Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday August 18,2010

Jake meets amnda forlunch tells her angie's request should she go blind.He takes over as chief of staf.He says Angie is best.
Brot is with doctor he keeps patch on for two weeks.NATALIA COMES TO VISIT
Randi complains all phot shoots were at niht why when in italy they are at night.Randi asks Frankie to come as Madison comes to collect her things.Randi says you can't handle me making love to camera oh shoot I forgot Angie she full of herself.
Angie says she has called Cab she says she can't do this she's not going to work she has sonogram for baby.She doesn't know how she thought she could do this alone she wants Jesse to come.Jesse is upset that hse wasn't go to tell him.she says mentoning this would raise you thought I wouldn't want to be there at all?Angie says first time you see baby is joyous.Jesse says your body your life I'm sorry I put you first I care about you.Jesse says we are ateam we are meant to be side by side when we see our little baby.Cancel cab I'm driving
OMG Frankie and Randi knew about sonogram but not Jesse?Randi begs him to call her if he knows anything.He promises.Randi says when you tak to mom tell her I love her she's in my prayers.
Madison asks what is going on with mom?
Natalia asks how soon Brot will he be able toget back to work she wants to report back to station how is too.He says don't she protests there he's friends he says it's his life.Natalia says she's sorry she was insensitive he says she came at bad time.doc was going to tell me complicated regiment.
Frankie tells Madiosn after saying he has no one totealk to that Angie is going blind.Amanda says they should go to beah.amnda offers pregnancy clothes maternity store yoga!amnda sas she's sorry. as angie says they are blessed and going to sonogram.Jake says he doesn't want job.Angie says she can't keep all secret .she says she needs repalcement to help hsopital.she wants approval from board.Angie says he is best man for job.Jesse says they are going to be late as Amnda says she has more in car.Amanda says you really don't want job do you after Angie and Jesse leave.He says no!
Brot must do exeerccises eye drops 3X daiy sees Randi who twisted ankle during photo shoot.Randi says she does one tiny turn falls flat she's emebarrassed.He asks aren't yuo going to ask how surgery went.she says I figured you would if you wanted to.
Frankie says Angie is going blind having baby keep secret to Madiosn.Frankie says she helped him do all little league basketball etc and now she won't be able to do tha for this child.
Jake is upset Amnda says talk don't churn.You don't know how to let Angie down tell her.Jake sys he can't not inher position.He says he's worried about letting amnda down.Angie sys her friend said she would keep soogram out of sytem.She tells him thye can be 3d 4 d.Jesse says too futurist Angie says good they are going old school.Jesse seems excited. Angie waits as they see the babies heartbeat.They are both in wonder.Jesse sees the heatbeat and Angie can see he's not as invested in this baby in her mind.
Jake says he doesn't want to take away from their family.she says I signed up to do Fusion we made it we will be fine.Angie thinks you will be perfect.Jake says they expect me to be like my Dad and the standards are hard to live up to I am nothing like my Dad.Amanda says that's not true.Dad has amazing tolerance and paperwork makes me feel like blow my brains out .I belong in field helping patients that is why I like docotr's without Borders how do I tell Angie I want no borders
Angie says you are having trouble having the happiness I have sound like your not there.Angie loses sight says she wants to continue conversation.
Madison wnats to throw a part at her new place.She hugs Frankie as Natalia walks in.
Natalia says moving out?Madison says yes thank Randi for me Frankie.Natalia wants to know where Randi is?Natalia gets call has to go.
Brot helps Randi to chair/bed for ankle.he says he's enjoying the conversation complains that everyone asks too mnay questions including Natalia.She says the pressure she understands she says they were probaly thinking today thank goodness it was foot not face.Randi introduces her to doc she skips appointment.Drives Brot home
Angie yells at Jesse that she doesn't need to sit down she says she techniquely was alone at sonogram because he is keeping everything bottled up and not sharing.He says he is not,She says she knows when he holds back we says what we feel so say itthat's how their relationship works.She wants to know if he is going to be resentment for child.Jesse says he is breaking up inside because he worried about her her future and that is going to eat at him everyday of that beautiful child's life.
Randi calls Natalia who comes to him .Brot says he is relcutantly happy to see her complains his place is messy bu thanks her for coming it menas alot that she cares.
Jake shows wheelchair athletes he says there is another choice
Angie tells Jesse none is his fault.He says he doesn't help her enough.
She sys he isn't standing on sidelines this will take time toa ccept but she jsut aasks him to be honest.He says he hates not knowing what's ahead.she says he is her rock her strength .He asks her how he can make peace with being powerless.She says they are blessed with that tiny moving blob this will be chllenge but with faith we can get through and we will sit her in a few months and pour all our love into that child.It will take all we have but I believe in us and we can do everything as long as we do it together.Angie says

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