Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday August 6, 2010

Damon doesn't let Colby call the cops on Liza says he was okay not taking pills.She asks if not taking the pills was the only reason he told her he loved her NYC?
Liza still chasing after Tad comes o his house runs into Krystal.Krystal says tad isn't home and lizasays it's probably good anyway she doesn't know what she'd say then stumbles.Krystal says et's go in and take a look at ankle.Faker!!!!
Tad says Angie is powerhouse. Jesse says how can I sit back and do anything.22 yearsago he left Angela with a baby to fend for herself he can't do that again.
Angie answers dodor to Jake. Angie tells him Jesse is upset he wants her to have abortion.Jake says he doesn't blame Jesse.Angie says she needs Jake to support her in her choice.She knows what they are both saying but she can't handle fighting with Jesse the whole time.
Annie says to Jr that he can't say things like he can't bare t see her walk down the aisle with another man. JR says fine he doesn't want to argue.She says what do you want form me JR.Jr says he wants tension to go awy between us.He really he means attraction Annie walks away when he tries to kiss.Annie says love for Plamer keeps her strong.Jr says he needs to use beach house from Plamer to save family. Calls Marissa says he has surprise.
Colby looks angry.Damon says you think i don't love you now? flakes it off.Damon says not having drugs would never make him not mean wha he said she means more than anyone he ever met in his entire life.Damon says he can use focus tricks to helpSays he is totally in lov with her as his phone buzzes.
Tad is really worried abou him he says he never had that before he says.
Colby says come on. Jesse says how can he except her giving up her drream of docoring.Jesse is worried she's doing what she always does putting someone else first.Jake says no wonder Jesse cares about you of course he puts you first.
Angie says memeories are etched in her brain mentions backwards hat in high school of Jesse's in high school.She remembers bright yellow daffodils a their first wedding.She remembers frankie's eyes so like Jesse the same man she'd fell in love with so long ago.All those wonderful memories she will never stop seeing them.
For the rest of her life.
Jesse says you think your smoth getting me to talk about angela so you can forget about your son.Your sister Jenny and I were the same age when we took off to NYC. Jesse says.Tad says he hadn't thought about that in a long time.We came back Damon will too.Tad says he found them in NYc but things went south becasue liza came along.Because of the whole kising thing? no becasue of what Liza did to Damon and the rest of the world it's messed up.Jesse figures out that Tad is done with Liza even though Tad dosn't tell Jesse what she did.TAd says yes and as a bonus prize it looks like Damon's done with me.
Jesse says it'sreally tough letting akid do what they eed to do and hoping it will turn out all right. Jesse says
Tad says it's no harder than you and Angie.
Angie says she know she promised that she was done with asking favours but if she loses he sight again at work she stil doesn't wnat David t know and not before she can choose her replacement.She says this is reality she doesn't want David to hire yes man to run hospital.she wants Jake to be replacement .He says it's not happening he doesn't want to hear it David would allow it.Angie says she'll work on board of trusties she'll get lla to back and they will make him her replacement.
Natlaia nd Frankie caome inJake leavs.Jake asys he has toget back to hospital.
Angie says thanks for coming .Frankie says natlai brought ice cream becasue all news is better with ice cream. It's not dad is they both ask. Angie says he's going toget another job as a new daddy. Natalia and rankie are shocked.
Marissa lets' goawy jsut the two of us he says Marissa says yes .Jr s headed up to cottage to give her tme to pack.He says he wants it to be like before she says yes she does too.This will be great new begginnings for everyone.
Tad lloks for Krystal finds Liza.He says she's not supose to behere. Liza says she found Damon.He asks if he is all right?he's doing fine especaily after I gave him his meds.That was mighty big of you Tad says saracastically.He's in Ohio and I almost convinced him to come back.Liza do us a bif favour and leave Damon aloneleave all of us alone.Liza says she's sorry Tad says go!
Krystal says she told all to her and she seemd really ssorry.Tad ssys only becasue she got caught. iknow you are angry right now but Iknow you will find a way to forgive her.Tad says he doesn't know if he can forgive himself.Waht did you do?asks Krystal Damon made it perfectly obvious he was comfortable with father son thing and he kept pushing and pushing and he couldn't even see what was under his nose. that guess it makes damon's disappearance as much his fault as Liza's.
Damon show up at door.Krystal says she has to go to restaurant .damon says he lsot his key you got a spare one you can give me?
Jesse comes in.Angie is glad he's home.Jesse brought ome ice cream too.Ther's the proud papa says couldn't wait ntilwe could tell them together ?asks Jesse
You are right I should have says Angie I'm sorry.Frankie says you think you can remeebr how o change diapers old man congratualations.You didn't tell them everything .I want to give them the good news time to sink in forst.youcan't seperate it baby.Frankie says what is dad talking about?Natlai asks if all is okay?
Scott says nanotech profits are through the roof.Annie says she is so proud of him.Scott is still worried.He says what is done is done there is no going back.Annie says Cortland is yours now it's ll yours.Scott says yes even if I did steal it.
He is feeling really guilty.
annie says he is futre they are getting amrried stay focused and they will suceed lets' do that now.
Krystal says sitter says AJ is having good time.Marissa asks if AJ can stay with her fo weekend.Krystal says she doesn't have vote but she doens't likeit.Marissa says she is going to strt working for Caleb.Krystal says i didn't think he would stoop that low to use you toget back a JR. Marissa sys that is n't true maybe he thought I had a brain and didn't jst see me as wife and mother and the hours are flexible s when Jr have ababy.Your pregnant? asks Krystal not yet says Marissa.were talking.when did you decide his you din't jr is pressuring you says Krystal
Marissa sys I didn't say that.Krystal says don't do that.
Jr brings in flowers supplies to beach cottage thinks of Annie the hotel.kicks over stuff papers with writing for cortlandt electronics it says Nano technology falls over out of magazine.
Tad says you didn't lose your key it's here shows drawer.Damon says he knows how to break in anyway.Tad laughs says he's sure.Tad sys he's happy he's back.Colby and I have put off road trip for little while.Damon says Tad says becasue of liza she came by and told me she saw you and manage to track you down.Damon says she told me you worried and stuff I'm sorry to pu you through that says damon. All right don't start none was your fault.Damon says I could have handles it better told you all when it happened. not going tolie would have been nice.If I hadn't been tryin to be the perfect Dad I would have seen what was going on.damon says no one is perfect but when it comes to being Dad you don't suck.
Colby comes home to her room and Liza is crying there and she says just because I did does mean I want anything to do with you the only reason Icame back was for Damon so he could see Tad .iza says that's really good.Do not act like you care or you wouldn't have switched Damon's meds yes he told me all about it.
Colby imade mistake and will never forgive myself for it.i want to make oit up to you.There is one hting you can do.Name it says Liza colby:leave Pine Valley and never come back.
Natlaia ask if Angie is ok.Frankie says does this mean? Angie says yes I'll probably go blind.Natalia:would you consider?angie no your father does agree with my decision either.Jesse says how could I possibly?you could be happy Angie sys.Happy to msee my wife lose her eyesight.Frankie says there has to be treatment out there. Angie says noFrankie wants to know when she came off soon as she found out she was pregnant.Jesse says her vision has all ready gotten worse.
Frankie says we will get through this all of us together.
Marissa says to krystal please don't tell me that yousut ordered me not to have a baby with my husband?Krystal:Can't protect you forever but god help me I can't let you do this I don't want to say this Marissa:then don't
Krystal:I have to.I've seem Jr with Annie there's something between them Marissa:it's over Krystal:You can't bring a baby into this.Marrissa you don't have a
say in my life .You't get asays you weren't suportive from the first and Iknow why I took Babes' husband.This is not about Babe this is about you you are my daughter too and I want you to be happy.Marissa:just like when you sold me to the highest bidder
Krystal:Iknow you're angr about that but don't let that anger make you hurt yourself just like the first time when you and Jr got together.Marissa:you didn't know anything about me then.Krystal:I knew youlost your parents and when you found out what I did you needed somone to hold onto someone to trust. then beffore youknew it you were maried and if you don't know the person you're married to...
Marissa:Would you just stop!Marissa hone rings she sys yes.Jr says i hope you are on your way she says she can't do this.Then she says No and leaves.Jr swears finds dairy of Nano technology and paperswith specks.It was Plamers he says.annie is making lv to Scott when office calls.She says she doesn't want Jr to get edge.Jr calls Annie tells her he can blow Scott out of Chandler enterprises.
Jesse says my beautiful wife love of my life always will be you have this incredible way of loking at all the good desptite all the bad this is not right for you have to sacrifice.Angie says she will see not with her eyes but her hands and her ears and her heart.she will see through you nad our baby.a nd will not be asacrifice bit a blessing.
Liza says she will make right even if it takes a long time Colby:don't waster time it's not going to happen.Liza sooner or later you are going to realize that family mattersFamily you need your mom
Colby :Damon is only family Ineed you know your way out. liza cries
Annie asks what is this about.Jr says first of alli have to make sure what I'm holding is legit.You probably don't even care on second thought I probably shouldn't have called.Annie says where are you don't do anything until you get there.
Annie says something has coming up that I have to take care of it is for our future.
Jesse's kids leave.angie says Frankie is good boy good man.Jesse says becasue he agrees with you.Angie goes to do dishes she loses sight.jessew ants to knwo if he can get angie anything she says no.
Tad serves cake for Damon and colby from adoption party.Says he's glad our his seven dollar cake would have major freezer burn.He gives Damon Rocky DVD's !all six.He wants to have marathon.sounds cool..DAd! liza is at Krystal's falling apart whining.Krystal says you don't look muach better than I leftyou.Liza sys she doesn't wnast tohave anyomore to do with me.Krystal says she fels her pain.
Marissa asks where Jr is.she cries says what Krystal says is true.Annie demands Jr tell her .He says the guy youare about to marry steals from dead people.

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