Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday August 11, 2010

Kendall goes into Ryan pass the protesting nurse.She cries all over him that he has to get better.she says she came as soon as she could she sasys spke needs his dad.You're okay this is good the nurses made it seem like you were at deaths door.You're faking? why are you doing this?He says he's doing this for Greenlee.David tells Greenlee Ryan could have another bleed as she panics
Krystal yells at caleb for using her daughter for revenge Scott is shocked and Marissa says she didn't want to tell him.Marissa says they weren't togther but she could feel the heat.she says she couldn't move couldn't speak.Who needs words she says
Annie thanks Jr. He says Scott made his bed he'll have to lie in it Annie begs him not to haram scott says it's the right thing.H agrees for her .
Kendall says Greenlee hates her what can she do?she says this way to involved in other people's stuff that's exactly waht Zach doesn't want.Jake and Ryan have secret knock.
Kendall says Greenlee is not wimp she can handle this.Ryan says she can't.
David says he will make sure Ryan is okay.He says if anything happened to Ryan she wouldn't forgive him.He says if you want to see ryan don't lie tell me she says she's .
Jr says company is on house of cards but all he can think about its throwing her on the bed.He found journal becasue he trashed palce.Annie says she's getting amrried she's happy she's putting Scott first.Jr says if he wanted to he could drive Scott right out of her life.What do I tell Scott tell him he's a lucky man.
Marissa is freaking out says she's going back.Scott says why bother?Marissa says it almost killed her to see Annie with her hands on his face .He was looking at her like shewas the last person on earth he'snevver looked at me like that says Marissa!
Scott takes Marissa in his arms.
Caleb says he needs Marissa to start his legal carreer again .He can help hr pass the bar.Krystal says she wowes Marissa.Caleb says how.Krystal says she had twins couldn't feed both so she gave her for money to family that wanted and needed a baby.Caleb says that's rough .Krystal for MarissaCaleb says for both.
Scott says I really thought we had something.Yuo didn't hurt me you just told me the truth.Marissa:says how did she get here rustingher lovingher?
Scott:says he was alone for solong we had instant connection understanding kind of like you.
Marissa says thank god were not alike.
Scott: I guess I thought I was Annie's answer the guy who looked beyond everything and save her.Wish we could go back before Annie?
Marissa; if it wasn't for aj she'd says yes
Kendall would like Greenlee back she loves her.Ryanyou ar love of her life.
Ryan says youare best friend she'll remember that Kendall says you stilla re doing all to save her.
Jake coughs to alert Ryan Greenlee is here
Caleb says if Marissa spent less time focusing on Jr and focusing on her law exams she'd succeed.
Jr deamnds specs of nanotech prioject.Caleb says junior party is over.
annie comes home
Marissa says she moved back home to get her husband back she is stupid.Scott says he loves that about her.Marissa cries that she isn't good enough.Scott says you deserve someone who will put you firt.Scott kissess Marissa.They make out.
Jake tels Greenlee Ryan is very serious.Jake says he shouldn't have left hospital.
Greenlee wants tosee him.Jake says someone was in there.Hey Greenlee says Kendall.
Jr demands to know what Krystal
said she says she saw JR and Annie together she knows the pull there.She says Jr keeps disppointing her over and over agian.He says he figured out things that will help him and Marissa
Caleb asks to buy JR a drink.
Annie checks on emma she's worried about Ryan.Runs to hospital
David tries to barge in Ryan's room.Kendall makes coffee.Greenlee asks when she got here.
Kendall says they were docked in NY.Kendall says Ryan was in and out .she says she talked about Spike and he opened his eyes but he got upset when she mentioned Greenlee's name Jake had to rush in and give meds.
Jake says he is Ryan's attending and he doesn't want him upsetting Ryan .You will be slapped with lawsuit buried for years
Kendall thanks her for dropping lawsuit.Greenlee syas thank RYan.Kendall says she's glad.Greenlee says I'm surprised your talking to me with miranda scandal etc.Kendall says not to gt in there.
Kendall says Ryan leaving must have been pretty important to get him to leave,
annie barges in fraks out says oh my god says she has things to say to him incase~~
Caleb says he is ther to make things right.Inside inforamtion corproate espionae who needs luck says caleb to Jr.Caleb says your family is falling apart.Scotty is ready to collapse all unravelling .five minutes with your wife iknew that.
He says he won't hurt Marissa or use heer.
Marissa puts on her clothes and so deoes csott.Scott says he wasn't trying to take advantage.Marissa says tis wasn't the way to handle this but thy have something.she packs says she's leaving JR!
annie says no matter what she will take care of Emma Scott rruly lovs me scott excepts me and I truly love him.Annie tlls Ryna she won't act on her feelings for Jr she was just at the beach housea and it didn't.After she leaves ryan rolls eyes
Marissa cries in mom's arms as cott hears message from annie and relaizes what he did!
Jr finds smashed pic of the two of them
Kendal says if you and Ryan are going through something maybe you caould put his mind at ease if he wakes up.
Your back says Annie.Kendall says hello annie.Annie says if ryan wakes up tell him emma is with me.
Greenlee goes in to see Ryan
Kendall calls dAvid a bastard says that yo sabotoged mom almost killed her.Says he's consiuous is clear.she says you sure about that?
Greenlee goes into Ryan says tell me what to do whatever you need it's yours she says!

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