking placebos this is your meds.
Marissa says not now.se wants her career.He says as long as your happy.sorry ipresured you i thought we'd tell each other exactly what were thinking
Scott says I thought youw ant everything the dress the cake.she sys there would be four people at our wedding scott doesn't want that he doesn't care what others think.she says why would we give haters chance to hate.She doesn't care about friviolities she just wants him.
Scott tells marissa there eloping.Marissa says it's me isn't it.Marissait's Annie's idea.Is that what you want? Scott says whatever annie wants but he wants wdding you can tell.
Annie tells Jr they are eloping and Jrlies that that's good news.
Liza says here sorry.Be good to Colby .Tad loves you don't blme him he's ahell of fahter give him chance to prove it. Tad is telling Jese that damon's in the wind.Jesse says again.He's with Colby.Jesse tlls Tad that they baby is coming
laughs says call him tad!Jesse tells hima bout angie sight and the rsiks.Tad sasy he doesn't know what to says I'm sorry.Jesse says so am I .Angie promises baby tht daddy will change his mind.
Why did Annie change her mind she wants tobe happy.Marissa says scott is the mst amazing man she's ever met and she wants him tobe happy.
Jr says the whole weding thing would be to hard for him to watch her go to another man
Damon listens totad who promises to always be there for him hold the man ave for him and do anything for him.
damon tells colby her mom was here.Shewanted to apologise and give me these.she says i've been taking fake pills
Colby say I am done with ehr I'm calling the police and having her arrested. colby says
Tad says sometimes doing nothing is the best way.He tells him about Dixie and how he pushed her to make right decsion but he pushed Dixie out of his life. Be there for Angie and let her do what hse wants to do!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday August 4, 2010

Ryan calls Greenlee from hospital bed.Greenlee has a cold. .Greenlee says he scard her.she says worry about yourself I'm not talking about David focus on yourself and your life.Liza is worried now that her taking the pills could harm her daughter nad Damon.David tells her he is not her shrink or priest he is her friend but you can't clear a guilty conscious. Liza calls Tad asks if he's heard from the kids.Tad is still mad says as sonon as he knows he'll let her know.Damon came in the door.
Greenlee searches for evidence against her as David asks if she lost something.She lies that she lost her watch. David hands it to her from drwawr she put it in.she says she's living up to his deal.
randi make expresson loved.rome is happy to be home.
Amanda tells Liza that she was wrong to come between a father and son and Tad's family.How can she lives with herself an sleep at night.
Damon comes home for Kathy's swin meet he had promised her then he says he's leaving.Tad says he would have wante to do the same thing at his age Damon ask if he'll see Tad's girlfriend tad says no .Damon I belive it went down exactly as you said it did.Tad says to Damon's shock and surprise.
Randi says she has to go to new shoot it will be late .Frnkie says don't worry despite his plans you never disppoint me he says.
It's a cover shoot she says.money would help especially with david cutting shifts
Ryn tries to get up mMdison walks him he wants to leave but can't remember his doctor's name.
Madison says Ryan wants to check out early.David says not good idea he doesn't want him to die and have lawsuit.Ryan complains about hospital food.
Greenlee agrees with David goes with him.Ryan wants to know what's going on.Ryan is tired sits down.Ask for scotch or juice.He asks Alison the nurse to keep doctor Hayward keep him busy.
Amnda calls Liza on her behavior.Liza says you don't know whatShe says only if he promises not to make another hospital break. lengths you would go to save Trevor.Until then don't judge me.
Damon says you believe me at least someone does.Tad says your father beleives inyou.Damon says you keep going on about bing in such agreat family.We love one another we fight pick or seves up and move on.Damon says he is loved by Colby.Liza wants to chop me into pieces.Liza is out of the piccture she tried to humilate you hurt you I'll never forgive her.Damon says great that's my fault.Damon that's not your fault never belive that says Tad.Damon says but I had pics of your girlfriend trying to come on to me as Colby appears.colby overheard.
colby is so hurt.Tad says sorry Colby:Where is my mother is she here.Tad says your mom and I are no longer together.Liza walks in says let me explain.Colby:Are you for real you've shown me who you really are.
Madison sees Frankie.Madison says she's witing for drink Frankie says you're looking a medicine for cheap orderly will never show up with juice.
Frankie complains about Randi's over caffeined coffe.Madiosn says she needs handcuffs and rops for Ryan.Madison has been here a lot dsays frankie.
David compliments Greenlee on new dress and shoes she bought on his credit card .She changed her mind what's mine is mine but what's your is mine Greenlee says.
David is angry Alison called him.Madison is told Ryan is lucky man.david offers to keep Ryan in hopsital and says if you need help keeping avisitors away just asks as Frankie sees.
Liza begs colby to beleive she loves him.Colby:you tried to sleep with the man I love.Colby why didn't you leave me alone.Colby says she has to go.Liza says I've all ready lost to much.It's always about you. colby says you can stop being amom cause after today I haven't one.
David say he and Madison are in same situation.Madiosn says she's willing to let people amke own decisions.David says call me when you change mind gives her card she ris up with frankie.
Greenlee says to ryan tha marrige is difficult.DAvid will be back soon. Waht does it matter to you after everything that happened please let it alone.Frankie says I need to talk to you.Ryan you neeed bedrest no more messing around the neurosurgeon said complete Bedrest.
Greenlee says I don't need your help David loves me and I love him leave us alone Greenlee says for David's benefit.
David says he has lost control of his patient.David asks if he needs restrianing order.Greenlee says people change and they move on.David says your condition will detoriate and you could die.you are harming Greenlee and upsetting her.Greenle says david is right it's none of your busines.Greenlee sys our meeting is about tostart.Madiosnasks if all is okay?
Liza claims Colby will always be my little girl.Yuo alwys try to win you couldn't get something on Damon so you set something up.you truly beleive you did this for love I feel sorry for you because you really beleive that and you don't know wht love is.
Liza says I know you hate this to Tad .Liza says she's says by the way Damon's pills he's been taking sugar pills the last few weeks .I switched them Sorry!

Can she get any worse? So calm so it's not my fault.She has to be delusional if she thinks either Colby or Tad will forgive her!
Colby is so upset Damon is trying to comfort her.He says he was afraid she would beleive her mom and not him.she wonders what it would be like to havea noramal mom.
Damon says you could live at hom.My mother is crazy.
Damon says if you don't want t leave i's okay says colby.Let's goway for ever and never loook better.
tad says you switched damon's meds what is wrong with you.Damon didn't want anyone to tell him he is broken.colby is right beccaue you wanted to make your point you've lost your child and you'vemade me lost mine.
Madison asks Ryna wahat was going on.
David says meeting went wonderful.Greenlee answers the door to Ryan tells him all in her fantasy only ryan gets brain attack.
David tells her thanks for putting Ryan in his place.Davd says he hates losing things me too she says.