Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday August 12,2010

Madison is worried sick about Ryan.she tells Bianca who comforts that Reese called .Offers to call her back binca says no.Jesse goes to work with Angie she wants him to leave befrore Dave finds out.
Dave gives Liza evidence that could put Greenlee away for life.Greenlee watches over Ryan.Kendall asks Jake how he got here .she asks if greenlee did all they says she did.she says she tried to get her to talk.She says she not so subtle pointed out silence could kill Ryan.Greenlee says she hates lying to him is it her fault he's here.You were right what is going on between me an David is really bad!

Angie says she knows it is difficult to Jesse who's dressed in afine suit.Jesse says sacrifice is huge.Angie says she will leve life have healthy baby.Jesse says he will help.angie says don't look over shoulder or you will undermine me.and confidence.Frankie asks if all is all right.Angie says if I need help Frank is her Jake is her.Go back to routine get job back from Blanco!Ilove you's were set.Jesse says watch her .Frankie says he doesn't want to get strangled with sthscope.Frankie researched but even herbal not vaible for Angie during pregnanc.
Randi says time apart is good for them.Madison says you should stay home for abit Frankie really missed you more than he let on.
Bianca says to Reese that she's not ready?
Liza says so you are holding this over Greenlee this over her.Liza says as friend Advice don't let Greenlee find out.Oops she all ready knows?asks Liza
Kendall cares about Ryan and Greenlee despite what went down says Jake that's cool.Kendall says they are like some whacked out arranged a marriage.
Greenlee says that she thinks if she hadn't arrived David would have let him die.she asked for seperation she thought he was ok with it he invited her to dinner pulled out her chair gae her wine then blackmailed her saying if she left she was going to prison. she admits to Ryan
she says she trusteddave beleived he wouldn't hurt.She says she shouldn't be doing this you need positive healing not this Ryan grabs her hand when she tries to leave.
Natalia says why won't she take meds you desrve choice too.Natlaia sounds mad.
Jesse says he is worried about her hurt.Natalia says angie did all for her mom until the eend.
Jesse talks to Blanco begs for job back.
Kendall walks into Fusion says excuse me who's in charge around here?hugs Binks!
Kendall asks if Binky is okay she says she missed sis alott.what are you doing here.Kendall says he'll becoming outof it soon.all crazy stuff that heppeend.
Kendall says spike is fluent in spanish!Ian lovestrain.Zach is great says Kendall got all his hockey by satelite.
Binks says she and girls are living with cAelb.How's Reeese wil she come soon.Binky says no .Marriage is in trouble she's the reason she's been so stressed
Liza says look what happened to me tad and Colby hate me Greenlee will hate you.Dave says she'll come around.Liza says you aren't seeing clearly.David says I am she'll come around
Angi wants tosee rYan Jake stops her. Greenlee is in with him. Jake says Angie asks what is going on.Ryna is fine.Jake says she looks tried .she says she is sick morn noon night.And vison is going in and out.Frank asks the same she says tell your father I'm fine.Jake says take her home get rest.
Greenlee asks how Ryan is he says he's fine he heard everything.She's happy he's better he says he has to help her she realizes Ryan was faking.David told her that he send her to prsion he manufactured evidence that she took down Erica's plane she says
Binky says her and Reese are on the outs!she asks how Zach and Kendalla re .Kendall says Zach didn't like her coming there.
Liza says Dave crossed the line no going back .Dave says he brought hr back to life .David you can't buid maraige on gratiude
Jesse says he made mistake won't happen again. issue won't come again blnco says if you reform behavior I'll let you know.
Ntalia says she's proud of him.Best reason in the world.
Frankie promises gormet lunch!Anie says she's not hungry.Jesse is worried but I'm not she says I have fa ith,It can't take you further than we think possible.Yuo're always right there mom now is my tur i have alovely husband beautifun.go back to your own life spend time with rand.tha's what angie wants.I'm coming back Ihave persittence from you he says.Ilove you love you too says Frankie
Angie then she says she's hungry.gets ladder to climb in cupboard loses sight
Randi is exited about her stuff Frankie interrupts says my stuff isn't inmportant?Frnakie tells her about Angie.Jesse coems asks who's with Angie gets mad.
angi says from now on i'll keep crackers in fridge we are both in darkhw about we make eal .she gest down from ladder were good she says.together we can do anything.she says you will help me apprecaite even more what l have children a wonderful husband a wondeful career and you!You are so lucky!
binca sastis woman probably tried to kill or mom.Kendall says Greenlee wouldn't do this it's david's speed.
Greenlee is very unhappy says Kendall
Jake says Greenlee is with Ryan and keeps Madison out.Madison is unhappy goes away.Greenle says my husband has all to convict me.After everything I've done why would you help me.Jake fakes this is miracle.Greenlee says you played me both of youthank-you but if you do it again watch out for your dogs playing poker.Ryan says to take you've helped enough I don't want Dave to hurt you again.
Jeseasks if angie is okay .she says she got hungry and she tried to climb ladder went Blind for moment.she says she took breath said she could handle this and did,
Liza says she kind of admires dave becasue he loves someone so fierc.David says Greenlee will realize she belongs with me.greenlee says my mess I got myself in i willg t myself out.Kendall is socked Ryan got gods on greenlee.Zach calls She says Ryan is better she says she needs few more days.Ryans says Greenlee shouldn't have let her on motorcycle should have saved her that night.

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