Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday August 20,2010

Greenlee left a message for Ryan about his trip to see the airplane mechanic. Greenlee wanted to discuss what Ryan planned to say. Greenlee amost got caught. She managed to hang up and set her phone down just as David entered the room.
Greenlee was nice to David asked how he was feeling, and he said he had a very frustrating morning. David said that he'd had a meeting scheduled with a board member, but it was cancelled at the last minute. David suspects that Angie was attempting to turn all of the board members against him.
Greenlee suggested that she call a board meeting. She could remind them that she and David had saved them from financial ruin that they had saved the hospital . David is surprised he didn't think Greenlee would go against her friend to stand up for him. Greenlee assures him that she would. David said he wants to believe her, and Greenlee asked what was stopping him. Instead of answering the question, David asked whom Greenlee had been talking to when he walked in, and why she'd hung up so fast.

Greenlee covers that she had called Kendall. Greenlee said that she'd hung up quickly because she'd gotten Kendall's voicemail and lost her nerve. David still seemed skeptical, so Greenlee handed her phone over to him, and said that David could check her calls. David believed her and handed the phone back. Greenlee explained it meant a lot when David arranged for the two of them to have a meal with Kendall. Greenlee said that she wanted to honestly try to repair her friendship with her best friend.
Greenlee thanked david for knowing how much Kendall means to her. Greenlee said she knew how much the hospital meant to David, and wants to help. Greenlee reminded David that he wanted her to trust him. She said that David needed to learn to trust as well. If he didn't, their marriage should end. David said that not being married to Greenlee was the last thing he wanted. Greenlee suggests that they go out for breakfast, and David agrees.
Angie was working on her illness again recorded info. She said that her eyesight had worsened but her baby had escaped any ill effects from the anti-fungal medication she had taken. Jesse walks into the room and overhears Angie happy over the baby's health.
Jesse asked how long Angie had been making recordings. Angie tells Jesse that the recordings had a medical purpose however now she continued making them as a way to express her feelings. Jesse apologized for not being there for her. Jesse told Angie that she could always talk to him if she needed a confidante. I love Jesse

Angie played some of her earlier recordings for Jesse. Jesse was upset that Angie had dealt with her illness on her own for so long. Angie was glad that she finally had someone to lean on. Angie asked if Jesse was going to stick by her during the pregnancy, despite the vision loss it would cause. Jesse said that he still needed to take things on a day-by-day basis, but said he would get there she was always in his heart.

Jesse asked about what was happening at the hospital. Angie said that she needed to secure Jake as her replacement before David found out about her pregnancy or the illness. Jesse suggested that Angie leave the hospital fight to him and Jake. Angie said that she needed to take charge one last time, as a legacy to the doctors that would continue working after she stepped down.

At Krystal's restaurant, Caleb helps Marissa review for the bar exam. Marissa whines about not passing the exam the first time. Caleb points out that Marissa had a lot on her mind the first time she'd taken the test. Caleb added that he wanted to get all of the prerequisites out of the way so that they could take care of business.

Marissa asked if Caleb still wanted to take back control of Cortlandt Electronics from JR. Caleb told Marissa that if they were going to work together, he had to be sure that she would keep all of their work confidential. Marissa said that there was no need to be concerned about her giving information to JR. She told Caleb that she and JR had broke up, and that they weren't living together. Caleb thought it was for the best.
Krystal showed up at Caleb and Marissa's table and wanted to know if they were hungry. Caleb said he wanted to order something but needed to make a call first. After he left the table, Krystal talked to Marissa. Krystal thought that the job with Caleb couldn't have turned up at a better time. Krystal said that the job could remind Marissa how smart and savvy she could be. Krystal also pointed out that the job gave Marissa some much-needed independence.
Marissa admitted that she missed JR, and wondered how she had become the person she saw in the mirror. Krystal said Marissa knew everything that had already happened. Krystal says Marissa needs to figure out what her next step would be.
JR calls Marissa, but has to leave a voicemail. He asked Marissa to let him know that she was okay. JR said that he wasn't sure why Marissa left, and had no idea what to tell AJ. JR tries to work.but looks at his family picture with Marissa and AJ, and decided to focus on a different task.

Annie has a nightmare that Scott left her. Marissa taunted Annie for Annie's inability to keep a husband in the dream. Annie is scared and calls out for Scott. Her screams wake both Scott and Annie from their sleep. Scott asked if Annie wanted to talk about the nightmare but Annie doesn't . Annie jumps out of bed and says that she was ready to plan the rest of their elopement. She runs into JR when she opens the door.

Annie changes her plans and decides to take a shower. She she leaves scott and jr talking. JR tells Scott that Caleb was preparing to file a motion that would void the sale of Chandler. JR felt that if the motion were granted, it wouldn't be long before Chandler would be ordered to open their books. Scott assures JR that he had covered all connections between Palmer and the nanotech project.

Scott says JR needs to focus on what was really bothering him Marissa's leaving. Scott suggested that JR call Marissa. JR said that he had, but that Marissa hadn't called him back. JR said he didn't know why Marissa left. JR noticed the guilty look that fell over Scott's face, and asked what Scott knew.

Scott denied knowing Marissa's reasons for leaving. JR suggests that Scott had used his friendship to influence Marissa's in hopes that JR might not focus on the nanotech theft. Scott said that he wished he could help JR, but JR wasn't convinced. Annie returned to the bedroom, and JR said that he would wait for Scott downstairs.

After JR exited the room, Annie said that Scott shouldn't meet with JR. We have appointments to look at houses. Annie doesn't want to constantly deal with tension from Jr and his wife. Scott remarked that he wasn't sure Marissa would move back in. Annie was incredulous at the thought that Marissa and JR wouldn't work things out. Scott said he hoped he was wrong.

Marissa stopped by the Chandler house, and found JR in the living room. Marissa said that she wanted to visit AJ, but JR told her that AJ had gone to the park for the day. Marissa started to leave, but JR quickly stopped her. JR said that they couldn't save their marriage if Marissa continued to run away. JR said that it was his turn to show the strength, love, and support Marissa showed when JR was sick and when he let her down.

Marissa flashed back to the night she slept with Scott. She started tearing up feeling guilty .Marissa tells JR that things between them couldn't be fixed so easily. JR continued to try to convince Marissa but his words only upset Marissa more. Marissa said that she couldn't talk things out with JR at that moment, and ran out of the living room. She ran into Scott in the foyer, but didn't want to talk to him either. Marissa ran out of the house, and Scott followed her again.

Scott finds Marissa at the park, and askes if she'd told JR what they'd done. Marissa said that she had kept quiet, but was still struggling. Scott swore that they could move on from their cheating, but Marissa wasn't so sure. She reminded Scott that she'd torn JR apart for cheating on her, and then did the exact same thing. Scott said that what they'd done was different because it didn't mean anything. Marissa questioned Scott's claim, as Scott continued to find reasons not to marry Annie. Scott said that he had no hesitations, and dashed off to prove he was telling the truth.

Annie showed up in the living room of the Chandler house, looking for Scott. JR told her that Scott had never showed up. JR said that it was obvious that Scott didn't care about the future of Chandler Enterprises. Annie pointed out that JR wasn't the only one concerned. She reminded JR that what happened to the company affected her and Scott as well.

Annie got lost in her thoughts, and admitted her fear out loud that she would never find true happiness. She told JR about the nightmare she'd had. Annie also told JR that she had denied herself things she'd wanted, and worked really hard to prove her worth to Scott. Annie said she was afraid that despite her efforts, Scott would wake up one day, realize Annie wasn't who he wanted, and walk away like Adam and Ryan had before Scott. JR approached Annie and wrapped her in a comforting embrace.

JR told Annie that Scott wouldn't abandon her. Annie wanted to know how JR could be so sure. JR said that he'd tried to walk away from Annie, but something about her always pulled him back. Before they could delve any further, the front door slammed and Scott called out Annie's name. Scott rushed into the living room, and Annie ran into his arms.

Annie started to tell Scott how worried she was that Scott had left her. Scott clasped Annie's face in his hands, and told her that he would never leave her. Scott added that he wanted to get married as soon as possible. He told Annie that if she wanted, he could call a judge over to the house so that they could be married right away. Annie was overwhelmed with joy. As JR glumly looked on, Annie hugged Scott tightly and elatedly pointed out that Scott had read her mind.

Scott kissed his bride-to-be again, and then said that he would call the judge. Scott realized that he was supposed to meet with JR and apologized. JR gave Scott a pass, so Scott quickly exited to get in touch with the judge. Alone again, JR asked if Annie really planned to marry Scott. Annie nodded mutely, and then said that her impending marriage meant that she and JR had to say goodbye to each other -- for good.

Annie told JR that she and Scott planned to move out of the Chandler house after the wedding. Annie started to leave so she could finish getting ready. JR stopped her when he pointed out that Annie seemed to be getting everything that she wanted. JR warmly grabbed Annie's arm and stepped in close. Annie worried what would happen next, but JR said he only wanted to offer the bride-to-be his best. JR placed a kiss on Annie's cheek that lasted a few moments longer than necessary.

Caleb returned from making his call, and found that Marissa had left. Krystal admitted that while she encouraged Marissa to leave JR, she acknowledged Marissa's right to do what she needed. Jesse and Angie walked in just then, and Krystal excused herself briefly. Krystal greeted the couple near the door and offered to find them a table. Jesse said that they were planning to place a to-go order, so Krystal decided to catch up with them first.

Angie told Krystal that she was feeling pretty good, and was thankful for the clothes Krystal had given her. Angie was sure that the clothes would help hide her pregnancy a little longer. Krystal wondered if there wasn't a loophole that would oust David from his position at the hospital. Angie and Jesse said they would be interested if Krystal found one. Krystal didn't think she could help, but thought Caleb might.

Krystal called Caleb over and introduced him to the Hubbards. Krystal gave a brief sketch of Caleb's legal background and suggested that Caleb could help. Caleb got an earful about the trouble David had caused at the hospital. Caleb asked if the David at the hospital was the same one that was accused of sabotaging Erica's plane. Once his thought was confirmed, Caleb asked if anyone in Pine Valley minded their own business.

After Angie and Jesse left, Krystal thanked Caleb for agreeing to help them out. Caleb wondered how Krystal could hate David so much when he had fathered two of her children. Krystal didn't want to talk about David, but realized she might not have a choice when Caleb told her that David had just walked into the restaurant.

Krystal approached David and Greenlee at the door and said that she couldn't seat them. David was genuinely shocked that Krystal would refuse to serve him. Krystal reminded David that as the owner, she had a right to do as she pleased. David slid into his comfortable routine of insulting people when he felt disrespected.

Caleb fell in beside Krystal and repeated Krystal's request that David leave. David stood his ground, and Greenlee jumped to David's defense. Greenlee said that she was tired of people treating David poorly, and said she wouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior any longer. Krystal said that David wasn't a victim, and Greenlee agreed. Instead, Greenlee called David a hero for all of the lives he'd saved. Greenlee said that instead of crucifying David, the people of Pine Valley should be grateful for what David had done.

Greenlee said that she didn't like the food at Krystal's and turned to walk out. David stopped her and noted that Greenlee didn't have to defend him the way she did. Greenlee said that she wasn't willing to stand there while David was attacked. Before David could ask, Greenlee told him that she meant every word she'd said.

Greenlee and David went to the Yacht Club for breakfast. David spoke freely of the first time Greenlee had defended him. It had been during a confrontation with Jack. David said that as he'd listened, he thought that he was very lucky to have a woman like Greenlee on his side. Greenlee raised her coffee and offered a toast to the two of them. They gently clinked their mugs together and took a drink.

Suddenly, Greenlee realized she was late for a Fusion meeting. She told David she would see him that evening and started to leave. David grasped Greenlee's arm and pulled her back so he could kiss her on the cheek. Greenlee then left but was thinking of he fix she is in.

On their way home, Jesse takes Angie to the park. Angie is grateful because she knew she might not be able to see the same things in a year's time. They sat down on a bench, and Jesse said that he wished he could go through the illness for her. Jesse didn't think that he would be as brave as Angie had been. Angie admitted that she was scared. Angie said that she wasn't the only person that had been given both a blessing and a curse. Angie said that all of the things she had experienced in her life and through her work had led her to believe that everything would be okay.

Jesse found some flowers that matched Angie's dress and sweetly presented them to his wife. As a thank you, Angie kissed Jesse. Jesse admitted that sometimes he felt like he was 16 again when Angie kissed him. As if dredged up from their memories, an ice cream truck like one they used to frequent stopped nearby. Jesse asked if Angie wanted some ice cream. When Angie agreed, Jesse dashed off to do as asked. Angie's vision starts to fade.

Angie dropped her flower and attempted to find it. When she heard footsteps approaching, she instinctively thought it was Jesse. She announced what she was looking for, but became alarmed when Jesse didn't respond. Angie stood up and unknowingly looked directly at David. She asked if Jesse was in front of her, and was startled when she heard David's voice. David asked Angie what was wrong with her eyes.

Krystal and Caleb go to Wildwind and hope that Marissa will meet them there. Krystal thanks Caleb again for agreeing to help Angie. Caleb downplayed it. Krystal asked why Caleb acted as though he didn't care, when he probably cared more than most people.

Greenlee stops by to see Ryan. When Ryan answer, Greenlee found the spare key under the plant in the hall. She lets herself in to the penthouse, and asks herself what she was doing. She locks door and looks around as if she belongs there.

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