Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday August 23,2010

With thanks to she knows soaps:

Angie tries to avoid David's accusations about her going blind in the park, but she is unable to keep up the ruse. David calmly questions her and she angrily tells him about her fungal infection that has compromised her vision. Jesse returns and Angie runs into his arms telling him that David knows. Jesse protectively wonders what David wants. David expresses his sympathy and offers to put her in touch with a researcher he knows. Angie thanks him and insists she's not giving up. David notes this will be the end of her career as a doctor which makes her ordeal even more painful. He then questions if she was on duty when she had bouts of blindness and makes threats about liability regarding her and the other staff who assisted her. Jesse orders him to back off but David tells him to take care of Angie because she's going to need it. David leaves and Angie fears David will punish Jake and Frankie for supporting her. Jesse thinks it's not over until it's over and assures her she won't be standing up against David alone.
Scott goes to Ryan's, but finds Greenlee there instead. Ryan walks in wondering if he left the door open, but Scott tells him Greenlee used the spare key. Scott informs Ryan that he and Annie are getting married today and he wants Ryan's help to make sure Emma is okay with it. Ryan appreciates him looking out for his little girl and offers his congratulations and good luck. Scott leaves and Ryan asks Greenlee why she's there. She explains she came to talk about David and wants to go with him to meet with the mechanic. Fearing what David will do to her, Ryan says no.Ryan goes to a hotel room and waits for the mechanic, but Madison walks through the door instead.
David comes home and tells Greenlee about Angie. Greenlee feels bad for Angie but David reminds her she put the hospital and their investment in jeopardy. Greenlee thinks Angie can still be an administrator at the hospital, but realizes David won't let that happen. David hasn't decided yet what he will do with Angie, but Greenlee reminds him he's covered up worse and suggests he be the better man that she knows him to be. She asks him not to disappoint her, urging him to leave Angie alone. He wants to trust her faith in him, but he isn't sure he can after everything he's done to her. She hates what he's been doing to her, but she asks him to give her some hope by letting go of his vendetta against Angie. David wants her to believe in him and to love him again. If she can do that then he can be anything she wants him to be.
At the mansion, Annie asks JR to leave her alone because she is getting married that day. He reminds her she's not married yet and asks if this is really what she wants. She declares she's marrying Scott so he tells her congratulations and good luck. Once Annie has left, JR sees Marissa. He suggests they go to the cottage so they can give Scott and Annie their day and try and save their own marriage. Marissa is hesitant but eventually agrees to go with him.
Annie goes upstairs and talks with Emma about the wedding. Emma is afraid her mother will get hurt again and says she doesn't like when she's sad. Annie reassures her she's found true love this time. Scott comes in and tells them Ryan is coming to the wedding. Emma gets excited and leaves the room. Annie is grateful he made Emma so happy and Scott tells her he can't wait until they are a real family.
Annie comes down dressed for the wedding and finds Scott who tells her they should get married elsewhere because the house is filled with bad memories. He gets an idea and runs out.
Scott brings Annie to a park, which Annie thinks is beautiful and the perfect place to start their life together.

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