Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday August 17,2010

Scott breaks off his kiss with Annie at the mansion saying he needs to get back to work. Annie tells him she was scared of losing him even though nothing happened between her and JR. She was scared of losing him. She says he has integretty and is loyal ,she says he's her rock .She talks about how wonderful Scott is, but he reminds her he stole from a dead man. Annie points out Scott didn't do anything JR wouldn't have done himself. She thinks they should write their wedding vows in order to put the unpleasantness behind them and focus on the future. Scott uncomfortably agrees, but then AJ walks in with a stomach ache. Scott takes care of him as Annie adoringly looks on. She thinks this will be them soon with Emma or maybe a child of their own.
In their room, JR tells Marissa how much he misses being with her and wants to know what he can do to fix things. She tells him it's not him, it's her. She's turned into someone she doesn't recognize anymore and she needs to figure out who she is.She was physically fought with Annie at a will reading.
Scott breaks off his kiss with Annie at the mansion saying he needs to get back to work. Annie tells him she was scared of losing him even though nothing happened between her and JR. She talks about how wonderful Scott is, but he reminds her he stole from a dead man. Annie points out Scott didn't do anything JR wouldn't have done himself. She thinks they should write their wedding vows in order to put the unpleasantness behind them and focus on the future. Scott uncomfortably agrees, but then AJ walks in with a stomach ache. Scott takes care of him as Annie adoringly looks on. She thinks this will be them soon with Emma or maybe a child of their own. Marissa and JR walk in and Marissa takes over with AJ. JR marvels over how great she is with him. Annie tries to help, but Marissa gets snotty with her. Marissa then makes an excuse to leave saying she needs to refill AJ's allergy medication. Scott watches her go and then makes excuses to leave as well. Alone, Annie shares her concerns about Marissa's attitude toward her with JR. JR defends his wife knowing it will be a long time before Marissa can trust him again. Annie says she and Scott are doing well, but they could be better. She asks JR to burn the nanotech plans so he has no evidence against Scott. After Annie has left, JR stops short of throwing the nanotech plans in the fire and puts them in the safe instead.
Frankie helps Madison bring groceries into Ryan's apartment. She notes she doesn’t know when Ryan will be better, but she has to remain hopeful.
In the hallway at the Yacht Club, Ryan assures Greenlee they'll get David, but he has to get back to the hospital before anyone notices he's missing.
Madison finds Ryan climbing back in bed and is happy to find him up and around. Ryan confesses up and explains his relapse wasn't real. Madison is angry he let her think he was going to die. He explains he is trying to help Greenlee, but she is hurt he didn't let her in on it. He assures her he's only trying to get Greenlee away from David and nothing more.
Kendall races back to Greenlee and David's room to get her phone Zach follows. David sees them in the hallway asks what they're doing. Zach covers saying he wants to talk about Erica and they go inside the room. Kendall finds her phone as Zach distracts David. Kendall says they should go, but David says they should have a drink with Greenlee downstairs.
David, Zach and Kendall meet with Greenlee in the dining area. David grows more suspicious about Zach's Zach reminds him Erica's plane fell out of the sky and Spike's dad was in trouble. He warns David if he finds out he had anything to do with Erica's crash he will come back and find him.
David and Greenlee go to the hospital and he sees Marissa. He goes to talk with her as Greenlee goes to Ryan's room. Madison offers to let them talk alone, but Ryan wants her to stay. Madison assures Greenlee she won't tell anyone what's going on and Ryan suggests Greenlee get back to David. Greenlee leaves and Madison tells Ryan she wishes Greenlee wasn't so much apart of his life, but she won't ask him to change because that's who he is and it's why she wants him in her life. Madison kisses him, as Frankie walks by and sees.
David asks Marissa what's going on and if he can help. She whines on and on about how everything is falling apart and that coming to him is a symptom of everything that is wrong in her life. She walks away as Scott comes around the corner and follows. Greenlee finds David, who thinks he's lost his daughter again. She tries to cheer him up connect with a parent late she says it's different but you sill love them.He hopes both Greenlee and Marissa can forgive him one day.
Scott stalks Marissa to Krystal's. He says she's freaking out and says she can't tell JR about them sleeping together. She says she doesn't want to lie, but he reminds her they could lose both their relationships if she tells the truth. She agrees, but only for him. He hugs her as Annie walks in, asking if something is wrong.she wonders why he's there he says late business dinner he forgot totell her about. Marissa says she fought with David and then leaves. Scott hugs Annie, who looks worried.Annie feels that there is something there.
Kendall and Zach come to Wildwind spike gives tham a Pinecomb! Bianca introduces them to Caleb as her roomie but he says he's no one's roomie.
Caleb leaves the room. Bianca leaves with Spike and Kendall thanks Zach for not telling David what she and Ryan were up to. He says they should have told him he woould have wanted to help Greenlee. He's upset she lied about Ryan He's angry she she always gets caught up in the drama. She admits she was wrong, Zach's is laughing. Kendall really wants to go to the party Caleb and Binca are giving.They discuss their life on the boat she says if making their realtionship strong means sacrifices so be it.Zach suggests she stay for the party Bianca and Caleb are throwing. He'll see her after the summer when he's attended to some business. Kendall is thrilled she'll be staying and they make-out on the couch planning their reunion. she says she will come running back to him with no clothes on after the summer.Bianca says kids around easy on that.Bianca returns and Kendall tells her sister she's staying for a bit.Bianca is pleased too!

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