Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday August 25-Comments and Rants

Comments and Rants
Happy Birthday Cameron Mathison(41)(Ryan)and David Canary(72)(Adam)

Writers you disapppoint me again
Annie needs to get her self esteem back you've lost the ablility to show us the confident Annie.She should be telling Scott to take a flying leap if the situation was reversed Scott would never have married Annie,and Jr offers her nothing but bed buddies ?Tell him to get lost too take back your pride and earn your own way and Emma's .Jr should then have to earn Annie's love and trust!

Writers you think this is a good twist like your stupid twist when Ryan married Kendall really it just disppoints your viewers and makes them mad!

And Asher taking the blame for crashing Tad's car and Damon just letting him and then expecting Colby to pay for the damage?when are you going to make Damon responsible.
And Zach being controlling and keeping Kendall completely away from her friends and family that's what an abuser does not a loving husband!

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