Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday June 30th,2010

This is a joke says Jack as Caleb says almost the same.Caleb asks Dorothy if this is set-up.Erica looks stunned and angry!Jack wants toknow who Dorothy is!.Erica says he is who saved her!Jack thanks him .He says he'll take cheque be gone.Opal says he reminds her of Palmer!
Annie stamps around looks for something while Jr is on phone.Jr is trying to take control claims he's taking company for them when she wnats to spend time with AJ.Marissa fights with Annie Jr says so that's what happened you two got in fight tell me what happened
David is talking about charges going away on phone.minimal no jail don't call David's home call direct and then he'll wire money.Pretends to Greenlee about sentencing says he's talking to lwayer is trying to get charges reduced he can't be linked to crash paid off meachnic to disppear.Is fooling Greenlee who thinks he's her hero!Thank you David for saving my company
Erica says you are Palmer's nephew!
Jack reads Full company electronics to my nephew Caleb Cooney he will remain at least one year at helm and in P.V. and run company for one year!
Jr asks about fight scratching hair pulling annie says it was nothing and she's going to hospital she's presenting cheque in Palmer's honour for Scott.Giving is better than taking Marissa says snidely.
Jr wants to know what fight was says don't let her get to you.(but is secretly excited)Marissa calls mom for help with wardrobe.
Krystal blows her off at first but says she'll meet at her place?Tad's?
Tad come asks how all is according to Jr just great Tad says he heard that Jr got shares.Good Weird karma!He was able to stick it to Adam one last time.Tad says Mom was always proud even when mistakes,Tad says Annie looked ticked and so did Marissa
David and Greenlle kiss she want to thank him says she never expected this he wants her to to everything he deserves he says she feels guilty for attacking him and blaming him.She says she forgot what marriage really means she wants to spend rest of day with him.He wants to open champagne lead way she says!
Erica says she won't work with Caleb.It's crazy asking the mountain man is like asking gorilla to perform brain surgery
I could compare you to monkey but that would be insult to monkey.says Caleb
Jack asks for respect for Palmer
Why would anyone want to switch Pete for Plamer.
Caleb is to change surname from Cooney to Cortlandt.End of summer to co-host party to formally introduce Caleb.
That's not going to happen Captain Morgan says Caleb only thing wrong with people is a room full of them.
Opal stand up says Palmer mentioned him Caleb)says he lived in woods.
This is Palmer's day we won't ruin it we will talk alone says Erica!
Bianca worries they can't get along. Opal says he's rough around edges
Erica says to Caleb why didn't you tell me you were a Cooney
Why didn't you mention where you were from and that box you weer carrying around was that from Pete? asks Caleb
It sure was!'Says Erica we were very close!Erica can not think why he would want Caleb to run company.Pete knew I hated this life pairing me up with you.We are not pair.My mancurist could then we could run better. I'll take you to bus
Opla says hold your hores you will haera what I have tosay!
David and Greenlee have been evicted from Wildwind Palmer bought it!
Greenlee thought he owned!The go to police chief to find out.
Marissa wants shopping with mom to get clthes.she says Annie and her had fight that her clothes are awful Marissa says she wants to do makeover.Krystal says you don't need amkeover he should love you for you!
Krystal says thinka bout what you want.Jr won''t change.
Jr loves you hewants toput family first but he'snot.Jr neesds to figure things out and put you first.Marissa yells and says she doesn't know why she bothered
Tad says actions speak louder than words show Marissa she's first.Annie is addiction like alchohol she's dangerous you know what to do why is she still here don't make excuses get her out of your life!
Annie wants to see Angie.Annie says she wants to donate money to hospital Frankie fluffs off .
Annie says she wants to prove to the man she loves she mentions JR .Frankie catches the slip!Annie she loves Scott it was a slip of the tongue.Frankie goes to work.
Jr says he can't be addicted to Annie it will waer off I'll be better husband.Put Marissa first you sound like Adam Tad says!Palmer said that too.Tad says take Marissa and go with AJ!
Opla says she doesn't know why but Palmer he was counting on him he's going to haunt you if you let him down.
Listen Ellie May no offence but your wasting your breath says Caleb I would never step into Pete's shoes!they never fit him.Erica says she agrees she won't carry him no ofence to Palmer but there must be solution Jack says he has to stay for a few days.
Get acclimitized check out Cortlandt while waiting to sign off maybe change mind.
David comes to Jessee demands information.Jesse says he did job Palmer owns Wildwind!
Jesse says he left instructions to throw them out.DAvid gets them small one bedroom asks if it is problem as he lies there are no more rooms.
Jesse says when you find new place let me know we'll bring stuff.
Jack tells Caleb Corlandt Electronic is huge company with lots of people who could lose jobs.Sign over to Erica
Who's that asks Caleb about Bianca being a flirt trying to tick off Erica
That is my gay married daughter says Erica.Where's campground.He bought you Wildwind!says Jack

Marissa puts on vavomm dress makeup leaves message for JR.Jr wants to leave doantion to hospital in Palmer's name gives it to Frankie.Annie yells at him.
She asks if he is trying to one up her and he tells her psych ward is two floors down she taunts him that Scott has something he'll never have and he stops elevator!You don't know me he says.
Annie wants to know where the hidden Jr is!Jr says she like alchohol he doesn't need her it's him against temptation and he always wins!
Aj wants to know what mommy is doing he's scared. She says she will wash face.
Caleb isn't hpapy Erica says there is stable.Jack says he let staff know prepare for him. .Erica says Jack's daughter was thrown out for him.This is p.V.this is my town.Jack invites to dinner but Caleb says he doesn't trust restaraunts!
Jesse says he needs something solid help from Tad George King the mechanic suddenly disppeared find him and put David away!Jesse wants smile for Angie .Jesse tells him Angie wasn't pregnant .He is worried about Angie he will do all to put David away.
DAvid promises Greenlee the moon and promises to get home back.Greenlee says we are together let's focus on us!David says when it coems to there marriage he's all in!
Greenlee says growing up staff looked after no one loved her.She's connected by his love and scarifice she's not alone.He takes her to bed.
Marissa greets Jr with smile clean face,ponytail.Sweats!
Jr wants to go away this weekend to beach cottage .Marissa want to take AJ!Marissa is mad she wants to go!We're going with you!Every decsion you make efects us.He claims he doesn't want to hurt AJ!We face everything from now on together says JR!
Tad says David is good at hurting people but he wants to be in loop!Keep him posted.
Greenlee makes love with David.He asks if she's sure.She says she is she loves how he takes care of her knows her better than anyone.
Caleb asks why Pete did this to him
Erica and Jack talk wedding!Shewants to be married by end of summer

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday June 29,2010

Jack says he isn't even allowed to look at Plamer's instructions before will reading.Erica is dreaming of Caleb.hugging him and him calling her darling.Bianca is there when she wakes up.Bianca wants to talk about Caleb Scott is worried the nonotech project is listed in the will and he will be found out for taking it.Annie says they were close at end maybe Palmer left him cufflinks.Cover says Palmer was delusional.Scott says that won't fly.Annie says I will back you up.Jr is wheeling and deeling at breakfast claiming contract today or we will not dealon the phone as Marissa come in.She reminds him that Uncle Palmer's will is today today is family time .Jr talks about those battles in the past that created Chandler betweeen Palmer and Adam.misses them!
Opal get ready for the will reading dressed in awhite dress she's sure Plamer would love debates hat with Krystal.Opal says she heard Palmer's voice all night long and he said I'm coming back.~~~~~~~~~~~Bianca wants to know waht's going on with Caleb dreaming and erica.Erica says she chopped wood.Tree size logs.she says picture me clean chick and beautiful then like that. She says she had to fight for bed!
Caleb is grumpy opinated arrogant and telling everybody waht to do all the time as if it takes courage to run awy from real life.
Bianca has aflight back to Paris right after reading.Binca says if there was wedding I'd stay.
binca says now that David has confessed yo can make palns Erica wants to relax and enjoy engagement.Caleb receives papers about not taking funds from Erica lawyer talk says that this obsolves Erica from liabilities.Caleb misses Erica!
Krystal comes looking for Jack talks to erica alone.Krystal tells Erica she looks bettersays she was with Jack when finding Erica he was so afraid until he found you and proposed.Krystals says jAck's love is pure and bright he putting whole heart on line....So am I and he's my fiance'Don't go through with wedding if your not 100% Erica.
Krystal you may straighten his files books but I straighten his ties and our life is none of your business says Erica
Jr asks if he can get a maid to move Marissa's tuff back in their room .Marissa says she'll get around to it.
Annie comes down in a black mini dress.They call Annie on going she's says she's there for Scott.Jr wants to know why Scott was invited.she says Plamer was delusional.She sets up story for Scott!
Jr says she shouldn't be at will reading says what happened in park was mistake.Jr says his friend dying hit him hard that's why he reached out Annie says and you came to me like a real person Jr says won't happen again.
Opal talks to Jack about will wishes Petey was there.Family is coming she hopes!
Most all ready have their bequests like kids!Krystal makes Opal jump.Krystal and Jack had memorial commissioned .anie says she doesn't want to make things worse for him.He says he will talk to Jack and make sure she can come she reassures him everything will work out fine.Annie talks to Plamer that he btter not have screwed up things for Scott.Marissa says talking to yourself not a good sign with your history!Jr says I take it you got smart and left Annie at home.Scott says no she's coming and leave Annie alone.Jr says accounting people says he invested all in naotech if it tanks company is in trouble.Scott says he is the majority holder.
Marissa says she dropped AJ at playdate.Annie asks how beesting was Marissa says how did she know that.annie says she was wiht Jr when she called there goes your mind with worst possible conclusion.Don't be paranoid .Your palying lady of the house coming to private family event no one wants you at says Marissa. Scott wants me there and that's good way you lead him on you just want staus and money you
don't care as long as you get waht you want Marissa says
Is that waht you convinced yourself asks Annie?I hate to tell you but Jr came on to me he kissed me initiated it be honest if you weren't a boring little mouse he would never have had sex with me!
what is so exciting about you lie cheat murder kidnapps own child crazy person.Adam let you for better woman Scott will leave you .Annie says don't underestimate Sex.I stopped sleeping with Adam and he left.And who's not sleeping with their husband?
Stay out of my marriage says Marissa
you are the one palying games here says Annie.Waht you are doing to Jr is not adog with holding sex and tell he can prove he's worthy of your pink flannel love is not right.He's aman sexy passioante amazing man but yu will never be amatch for him.look at that I'm invited.Marissa fights with annie try to grab her phone Marissa knocks over Palmer memorial plaque blames Annie.Annie wants to walk away Marissa says they have to fix !How about nail glue says Annie!
Jr says Scott is not knowledgeable about business can't run Chandler.Jr says he s better choice Scott is making mistakes.
Bianca sees them fighting goes over hugs Scott.
Krystal and Erica spar over Jack.Erica is threatened by Krystal thinks she's going after Jack.Krystal you are employee says Erica/.Marissa and Annie walk in Marissa says since you are here don't embarrass Scott.Annie says she has right to be there too!Scott asks if they should know something.Marissa says just Annie being annie.
Erica ssys she doesn't know how Krystal finds the time to serve up more than grits.Krystal says she can serve up more than grits! Remind me not to ask about your
specials when I come in.
J r tries to make Annie leave when Binca says it's palmer's day.Scott says get off Annie's case and Marissa says get off Jr's case as ceremony starts for reading will.The music is favorite of Plamer.earer my god to thee!Marissa has a mean side says Annie the quiet ones always do.
Jack starts last will and testment opens box as all watch.takes out will.
Welcome to swan song i'm sure you want toget back to each other's throats but for now floor is mine I know each nad everyone strength,weakness,secrets.I may be gone but you'll feel my prescence for years to come as I plan to bring big change to Pine Valley and each one of your lives!wahtever I have accomplished I ammost proud.Those residing outside of Pine Valley will receive my letter
To my Son Peter I leave my lasting loveand faith and proud and a trust to fund his my cherished OpalI didn't always make your life easy but hopefully the money I left you willmake the rest of your life easier.I found a sign a while back from glamoramma which I have arranged to have delivered to you don't forget your roots!(Opal and Erica laugh here)you made me realize the honor of honouring those roots and my last wishes will continue to do so because all though I spent most of my life avoiding the past it's remembering where we came from that gives us strength

(Jack gives Opal letter he says he was going to propse that old reascal Opal cries.Her engagement ring is in letter.she says you really were mine i really am yours she says looking up to the heavens)
To my darling Bianca
I was proud to launch Kendall's business and proud of you that's why I leave you the puppets from the puppet shows I put on for Miranda so your children and ther children can rmeber their Uncle Palmer so you'll rember through our children we see the best of ourselves whatever ilost gained lost and gained moneywise again the legacy tht matter most was the children and his family

(Jack gives Bianca letter)
(Bianca says Plamer says even though her mother is Erica Kane Erica is her mother first and even though she won't admit she needs Bianca!)Erica hugs agrees.Binca says she's not going home except to get kids for visit and plan wedding.
I hope that the next generation of Chandler's and Cortlandt's wiser than in my day feuds and hostilities will cease i hope that the actons I have taken will end that
To Jr my beloved Dixie's son you had some communications over the year that were through yor father about our animosities but when financial misfortune befell your father years ago despite the bad blood I refinanced with dixie being given shares in compan your mother refused and I forgot about existance they are yours now to doas you see fit never forget whatever Chandler there is in you there is Cooney too!

(Jr is smiling and hpapy he knws this means he is equal to Scott Annie is frowning!)
Jack gives letter which says he's equal 50/50 Jr thanks Uncle Palmer)Marissa is exstatic too! He wants to read letter alone)
Scott Chandler don't hold onto waht belongs to you it leads to trouble it's never to alte to remember to return what's been taken (Scott stands up is going to confess Annie says let Jack finish) I bought picture of Pigeon Hollow Creek that he looked at every day.Maybe you've never been to Pigeon hollow but as Stuart's son the best of that is in you.Never had much use for Chndler's but Stuart was a man of integrity and heart he took you in as a child and raised you to be amna s good and kind as he was
Jr reads letter in park keys fall out of enevelope.
Dear nephew rely on heart and head be a far better man then your are at crossroads these keys belong to cottage your mother loved I hope you'll use this cottage to get away when you are losing touch of what really matters.
Scott asks if that's gum that is holding Palmer's memorial together.Annie lies that she doesn't think so!Scott asks if this has to do with Marissa and her.She excuses herself to ladies room.
Erica says Plamer was powerful and anyone who got in his way~~~~~~nothing meant more than family we had that in common She talks about wedding says she can't wait wants to get married right away.
Annie says she lost lipstick wants toknow what's in letter anything interesting asks about keys beach cottage he tells her that his mom loved why are there two keys then if you want to be alone asks Annie!Marissa sees!
Jr says he wants to spend time with her tell her what Palmer tells Annie not to rush home.Annie recalls Bedding with Jr.
Annie says it's terrible that Scott has to battle it out with jr.He says it's asign form his dad as much Plamer all will be .right with nanotach he's relieved .no guilt no looking over shoulder.Anni says you will always look over your shoulder with Jr as partner says Annie
Jack continues Fortune had ups and downs in recent years but Coutlandt is still force I may be gone but hopefully Cortlandt will continue to make it's mark on world tha's why I'm entrusting my company to be run by two people
the first awaomn who grew up in P.V. making herself a household name and the wrold Erica Kane my kindred spirit but since she can't always be available becasue she has own businesess.I leave full ownership to my nephew Caleb Cooney.
Caleb walks in.
Dorothy your here?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday June 28th,2010

Erica is in hospital room Jack says he's putting foot down.Jack says she's had setback leaving aganst doctor's orders.Bianca says he's on his own but she makes Erica promise to take it easier.Jack tries to bully her back tbed she says she doesn't like that .Erica says Fusion is crisis mode she needs to be there.Jack says you told Greenlee to turn David in if she did that you could rest.She won't says Erica.Erica says she thought about life on mountain she will never let a man control her.Jack produces a wheelchair but Erica says not on your life!He says art of compromise Erica says that Frankie will chck her out whenshe comes back and if he says she needs tosay she will she promises.

Angie in the afterglow of loving making is thinking about complete bindness I don't thinks she slept as Jesse wakes up.She says she was starring at handsome face want to memorize every inch.He says she's beautiful even in morning.she says last night was amzing.Jesse senses something is wrong but Angie convinces him all is okay!
Angie says she wish it was always like this she wants to last forever.Jesse says lets take a little longer in bed.As alarm goes off.

Amanda and Jake eat in park burittos.Amanda says she canceled Italy shoot.Jake says we should just all go as a family!
Greenlee talks to DAvid about problems with SCC she says David's plans are too dangerous.she'll fix this.David says he's contacting guy about plane.Bianca is at door she says she wants answer about Fusion are you going to turn in David or not? asks Bianca
Greenlee says she doesn't respond to heavy tactics from Kane women.David is my husband!
Bianca says if you listened to conscience that you would turn him in for plane crash.David hears as Bianca asks this and asks if she really cares enough to lose Fusion for David.I will not sacrifice my husband I'll keep my company and my husband says Greenlee!David has supported me I trust him completely.Do really poeple getting drugged planes falling out of he sky you and Kendall have put your all in since day one you .I can't believe you would scarifice something that is such apart of you.Is he worth it .conversation is over says Greenlee.David says that was interesting Erica and Bianca want you to turn me over to SCC and you didn't tell me.OMG you were actually considering it I thought we were together no matter what.I just found out you slippped into Bianca's drink and I was mad so I considered for a second but I just told them no.I don't have time for this.

Jake says we go to Rome and Florence have wine and pasta.We can teach Trevor to eat spaghetti!Amanda says with all going on how can you take time off? Jaks says were ever she is he's behind her!
Jesse is told Iris the mayor was looking for him and she was mad he wasn't there.Jesse is sending Natlaia to West Virginia to check on what is holding up investigation as his representative.Natalia balks she's worried about Mayor Blanco!esse says he'll prove it and nail David.Jesse says he sees the pressure and stress on Angie. David is idiot doesn't understand decent people.Angie is not ready to walk away.He's worried about her.He needs to tke David down.Then he says he to do something.
Jake wants Angie's help he wants her to sheck sinus rythum it's on table he says there is no patient.He was testing he knew!
Erica says it was quiet on mountain!Jack thought she would miss fast pace most.I wish Greenlee would turn in David to Jack.Greenlee comes in says not going to happen I take it you sicked Bianca on me.Erica says I guess Bianca thought you would grow a conscience!I am doing the right thing not turning David in.We should try again to convince them it's a clerical error.That didn't work says Jack they will not move on this until they have someone to drag out in handcuffs. says Jack
Ther's always Erica.
Youknow and I know Erica didn't take any money.Jack says
so what are you going to move on me next to save your girlfriend asks Greenlee David and I in prison then you get rid of your daughter and Erica gets my company?
We both know who's responsible says JAck!I'm not going to let you pin this on David Greenlee says
"It's all rightI've taken care of everything I told him I was ready to cooperate.I told him that I set up Erica for it.What have you done asks Greenlee David:In short I confessed.How could you confess undo!It was clearly the only thing I could do there was clearly no logic to this Jack says
You admitted what we knew all along says Erica Why did you confess none of this would have happened in the first place if you didn't do it.
David I expected a little more gratitude .Erica:You don't do anything ever unless there is something in it for you
DAvdi:i did it for my wives happiness.
Erica you're not exactly the martyr type.
DAvdi:No i have grat lawyers.I'll fight for areduced sentences.
Jack:did you Nation safety transportational board I just though since you were in a confessing state of mind.
davdi I would never try to kill you Erica please look me in my eyes and tell me that.
THe old David wouldn't but i don't know you anymore says Erica
We had alot of battles but we always fought on the same side.
Jack says he doesn't belive it where as david says you should be happy i'm going to be in jail it will give you more time to convince Greenlee to divorce me.
Greenlee says she doen't wnat David to do this.It's too much.
David says he couldn't live with himself if he lsot her company and it crumbled.
Jesse says it has to stop David's crime has to stick.You wouldn't take matters into your own hands would you Natlaia saks.
Jesse says you know David's Mo and you'll see it and nail him.Jesse praises Natalia he says her mom is probably bragging all over the heavens.David can not beat us because he doesn't have family.
Angie says that was cruel.Jake says if you're going to keep pretending nothings wrong
Everybody has problems now and then.She tells him what it really is.Jake says that's very rare. Fungal she says symptoms Jake asks.
She tells him about boy she was exposed to.He aaks about clinical astudies prognosi.
she tells him that she could go completely blind!
It atacks and destroys eye tissues! she'll get more dizziness orientation until loss of sight.Jesse appears says he accidently picked up her phone.Asks how all is she says couldn't be better while Jak hides face.
David you shouldn't have done this Greenlee says.I had to says david I neede to make up to you what I did to Erica's plane.Greeenlee says the SCC is going for blood they want maximium sentences.You're making huge sacrifice for me .I was amd about Bianca and you do this something so noble.David says she will bring Fusion to the top.Greenlee worries he will lsoe years of his life.David says you take company crown throne. She says she doesn't know whether to kiss or cry.David says i promised you anything you want world in bow but atleast I can give you waht you truly love Fusion.David says he has to gosee attorney it will work out.
Jack says confession will stand. Erica says she only wanted to help Kendall temporarily.
This company has become her life consumesd her and she doesn't want that.Jack says are you ready to let Fusion go!
Erica says she wanted in the best shape was that the right decision.She wants her life back!There is so much she wants to do and it isn't Fusion!
Jack asks what happeend up there as he get phone call. His assisitant says Doc Waller called there were isntructions form Palmer.
Jake is having trouble hiding it.Angie asks for time for discussion about patient.Jake says you need to tell Jesse.Angie says David's staff cuts were the reason.Jesse is close to nailing David she says.Jake says he blames David.
Jake says it's not right it'snot fair to your patients.Angie says she needs time.Jesse brings her water. Jake asys take care of angie they are lucky guys as Jesse says
Angie hugs Jesse
Bianca comes in aks if it's true of Greenlee that David confessed.Greenlee says news travels fast.David has done an admiral thing first thing his done in along time like that he really cares about Greenlee says Binca.Maybe htere's hope for you after all Bianca says.
David speaks to soemone in a park he tells the SCC guy that the money guarantees minmal charges.When he is free to be with wife the guy gets rest of money.
Jack says the instructions dictate all.If I know Palmer in for big surprise says Erica!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Daytime Emmys the winners are:

And the winners are:
The Daytime Emmy Creative Craft Awards were held Friday night, June 25 at the Westin Bonaventure in Los Angeles and was hosted by Y&R's Christian LeBlanc. The awards handed out were vast and hopefully it was a sign of things to come Sunday as AMC took three of those awards!
AMC won for Outstanding Achievement for Costume Design, Outstanding Achievement for Lighting Direction, and Outstanding Achievement for Make Up
Outstanding Game show - CAsh Cab-Discovery
Outstanding Informative Talk Show - The Doctors
Outstanding Talk Show -Ellen DeGeneres
Oustanding achievement -Agnes Nixon(we love you too Agnes!!!)One complaint you inventd Loving too didn't you?
Oustanding Game Show Host-Cab Cab -Ben Bailey
Outstanding Talk show host- Dr.OZ

Sarah Brown as Claudia Zacchara on General Hospital (ABC)
Crystal Chappell as Olivia Spencer on Guiding Light (CBS)
Bobbie Eakes as Krystal Carey on All My Children (ABC)
Michelle Stafford as Phyllis Summers on The Young and the Restless (CBS)
Maura West as Carly Tenney on As the World Turns (CBS)(WINNER)

Peter Bergman as Jack Abbott on The Young and the Restless (CBS)
Doug Davidson as Paul Williams on The Young and the Restless (CBS)
Jon Lindstrom as Craig Montgomery on As the World Turns (CBS)
Michael Park as Jack Snyder on As the World Turns (CBS)(WINNER)
James Scott as EJ DiMera on Days of our Lives (NBC)

Beth Chamberlin as Beth Raines on Guiding Light (CBS)
Carolyn Hennesy as Diane Miller on General Hospital (ABC)
Julie Pinson as Janet Ciccone on As the World Turns (CBS) (WINNER)
Bree Williamson as Jessica Brennan on One Life to Live (ABC)
Arianne Zuker as Nicole Walker on Days of our Lives (NBC)

Bradford Anderson as Damien Spinelli on General Hospital (ABC)
Ricky Paull Goldin as Jake Martin on All My Children (ABC) Jonathan Jackson as Lucky Spencer on General Hospital (ABC)
Brian Kerwin as Charlie Banks on One Life to Live (ABC)
Billy Miller as Billy Abbott on The Young and the Restless (CBS(WINNER)

OUTSTANDING YOUNGER ACTRESSJulie Marie Berman as Lulu Spencer on General Hospital (ABC)(WINNER)
Molly Burnett as Melanie Layton on Days of our Lives (NBC)
Shelley Hennig as Stephanie Johnson on Days of our Lives (NBC)
Christel Khalil as Lily Winters on The Young and the Restless (CBS)
Marnie Schulenburg as Alison Stewart on As the World Turns (CBS)

Drew Tyler Bell as Thomas Forrester on The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) WINNER
Scott Clifton as Schuyler Joplin on One Life to Live (ABC)
Zack Conroy as James Spaulding on Guiding Light (CBS)
Drew Garrett as Michael Corinthos on General Hospital (ABC)
Dylan Patton as Will Horton on Days of our Lives (NBC)

All My Children (ABC)
As the World Turns (CBS)
The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) (WINNER)
The Young and the Restless (CBS)

All My Children (ABC) Winner)
The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)
General Hospital (ABC)(WINNER)
One Life to Live (ABC)

All My Children (ABC)
The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)
General Hospital (ABC)
The Young and the Restless (CBS

Congratulations to all the winners!!!

Daytime Emmy Predictions

Agnes Nixon will be receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award which is well deserved!And of course Regis Philbin as hosts as well!
The Nominees are:
OUTSTANDING DRAMA SERIES My prediction: The Bold and Beautiful
All My Children (ABC)
The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)
General Hospital (ABC)
The Young and the Restless (CBS)

Sarah Brown as Claudia Zacchara on General Hospital (ABC)
Crystal Chappell as Olivia Spencer on Guiding Light (CBS)
Bobbie Eakes as Krystal Carey on All My Children (ABC)
Michelle Stafford as Phyllis Summers on The Young and the Restless (CBS)
Maura West as Carly Tenney on As the World Turns (CBS)
My prediction: Well I really would like to see Bobbie Win it's probably going tobe Crystal

Peter Bergman as Jack Abbott on The Young and the Restless (CBS)
Doug Davidson as Paul Williams on The Young and the Restless (CBS)
Jon Lindstrom as Craig Montgomery on As the World Turns (CBS)
Michael Park as Jack Snyder on As the World Turns (CBS)
James Scott as EJ DiMera on Days of our Lives (NBC)
My prediction: James Scott

Beth Chamberlin as Beth Raines on Guiding Light (CBS)
Carolyn Hennesy as Diane Miller on General Hospital (ABC)
Julie Pinson as Janet Ciccone on As the World Turns (CBS)
Bree Williamson as Jessica Brennan on One Life to Live (ABC)
Arianne Zuker as Nicole Walker on Days of our Lives (NBC)

My prediction: it's a toss up betweeen Bree and Arianne but it will be Bree!

Bradford Anderson as Damien Spinelli on General Hospital (ABC)
Rick Paull Goldin as Jake Martin on All My Children (ABC)
Jonathan Jackson as Lucky Spencer on General Hospital (ABC)
Brian Kerwin as Charlie Banks on One Life to Live (ABC)
Billy Miller as Billy Abbott on The Young and the Restless (CBS)
My prediction: Ricky Paull should win but I could see a tie with Billy Miller

Julie Marie Berman as Lulu Spencer on General Hospital (ABC)
Molly Burnett as Melanie Layton on Days of our Lives (NBC)
Shelley Hennig as Stephanie Johnson on Days of our Lives (NBC)
Christel Khalil as Lily Winters on The Young and the Restless (CBS)
Marnie Schulenburg as Alison Stewart on As the World Turns (CBS)
My prediction: Christel they always love a good I'm dying scene

Drew Tyler Bell as Thomas Forrester on The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)
Scott Clifton as Schuyler Joplin on One Life to Live (ABC)
Zack Conroy as James Spaulding on Guiding Light (CBS)
Drew Garrett as Michael Corinthos on General Hospital (ABC)
Dylan Patton as Will Horton on Days of our Lives (NBC)

My prediction: Drew Garrett will win

All My Children (ABC)
As the World Turns (CBS)
The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)
The Young and the Restless (CBS

Not AMC Pratt's writing almost killed AMC! The Bold and Beautiful will win!Even though I hate that show! it's boring to me and when it's not boring it makes me so mad I can't watch!Young and Restless should win!
All My Children (ABC)
The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)
General Hospital (ABC)
One Life to Live (ABC)

Okay all give this one to AMC they have a good directing team!
So see you tonight for the daytime emmys!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday June 25,2010

Angie is checkin on her blood in a microscope.picks up recording device.she has dizzy spellas .She needs specailized equipment they don't have mut get it apst David .she says patient life depends on it. Jesse givs her hell for working in dark says sh'll go blind.She take to nurse heather about patient.Jesse aasks for food for Angie says she didn't eat last night.It's only 8am but he's worried becasue she didn't check in.Natalia was made detective las night and angie forgot.Angie compalins no time for anything.Jesse says we love you and we understand nothing to make up.Angie sees Jesse with no face!oh dear Angie!
Jesse think she's mad! Angie says she beleives him that they are not mad.David was a confab.Jesse sayshehas to check it palne crash.David taunts that the mayor is real stickler for results.David wants to know what's going on with Angie says come with him.David says she's spending money we don't hae.she says she's saving livs.David says this taks money resources.Angie syas operations are cancelled and patients are being turned awy.David says she doesn't get big picture.David says that kid passed out and you didn't tke precautions risking everything.David says wear gloves and equipment.Rule is protect self says David.GEt it together there could have been conseq should you he says.mayor congrataulaions.uence.Angie cries is worried.Natalia and Jessse are worried about Angie's overwork.Jesse is honoring Natlalia with mayor that.Highest score on exam .Jesse says he is proud she's a detective now.Department is lucky to have your father I mean chief mayor says.Jesse tells her it will look bad when he nails Erica. Jesse then tells Natali she's buying everyone lunch it's the rule for celebrating being detective.Frankie helps Angie acess Ramone Catera's .
Frankie wantsher to go to breakfast with him and she says no she needs inf.He asks wahy it's important she says she doesn't know.Angie is till wroking on what she had.
Frankie meets natalia and congrats Brot says thanks for making us all look bad being yungest.Angie shows up say sorry for last night she says she's proud.Natlai says mayor branco mad eit painfully clear she doesn't like ti that hse doesn't hink we deserveit.Angie sys becasue you're awaomn of color it's doubly hard you have to work twice as hard keep your head down and hsow the what your made of.Angie wants Natali to find Ramone.Angie goes home stares at pic of Jesseand angie.
Jesse is late and se .ems surpised Angie made party even for moment.Alarm goes off and Angie can't see it.nurse says chief hubbard do you want to try some atrophine.angie doesn't respond asks Jake who appears to take over.She claims she drank at lunch!Natalia says Ramone was last at 88 uppershack road next to rockpoint park with foster family says Natalia.Krystal gives free lunch to celebrate Natalia sos she doesn't have to pay!Frankie says he done for day.Jesse says he has to go back to work.Frankie says he's like his mom.Jesse says she eats drinks sleeps hosital. Frankie convinces Jse to go to park and have fun.angie sees Rmaone in park asks if he remebers her.He stares traight ahead doesn't answer.Angie asks how he feel off bike.He's blind!He's brother gives him white cane.Angie goes back to hospital.David finds Frankie and Jesse eating in aprk.Mayor told David waht Jesse said about him that she shouldreturn campaign funds.David says he won't let down people who depened on him.David says if you take mea way from wife daughter you won't know what hit you.Frankie is worried about Jesse he says he was suprised to hear david mention Marissa and his wife guess it's what we workfor.Jesse tells he's son that Angie thought she might be expecting and says false alarm.Frankie seems relieved!Jesse calims he has bad ankles when Frankie thrwos ball.Frankie complains he's old man then Jesse says go long as frankie throws bal.Angie workshard to diagnose her condition.angie fluffs off Jake's concern says it's be one of thosedays when he asks what's going on.He asks if he can do something.she tels Jake she's helping patinet.Want me to do consultationwe can figure out together.Jake sys we can help each other we are friends.something is not right about this you are off your game Jake .David is breathing down neck!says I'm worried first year could do basic life response.If you ween't okay you'd tel me say Jake.Angie says yes lies!Angie goe sback to checking. Blurrd vison disorietation ocasional dizziness starlight effect hemmorrages noticed in eyes.Infectius process in eyes indoffimyitis! unknown cause psychian carelessness is cause!Few trials available.antie experimental treatements fungal trails unefective.some patients get better on own others get permanent damage and blindness!Frankie hug Mom when she comes out.Says she is incredible mom doctor.Says he stopped back to check patient. Angie syas he's got hergenes.Says he's perfect gene poll.He says Jesse and he ha great time throwing Football like in highschool! Angie sys that must have been sight tosee!Jesse and Frankie playing football.
Angie is now at yacht club apparently hospital scene with Frankie was memory? only explaination very jarring to have Angie suddenly appear at yacht club!
Jesse sneaks up hig and kisses Angie Sorry babe it's just me.Hospital said you signed out needed air so I guessed here.she says she loves the way the lght bounces off water it's so pretty.Angie stres at Jesse she says he is exactly who she want stosee and who she wants to talk to!Jesse smiles at her says hewants to get out of her go somewhere and talk ot her about something.He says he doen't now where to begin .He loves her! it's his everything he saw david today he declared all out war fighting with Mayor too he says.You and I have been so busyWe have to make time we are solucky I never want david work or mayoe gt in the way of us and our family/Angie says we won't let him.Jesse says when he thought she was pregnant he loved her even more.He wants her to stay in yacht club room overnight with him.she says he is her star moon her finish! Jesse hugs her and makes love to her.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday June 24,2010

Damon is shocked tad wants to adopt him but happy.
Miler tells Liza she's shocked! Paul says be on guard that Damon doesn't ruin your friendship like he did my marriage trust me you haven't seen anything yet.
Madison offers to go find Erica says sometimes we need hero.
Caleb's friend Bob comes and says he wants to help him rebuild .Caleb says he wants to move further into woods.
Erica offers to help save Fusion with Greenlee she'll make her pay later David advises don't trust her.Erica asks if she can think for herself.
Damon tells Tad he doesn't have to adopt to prove anything.Tad says Kathy and Jenny all ready painted sneakers.Tad says he's a big fan of baggage there 's nothing Tad can't deal with because he has whole family behing him just like you!Who will stand behind him.Damon says what will happen when I screw up and I will.Tad says we'll be hee for you. Damon says he failed at family before. Tad sys I'll always be there for you you can count on it.
Colby freaks out about phone interview in morning Liza reassures her.Colby says she used to know what she wanted.Liza says she will be cool mom open mind and listen.Colby says have you ever told guy you loved them before they did.Did it ruin all?Women are more mature then men!I said I love him and he didn't say it back says Colby!Liza is worried!
Erica asks for help from Jack to get evidence on Greenlee and David she wants police transcripts.David tells her that Erica will throw Greenlee under the bus.dont trust her.Greenlee tells him to go she need to focus on Fusion SCC problems all alone.She'll call later.She tells Erica she's in!
Greenlee says to sCC that they need tosee all papers.Greenlee says give me exact figure and i'll write cheque to cover.He looks at ericasays she went to jail for insider trading.Greenlee says you are taking an accounting error and blowing it out of proportion.So you are tellingme on record Erica is innocent say SCC! Yes says Greenlee!
Liza says guys at this age get sacred at commitment!Love ia amzing but it only works if two are commited .You're saying Damon is playing me!thanks mom so glad we had this talk.Lizasays she jsut wants Colby happy!Can you drive me to tad's now I have date with heart shredder!says Colby.
Damon wants toknow why tad wants to take on scrw-up.Tad says he dosen't expect to be easy I stole my parents don't have corner ons crw-ups.You ARE MY SON I'LL ALWAYS BE Proud there's nothing you can do that would amke you walk away? Nothing says Tad!
Colby and Liza arrive!
Caleb is talking with bob he mentions that Erica was celebrety.Caleb says she was trouble.
Bianca and Erica and Greenlee try to get by SCC to work! Madiosn offers totake fall.
Colby is shocked that damon.Liza and Tad watched movie.Tad tells adoption news!Tad is asking permision.If my mom agrees I'm a Martin damon says!
Madiosn says blame it on me clerical error.Ryan says you could go to jail.Greenlee says I like it.Erica says thank -you but no!Greenlee says you just got let our best chence away.Erica accuses her of trying to get rid of Madison to get Ryan's ardour!Ryan is very protective of her.Erica says throw David under the bus!
Damon is happy tAd will talk to Hilalry tomorrow!
colby and Damon ant sto go for chilly cheese fries. Liza reminds about interview colby says she'll be ready.
Liza says she ran into Miller!Damon has done terrible you think if i foind out his damge goods i'll return him i'm in for the long hul!
Jack says david has stones coming to police station.Now i can have you arested for drugging bianca!David bes for approval from jack for Greenlee.Fther's day was difficult says David.There was no attempted murder.You lost time how can you treat her like this!?Jack sys as long as you're around we can't!UNless you're inprison or dead!
Erica says David is logical choice ,Throw my husband in prsion no!We need to come up with better solution!He doesn't have reputation to uphold .This is nothing to him and fusion would be back on track.Binaca tells Greenlee that David drugged her!Greenle eis shocked.That's it I'm arresting him says Erica there's no proof says Binky sadly!
It's simple Greenlee do you blindly support a man who would drug innocent people or do you turn him in? asks Erica as greenlee looks troubled!
JAck says when they first got married mybe Greenlee would make him better!David says Greenlee is same amazing woman.One or both of you did this to Erica! David says she'sa live.Jack says you seem to be laboring under misaprehension that I'm not dangerous becasue I haven't done soemthing you're wrong!
Madison jokes how she would look as prisoner.Ryna says she watches too much alte night tv.
David says you couldn't stop them.Greenlee says she will figure this out.Erica says thinka bout what we said.Erica is happy to have binca ther.Bianca makes Erica sit down,Binca says she should be lying in hsopital bed.Erica sys she was afraid she wasn't coming back bt she wasn't alone Caleb saved her life more than once.Remembes conversation with cAleb about joy love hope!
Bob asks woamn's name Caleb says Dorthy!
Liza says Miler says he did things more than teenage hijinks!Tad wants Liza on board with adopton .she lies that she is
Colby says it's weird her mom dating his Dad!I said I love you and you didn't say it back!Damon says he couldnm't say it back becasue of Bailey he doesn't want to mess up.He says they he thinks we have something!
My moher help me figure this out says Colby! He checks phone when she mentions Liza!
Liza says she had talk about male species and commitment!Tad says L word!
Liza says Tad said I lerf you! Tad denies it .Ilerf you tooSays Liza and i want to kiss you!they kiss!
Ryan says she's full of surprises!Maybe Ineed to be the one to surprise you says Ryna kiiisng her.
Miranda has lose tooth the on top say Bianca!JAck gives Erica heck for not being in hospital!Binca says will they celbrate engagement!We'll celebrate with apple juice and jello at the hsopital says Jack several times.
Erica says you better hope your dughter has sabotoged Brakes on car.
Greenlee calls David on druging Bianca!She is annoyed at the way he helped her!
David says we need to think up aplan tosave company!Erica has one she says!This paln of Erica is it viable? asks David Maybe says Greenlee considering putting David on the hot seat!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday June 23,2010

Liza is happy Tad picked her up from hopsital.He wants to fuss over her and give er dvd's and foot massage.He got rid of all! they talk about kitchen table etc.Oh dear Damon's home.
Erica walks into Fusion dressed to the nines aand asks Greenlee if she missed her?Oh you're late for your victory party.I want your full attention she says locking down elevator no one will bother us Erica says.Greenlee:Erica I didnt know

David shuts Bianca in a room to sleep off drug! Ryan is outside door looking smug!Damon why are you home? I'm all ready gone he says going to man cave.Liza says another night! Tad offers night with damon watching movie!Liza says no way!He saved your life.I'm grateful but... make connection blossom says TAd.Liza gives in fine fine!
Tad invites Damon to play doom day zone.Liza syas it will be fun.i have popcorn snacks hope you like buyyer.Liza fawns over father's day card from Jenny and Kathy!Damon says sorryhe forgot not aholiday in his home!
Madiosn comes for release papers!Frankie gives Madison heck for letting Erica leave.She nearly died on muntain.Madiosn pulls out woman card says you wouldn't do this to man.She's not always right!
David tries to get rid of Ryan tells him he rented suite for potentail buyres.Ryna syas there kicking Erica while she'ds down.Greenlee is doing what she needs to to keep her company!David says he has been lovely supportive husband and he's glad to be apart of it when ryan says he was behind fraud and plane crash.
Erica says plane crash is like this elevator crashing someone cutting cables!Greenlee is sick with her caustrophobia! Erica says I will prove you did this and when I'm done you will wish you'd done a much better job of it!

Tad claims Damon is louder than movie.Liza calls him comedian Tad says he got that from him! Damon thought she'd be chick flick!Liza says she likes all genre .Fancy french Damon says Tad.Tad gets call.Damon says were bonding aint it great .Tad for case.
Bianca wakes up says you drugged me.I always gave you beneft of the doubt becasue I kept tell me that somewhere there's ahuman being.Binca says she's reporting to hopsitl.David says by then drugg will have worn off good luck.Greenlee is getting Fusion back I won't let you ruin that.I gave you over counter drug.I almost feel sorry for you you put erica nd Greenlee in danger.I've come to help but obviously you don't want me here.
Just let me out of here Greenlee says!Erica says whatever you did and cause plane crash to frame me it will unravel imagine what it will be like when you're surrounded by bars!Damon says stay let's get toknow each other nad then maybe hee could delete from phone.
David says Binaca sounds like Jack ryan and everyone esle in town.Binca says Yuo'd do anything for her but she doesn't feel the same .She doesn't love you back!
Greenlee has won you can't change tht she's made the announcement now.You don't understand woman you drug coherse but that will never work with Greenlee.
Binca says she doesn't have proof he drugged her but my mother will make sure you pay and I won't make things easier what ever connection we had is over.SCC cancelled party LOL Greenlee
Greenlee says mountain air has made you delusional! Greenlee says she used expertise to win.Think what to you want but let me out of here!Erica says she's waitting for computer people as Greenlee hyperventilates!
Erica takes pity lets Greenlee out runs into SCC! Erica tries to get them to stop Scc says every keystroke is recorded the culprit will be caught until Scc addresses fraud though Fusion is shut down!
Tad sees Mr.Miller.. He says you wouldn't pop in on Damon
Miller wants to know aht Damon did!Found where he hangs out!Miller says did he make Colby preganat Tad says no and stuart isn't hisTad tells him he's his dad.He says congrautaltions his your problem now!
Damon says not to bad .Liza wants more butter turns off sex scene! Damon says i thought we were trying to be firends.How old was tad when he slept with your mom.She must have been pretty hot as least as hot as you.Ryan tellsMadiosn not to worry he knew he was helping.You're acting like erica is achild how are you helping by taking truth from her!This is erica's fight back off and let her do what she neds to do!
Binca says good I didn't miss launch!Jack says there wasn't one!jack says neither woan showed up!Binca tells Jack she was drugged. Jack goes after David.
Greenlee and Erica spar over Fsuion fraud!! Erica asks what is wrong with her .Fusion will survive this.I will never share my company with you says Greenlee.You have sabotoged for last time was it worth it? asks Erica!
david says she was headed to Fusion.They want to find the two woman,
Ryan apologises says they are strong woamn don't need man to keep swooping in to save day and she wants him to change tire he laughs!
Tad says you don't seem surprised Tad says he says he has feeling!Wasn't hard to figure out.Miller says he never pushed hima way.From thld walk he was misery.e moment he coui I am completely off the hook He's happy!tad says how can you walk away like thaT turn on alittle baby!If you ever gaave damn spent time with him you'd see a kid who tries .He's great with kkids he liestens to them.I'm sorry for you! He's aprt of mine supported excepted.It's the reason I wanted to talk to you! He wants to adopt!
Damon flatters Liza says guys think she is ahottie.liza says we can't be firends until you delete picutres.Why can't you just be normal! Relaly hard tog et lla to like you? says Liza
Tad wants perfects son Colby wants sounding board for family and you want me to disppear.My daughter doesn't play games and she doesn't have a plan B asa long as you have pictures I don't trust you Liza says.
Greenlee says you lied to me and you took my documents! Greenlee you tried to kill me!
Greeenlee complains she was trapped on elevator!Erica says it's not as bad as plane crash.JAck attacks David!Bianca says you all have to stop fighting to save Fusion!
Liza left Tad comes back thanks him for sepending time.Tad tells Damon he wants to adopt him!Liza sees Paul Miller! He says so this is how it works first Martin then you the adotion!Tad want toa dopt his soneMiler says he doesn't have aclure waht dAmon is like!Madison says my woamn here me roar lose punch when i can't change tire!Ryna promises to work on guy who has to save day.Madison says she will work on being overpowering I am woman here me roar!.
Greenlee and Erica are fighting!Bianca says when you lose comapny which of you will explain to Kendall.We will save company says Eric aoyu can go to jail later!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday June 22,2010

Aj is having Ice cream at Grandma's.Krystal says Jackson has true love as she gives two scoops of ice cream!Marissa is going to see Daddy she says!Marissa says did you pull him out of camp for him or daddy?Jack fuses over erica!Ryan and Emma come sto visit!Emma asks why she's a miracle!Erica says it's becasue she had aan adventture and didn't give up becasue she had a lot to come home to!Ryna congratulates her as Emma notices ring!Mountain man is your hero says Emma.Jack is my hero says Erica.Jack says she is her own hero!David and greenlee fawan over party plans David says all are coming at last minute surprisingly enough.Greenle says this won't look heartless David tells her not to worry she wins!she says your right!She can't beat me know her buyers dried up she'll never know what heppend.This will be aprty to remember says Greens!Sounds fun Where's my invite asks Bianca!
Bianca says throwing the launch party couldn't kill her so you're using her recovery time to stab her in the back.I saw you dinking champagne celbrating her demise!Greenlee says I told you I was celebrating!but even if I that's nothing that people did when I was dead so you don't get to ride in from your hig horse in Europe and tell me not to fight for what's mine Bianca:Has he taught you how to rationalize
anything no matter how cruel?
you have no idea what's gone down the past few months says Greenlee.Nothing would make it okay for youto go like my mother like this!There you go taking Erica's side without the facts if you stop ripping me for few minutes you'd realize that she has no place in my company!
It's not your company says binkyyours and Kendall's.It's yours and Kendall's!
This is about erica forcing me out becasue she ahes me David there's nothing they can do but watch it happen says David!
Emma wants to know if she saw reall animals.Ryna says erica took on agrizzly
she tells Emma if you belive in yourself you can do anything!Have youseen Greenlee he asks.She sys not face to face we have alot to discuss.Ryna offes to go with jack for refreshments.He leaves Emma?
Jack says weneed totalk about Fusion I couldn't tell her about greenlee.Jack says she needs time torecover.
Krystal calls her on trying to get Jr's attentionWe need toremind himw e need him.Yuo don't want him to call you out says Krystal.Mariss says he has alot of distractions.Annie stops it and says we can't do this I will not jeopardize what we have this is huge mistake .Nopoint in hating each other .You and me never agian she says she wants life with Scott.Jr talks about Trent and his lack of future.
He can't be dad to newborn.Jr says it's cary as hell.He saw newborn say Aj he has to be there for fanily until the end he's lucky he'll be there for Christmas.Annie asks if things happen for a reason.What if the reason was for me toa sk if it could ever be real between us?
I belong with scott safe has a lot going for it.Marissa is safe!
Jr says annie is walking diaster!she slaps him
Aj and Emma run into Ryan! they then see Madison. Annie is late!Ryna apologises agian for David!Madison gets terrified with violence!
He says David pushes him to that palce.David comforts Greenlee she says she'sa lways had to fight.He says she dosen't have to fight him. Bianca says jsut once she'd like to come hom to picnics and pool parties!Greenlee is planning her big announcement says Bianca to Jack!Jack says your kidding!Binky says no she has enough buyers while mom was lost and under suspicion of embezzlement.she's shoving Mom out of fsuion tonight!Jack says if you tell mom she will jeopardize recovery.Let my fincee recover your mom and I are engaged.This is happy day.Erica says this isn't fair none of my visitors come in.Binca congrats!Jack says catch up but don't let her up.Jack goes to fix.binca wants toknow all!Erica says tell her about whispering!
Jr berats Annie about Marissa how good she is what agreat mo she is!blah blah blah
Te second thing get real you take off.What was I thinking I can't talk to you like Marissa!Marissa cals AJ bee sting!Annie says won't happena gain.Jr says you got that right!
Ryan apologises again and again!she sees him with daughter it's over it's fine.Ryan's phone rings!Annie apologises says she'll be there in five
Erica has sparkler says Emma she's engaged
Erica demands toknow what's going on.Bianca tells her the reporters are hrasng about Fsuion scandal they want to talk to you! the media can wait!
Erica wnat stotalk to them!Bianca says they'll run interference .When you get out all hell will break loose!
Jack asks totalk to Greenlee David won't let him as Jack begs!fsuion is mine says Greenlee!
Jack begs her saying in his worst nightmare he couldn't imagine it.We will have to remember this as the day we got engaged but the day we were betrayed!You made your choice says Greenlee!she berats him says she's sorry for him. David is loyal and trustworthy Erica care about erica.It's wrong Greenlee I'll put astop to it! he says
Greenlee says I guess we both no where we stand!
Madiosn meets Bianca!she thanks Bainca for the Miranda ceneterShe says Erica is inspiration I'm glad she's okay.she thinks greenlee is behind this.Binca says she doesn't knwoa bout Greenlee and david and their plans tonight!mom can't know.See her another time says Madison.Erica calls Madison!Erica demands that she double back and come to room.Madison says goodbye!
Annie apologises to Emma says she comes first!Ryan berates her
Marissa says she remembers how much she needed her parentswhen she was stung for first time!Jr says he trsuts her instincts!She asks if he was rolling around in grass he says wind was blowing he cut through park!
Erica tells Madiosn to come in close door!She wants skinny!she wnats toknow evereything.I need help!Madiosn promises help.Madiosn says Greenlee firing her for sticking up to her fired her.She says she thinks they also tried to kill you!
Proof?None but everyone believes it! Erica beleives it.Greenlee is having launch part.That vicious!she wants Madiosn to do something!
Ryna berates Annie she says she was late she didn't stand her up!She says she has bad time.Scott defends her !If you're goingto grill Annie eveytime then maybe you should pick up annie form our house says Scott!
You have nothing to do with this Scott!says Ryanthen he asks Annie why she's still there!
Jr says Ajs cheek is till swollen but he seems okay!He was lookig nfor new video game two players rock god!This is waht AJ needs time with you she say she needs us both Aj is at critical stage to the eprson he'll be!Marissa wants change between them!Marissa wants to sleep with himJr asks if she's sure she says yes!she wants to be really commited truly together in everyway.He says she's absolutely right!Hugs her!
Greenlee crows over getting her company back David wants to support her but she kicks him out!Greenlee finds Erica picture .Madison gives her cosmetic clothes helps her look fabulous!
David tries to kick Bianca out telling her it is private party threatens to let allknow what he and greens did.He puts drug in drink!Bianca says she can't be shut out gives her drink!
Scott takes Annie and Emma to park1Scott has fond memories of them together.
Scott says where did he think you were?Annie sys she is having off day.Ryan tells Madison that Erica is okay.Madiosn tells him what she did and that Erica is on her way.Binca feels dizzy and passes out David:Sorry kiddo!
Krystal brings soup Jack finds Erica gone!KNows where she is .Erica approaches Greenlee says hello Greenlee miss me?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday June 21,2010

Jake demands to know what Angie is hiding.Shows empty file. Angie hides it says she jsut find out she wasn't pregnant!Jake says she's still worried!they go tos ee Erica
Annie calls Erica a rock star she's in awe even as she looks good.Jr demands leagal work on important research Jr wants his answers by 5 !Jr says so erica went to Pigeon hollow for will
Greenlee is only worried about attempted murder and Erica!David says there clear of charges.Bianca is estatic!Krystal gives Jack a backback with will.Bianca is happy says you didn't have to do this to get me here!Erica syas Kendall jsut said the same on phone and she tolsd her to stay there!Boys need her!
Erica is happy to see Bianca even though she misses her girls!Erica says nothing will keep her from Fusion as she couughs.Krystal and Jack tell erica torest up.Jack cautions Bianca to keep Greenlee's part from Erica.Bianca says you don't want Erica to know yourdaughter almost killed her!
Jr is watching Scott and Annie.Marissa wants him to take day off but he follows!

David and Greenlee plot Fusion takeover! Greenlee tells him no hair on head hurt this time!David says if launch is tonight you win!She tells Randi .Randi says what about Erica? Erica can come if she wants to!
Jack says now isn't the time we have to protect erica.Angie says whole town is praying for Erica.Thy push fuids Jake says rest.Erica thinks of Caleb dreams of him and wakes to Jack and smiles as he asks her to marry him but doesn't answer!He remembers a plane crash she willed him to stay alive she makes living his life worthwhile!Never wants to be seperated agian.Jake coems in apologises for interrupting Jack says think and giv your answer 100%.Jake says time sucks .she says she needs to think.
Randi protest line launch Greenlee threatens her with dismissal.David commends her smiles!David calls her brilliant! Greenlee:don't let them link us to crash!Greenlee wants to do a preemptive strike!Opal is so happy to see Erica.Is warned not to mention Greenlee.Opal wants to ring neck to tuesday!Comforts Bianca!Wants to know what's in will!
Scott and Annie show up asks to help!Krystal says with him now had enough of daughter's husband!
Scott finds out about will and where it is.Scott and Annie plot to steal Palmer's will!Marissa happily runs into dad.Hugs him and is happy Erica is alive so he won't be blamed .!He tells her she can't be so nice!She schemes with David to get rid of Annie.He tells her to be assertive pull out big guns!
Greenlee comes with flowers to see Erica.Grenelee says she came to tell eRica welcome home.Jack tries tokick her out. Greenlee says she can go were hewants she and David own hospital!Anie asks ifit's true that David and she were responsible for crash.Greenlee asks if she should be fitted for new straight jacket!Opal cries over Erica!Krystal calls Caleb Erica mountain man guppy!Annie and Scott say they are doing it for their future!Annie and Scott use to their advantage Scott grabs Backback while Annie tells off Greenlee unfortunately Jr sees.Asks what you get there Scotty boy?
erica sees Greenle tries to jump out of bed says that witch had the nerve to acccuse me of stealing from daughter's charity.she won't get away with that!She gets to excited collapses dizzy!
Scott says he tripped oveer bag give back to Jack!Jr asks why they are here.Jr there's someone I'd like you to see says Angie!
Annie says you're going to let go!Scott says hope nothing incriminate him.
Bianca asks how Mom is?She says much better with her and Greenlee gone!you and Kendall and your baiesket me alive it was life changing!Caleb misses her!Rips up cheque throws away!
Marissa says she is doing all for Jr focus but Annie has pull.Why don't you walk away Jr and AJ are family.He is my son almost like I gave birth He shouldn't lose another mother doing it for aJ.Help me do it!

Trents widow gave birth to Trent jr.she's happy JR won battle make every moment count he says honor them that didn't survive.I will says JR!

Caleb cuts wood finds envelope on his door from Jack weith cheque for $100,000 for his home.Caleb misses Erica!The ranger brought it up the mountain.Erica says he's like no other man he's met!
Jr feels guilty! Sees Annie who walks away!He asks her to wait!He's suddenly grateful for her saving his life genuinely! Your the reason I'm alive I've been taking everything for granted lfe is precious and I ho much I've wasted!
David has reporters coming from Wall street Herald Pine Valley bulletin, Tempo,WRCW!
Greenlee is whining that it wasn't enough for Jack to rescue Erica she turned him against her!He practically threw me out of there when I brought flowers!our hospital and Binca was cheering like a little Kane clone.My own father taking her side!
Opal a nd Krytal tell Erica she can't wage battles.Opal tells Jack she nearly popped her head seeing Greenlee keep ehr away says Opal!Erica asks if Greenlee came by
to have her arested for money skimming.Jack sas she brought flowers!Erica says laced with poison ivy?I feel still trapped on mountain.
Cheque was dropped but Caleb wasn't there.Caleb was probably off playing lumberjack she says Jack:cheque was torn in million pieces Erica says she tried!
Annie says we both saw ow fragile life is isn't it late tosee this? asks Annie.It's today that matters.How could youknow Jr asks.Annie says she knows from being locked upstaring her life over not death but she says no more wasting time knowing what you want and grabbing it.I should go!Jr grabs her and kisses passioantely!Marissa finds out Jr didn't got to work calls Scott for Annie and is upset to find her not with him!AJ wasa bee stung!Marissa goes to get him and is going to use Aj to keep Jr in line!
Scott talk up nanotechnology!David says jack ahs blind spot with erica he will give her all love and support!We'll get through this you're all I need he says!Greenlee is worried about Erica says she's coming after us David says one step at a time!
Bianca says what ever Greenlee is palnning she's not getting away with it!
Erica says if I get hurt so be it if I have to fight greenlee's f the world I will fight I will survive liv the life I want with the man I want.i will never give up I will never quit I will have life I'm commmitted to living every minute to fulllest!
Erica says yes to Jack I will marry you again she says! He kisses hand her mouth!
Caleb splits logs!
They toast Engagement.Opal and Krystal rave over ring drink champagne Erica sparkled Apple cider!Jake says he's a lucky man .Jack says he knows!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Amelias Take On This Week On AMC

First of all thank goodness Erica's off that darn mountain!I love Michael Nouri's other work but I totally dislike Caleb.So far I've seen a cretin who is verbally and psyically abusive throws an injured woman around treats her like an inconvenience.He does get the medical care she needs and then berates her for not seeing that he's inconvenienced!So tell me what's to like about Caleb.So he's loved and lost is that suppose to make me suddenly like him?I know Erica is not the easiest person to get along with but she was injured!Unless thye figure out away to make this man not act so abusively then they've totally lost the ability for me and oters to like this character. That said I loved the moment that Jack and Erica saw each other and he picked her up and cared for her.It was magic! Jerica is magic don't lose sight of that Writers with your plans for Caleb! Maybe Opal can make that cretin likeable and whip him into shape!I really don't know right now I don't like this character at all!
Oh and the note of abuse I know we'd all like to strangle David but Really? Really? Did it have to happen and to have Ryan strangle him?I applauded for a second when Madison looked like she was angry and told Ryan to go.I was thinking good she's standing up against Ryan and his temper that harms women and others...but no she wasn't do that she excused his behaviour!Come on writers Ryan looks good with Madison but he'd look even better if you'd let a strong woman stnad up to him and make him ashamed of his behaviour enough to get help for his behaviour!

Moving on I'm enjoying Annie moving on with Scott and being strong against Jr and his lust for her!I'd love to see Annie come into her own and be published author her stories about Princess Emmaline on par with Harry Potter! That popular!Sure we need some tension there between Annie and Jr but I want to see it one sided.Jr needs to be one upped by Annie and Marissa needs tosee the horrible person he truly is.Marissa should team up with Annie and take him down!Marissa should get custody of AJ!
Christina Bennett Lind has been a great addition to the show as Bianca. I'm very pleased with her performance as Bianca .To say I was worried about a replacement is to put it mildly but Ms.Bennett-Lind has come through in spades.She's not Eden Riegel but then Alica Minshew wasn't Sarah Michelle Gellar! I love that they through her right into the mix and she held her won agianst Greenlee(Rebecca Budig) and David(Vincent)!I do worry though that the writers are writing both David and Greenlee into an evil box that the characters can't recovery from!Right now I really depise the pair!
The new Angie story is building up nicely getting us worried about our beloved Angie.We worry that she has a terrible illness!
Damon is really a bad boy!Sometimes too bad make sure Damon does cross that line Writers that line where we hate him. Damon has to show his good side too .It was good balance having him play with Trevor and look after him!
However I can see that we may have a Marian redux which means Colby and Tad will be hurt.Make sure that Damon is not onesided in this and don't make us completely hate him make sure he's not only remorseful but tries to make it up to Tad!
Everything on the show has gotten so dark again however we need some feel good stuff like the Jmanda wedding last week to break up all the drama!
For as Agnes Nixon has always said for her show
“ The Great and the Least,
The Rich and the Poor,
The Weak and the Strong,
In Sickness and in Health,
In Joy and Sorrow,
In Tragedy and Triumph,

All and all not a bad week on AMC some stories worth watching!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday June 18,2010

Erica is with Jack as he takes here to hospital but Caleb hides!WHY?does Jack know him?
Amnda and Jake are back from NYC! They had fun tea at the plaza, circle ride, circus!
Amanda says she needs caffeine as Jake says he still has key and they still have room so they go upstairs!
removing clothes quickly making love!
Tad sees Liza admiring her bust line he says he admires it .He says he has mustard stain on jacket1They are going on date!to lunch at yacht club
Damon is playing with Trevor when Colby comes to the door!Colby talks about shopping for wedding gowns!Colby hums wedding march!
She says dresses on mind!all hope contagious.she doesn't want to get married tomorrow sometime in future.She wants to watch guy with baby.He asks her go somewhere freaked out a little!He'll leave Trevor with Opal.
Angie is not hungry Jesse is worried he's says bug doesn't hang around that long! Jesse thinks she's preggers!She says 40's is old for baby! We aren't looking for more kids!If by some chance! she says they limp into bed not all nights he says!
A month ago we were together.We are in our new twenties aht about our carreers? We'll manage Says Jesse it feels good!I missed a lot with Frankie if there's a next time..... He tells Angie Natalia went behind his back to become detective to get promotion.Angie says she has to take test!Jesse says probably nothing but is excited at idea so's Angie!
Natalia says she passed detective exam!
Tad is on date with Liza . He apologises for losing faith in her! they are having lunch .He wants to know if they have chance .She smiles says it's kismet look at wedding garter bouquet!Damon and Colby come there!
Jake is playing with Amanda's feet? And being silly!Talking about future!Trevor first day of school more kids model,Birthday proms driveertest licences children etting married grandkids!He wants to count all.Amnda says she can't wait!
Amanda kisses him they make love again!
Damon hides out hopes they don't notice giving them their privacy.Liza is not happy about marriage comments.Liza is worried about Colby getting hurt because of differences in marriage comments.Natalia says you can shine my detective badge.
Natalia says she wants to be detective chief she's fooling around talking foolish!. etc Mayor BRonco tapes oh dear!
Jesse goes into office! Bronco says promoting within nepotism doting father.
Jesse says he is Good chief of police .You should be pleased about promotion fast tracking woman keeping too much testerone down.She wants him to stake his job on Natalia.She wants to talk about David
Nurse asks if she has to run everything by David Angie flips.Angie wants test done tox screen cholestral pregnancy test!Angie hears little Frankie thinks about when he was little we see.The film is not formatted right !
Iris you are mayor you have more important then checking on me .I have all under control.You played hard fast and loose.she says David is not prominent.Was Natalia or was she not involved in shooting first day on job she had inappropriate photos.You recomended officer Claussen who brought those photos!says Jesse
You are tight with council but I'm going around that we have tight budget we can't approve promotions!
Poor Natalia!
Colby wants Damon to make nice with mom.They say hi! She says they are having great time says she has pics of tad and Liza dancing they are hilarious!Tad says suave.she says no hilarious she laughs.Liza says does damon have to ruin everything? Liza spills on her lap.Says Colby is beautiful in pics Goes to bathroom choking can't breath!Damon follows as she coughs choking!she can't breathe!That looks like he's asaulting but his epi penning her!
He jabs her!Saves life.She accuses him of trying to kil her your welcome he says.He has peanut allergy.Lobster she's allergic she ahd losbster quiche!She ahs to go to hospital now writers! thank you wrtiers she's going!
He recognized symptoms she apologises says thank you!He asks if she can walk? Tad and Colby are talking she says you used c word commitment!Remeber you're young take time.Liza looks like hell.She had allergy to lobster. In a nutshell Tad says when he hears about peanut allergy Damon has!
amnda says she feels weak in knees Jake ahs to attend her it's work for petesake!She catches Jamnda they aplogise say goodbye!
Angie reads paper
Natalia says she's sorry! Jesse says David financed mayor's campaign.Natlaia says her promotion can wait.Brot says he could help over hear .He wants to take leave of abscence to help budget.Department is fine I am fine Serve public I'll deal with rest.Jesse gets call says go work!
Angie got tests results she says.She's not pregnant!
He asks if she's disappointed were happy she says!Guess we settle for grandparents tell Randi and Frankie to get on it says Angie.Angie you had symptoms what's wrong.Jesse asks worried she claims she's run down she says first time for everything!Jesse bought kangarro for baby that they won't it to toy drive!
Angie looks up at her hand can't see it.Liza comes in she goes to cubicle 2 Angie is dizzy again!
Natlaia asks if all is okay with Jesse she overheard!She's worried about mayor.Her issue is with me Jesse says .Mayor is just mad David was arraigned she 's not stupid she knows who butters bread .It's just smoke.Natlaia:I don't awant to be embarrassment to you.Jesse says you are incredible daughter..
Jake asks who injected with epi!Colby says Damon saved mom's life!
Natalia take Brot out to lunch!
Jesse worries about Angie
Angie says Liza has to stay 4 hours in case epi rebounds.Angie says she's swamped.Angie becomes dizzy! Pretends she forgot something!Say she needs to talk to Dr.Hope looks at empty folder Jake is puzzled by empty folder.Knows she's hiding something
Liza says she owes Damon one.Tad kisses her as she watches Colby and Damon .Colby is so proud of him she says he is amazing says she loves him.Damon freaks as he hugs her!!
Jake wants to know what's wrong with Angie and why she's lying to him!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday June 17,2010

Marissa comes in asks where Scott is.He says he's working Then he stares at Jr's picture and calls Scott who is with Annie,Scott thinks it's Barry but ignores call from JR and makes love with Annie .Opal blames herself to Bianca that Erica is missing .She asks Opal from help with Pigeon Hollow.Opal says she all ready has and she says once they find Erica they are going to put a smackdown on Dr.and Mrs.Hayward.Reporter asks about Erica and plane crash then asks about company.Greenlee syas will be difficult but they will survive.
Jack goes looking for Erica in the dark.Caleb demands Erica open her eyes it's too cold.He says he doesn't want to do this.She says she thinks he wants her to die.He says you think I'm incabable of caring you think I don't know about loss ?
Krystal begs Jack to come nside Jack says morning could be too late.Blames himself for collison between his woman.Greenlee goes to Opal asks if she has messages from the other side.Sshe says she can't talk to the other side since Plamer's passing .If she is preparing for haunting rest of your life.Erica says its so cold for June .Erica wants truth the story of loss .who's locket owner!The look in your eyes when I mention chidren!He says she saw nothing.Why are you up here caught from rest of the world.You want keep me to stay awake keep talking.He says all right Once upon a time maybe a man and woman together they had magic!they lost it!they lost it all!

Scott says maybe you should move your things into my room!tonight was real really special says Annie.Jr is in room she taunts him about sleeping with her to get out of system.She found better way Scott it's gone! Scott would call it best night of his life not exorcism!
One night with your cousin and you're out now if only you could do the same with Marissa says Annie to JR.
JR:You're over selling it.Scott :Is there a problem?like it or not Annie's stay put so deal or get out.Jr says my dad's gone we need each other family he says to Scott!

Karma comes back to bite you eveytime Karma's a bitch! What happened to Opal nice Opal? asks Greenlee
That's was before you set up Erica I know you had tough time this doesn't give you the right to torch Erica's life .you may have not shut down Erica but youwere behind it if I were you I'd stop by achurch on the way home!Opal says as Greenlee says she's all ready said prayers
David says he cares about Bianca and Erica he's feeelings haven't changed he wouldn't wish either harm.Fine you don't wish her dead but your hiding soemthing.David says he said everything he was going to say. Bianca:You'd only lie to me about my own daughter.I'm not an easy mark win me win over the town not going to happen suddenly I'm not so hungry.
Jack is stopped by Krystal until morning he says Tad is fool.She says it's just proximity.Red flags all over the place.Not you though and Erica .You are different you'll have happy ever after!
You were in love and you lost her so you punished yourself coming here? Erica asks Caleb says he's making stuff up to keep her awake.Secrets are never a good idea.Eric says Caleb says he likes privacy.
She says divorce six she lied to get Bianca he couldn't do it Jack had integrity!I didn't see it that way.I was angry at him.
Did you lose your kid?asks Aaleb
Erica:Yes and I lost the man I loved.I understand how it is to lose soemone you love and blame yourself.I'll stop talking if you then I'll talka bout my costmetic company.tell me about locket!Was she beautiful stubborn as you did you break her heart or did you break hers you loved her.
You don't know when to quit you talk to much says Caleb!
What is this a trick asks Annie.Last time I trusted you it cost me marriage.She's moving into my room says Scott She is? says Marissa happily!
We are all Chandler's says Jr.
Caleb you're running from life love all the thing living enatials you can have that again joy love hope.ays Erica Who are you says Caleb
Erica:Erica Kane!
We're going to freeze out here says Caleb!
Jack finds Erica's bracelet in cabin goes looking in dark in woods sure he'll find her!.
Bianca gets call from Reese,kids!Bianca promises her daughter Miranda she'll bring Erica home because she's a Kane woman just like Miranda!Bianca calls raising money for rescue all doantions will be met by Fusion cosmetics!Greens says let me I want to help.Greenlee says her resources are at Binky's disposal you're angry don't let that get in the way says Greens.I crossed off the ones I called says Bianca.We are calling all that we can think of to help Erica.Greenlee says to David!
Bianca:We're okay we don't need your help.David: I'm an excellent doctor I could help Erica
Bianca: it's illegal for you to treat patientsyour licence is suspended!.
Bianca reluctantly agrees but no David help!
Caleb brings Erica in cabin goes for firewood Erica sees that someone has been there shouts for Caleb and ses Jack and Krystal Jack hugs her for dear life!
Ahaaa sweet Jerica!!!
The peace offering to Scott seemed out of the blue says Marissa.I want peace says Jr I have idea for normalacy move back into our bed I miss my wife.i want to forgive but I'm sorry I'm not ready.says Marissa

Jack is so happy to see Erica he calls her gorgeous!I knew you'd find me she says.You're leg are you in pain Jack asks.Krystal gets scared by Caleb as does Caleb by her.He asks who she is .Krystal says she's a friend from home of Erica's.Everyone will be grateful to him your name is? Caleb grunts! Caleb goes to go in Krystal says don't go in Jack and Erica are together!Caleb doesn't look happy.Caleb chops wood!Erica fell and survived falling 350000 feet into gorund he says to Krystal.
Just take her away and let me know when gone.
Is she really okay asks Bianca she so happy!Erica says she didn't have to fly all the way to P.V I love you's are said by mom and daughter.Bianca is estatic Erica is alive but she says make something clear I haven't forgotten you had something to do with what I haven't figured out yet but I will she says to Greens and David who are all happy.
Erica says she didn't take money.she would never!Jack says he'll straighten that out.She tells him about engine trouble.She was carried out of wreckage by man who lives her Caleb!He saved my life.Krystal says hate to break up happy reunion but..Jack says you need to get to hospital.
Who is Grizzly Adams? Krystal asks Erica says he's rough around edges!I owe him a house .Jack says he'll handle this Erica gets Palmer's box.Caleb watches as Jack carrries her away but doesn't say goodbye!
Marissa says she'll move into his bed when she knows he really wants her.Aj wants him to kiss Marissa he calls her mommy!
Goodnight JR says as Marissa take him to bed!
Jr looks at family pic of Marrissa AJ .Annie comes in in black dress? nightie?
Annie asks if Jr meant what he said and thanks him.He says she should be keeping Scott's bed warm she says she will!
Bianca says Erica did not skim money.David says desperated times.Focus on mom being okay we'll find out who did this.Bianca isn't fooled!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday June 16,2010

Angie complains that files are a mess on computer he hasn't download systems.Angie is sick and tired and dizzy.Blames job lack of food.Says she'll get juice power bar.David asks if there's anything knew on Erica!Bianca confronts Greenlee about possibility that plane crashed begs for information mentions Miranada!.Madison tells Ryan he'll hurt himself if he keeps running.Madison says she's frustrated too but she got fired!He says sorry he's not surprised.She tells him why!She says she can't stand it there now!Ryan says stay away from Greenlee.
Jack worries that he won't find Erica as they look over cabin! She's says maybe someone else is helping her.Caleb says come on buddy talking to dog you can come back now.Erica wakes up in cave?yells for help! Caleb help me! She still has lots of make-up and hair styling!
She's being caved in on.Jack bemoans that he doesn't have falshlight.Krystal says he saved me from poisonous spider!Krystal says she needs to get away for while finds hooch, monshine!says its good!Jack has some too.Krytal says that will make us warm!Krystal wanted to get away from Tad and Liza.Jack understands thanks her for being there.
Ryan says to Madison only brave few stand up to Greens took a lot of courage.She says she let hubby daddy do waht they want it was too hard to stand up to them and get hit.Ryan says you should be proud of yorself coming from our background it's hard.She tells him that David was there oozing fake sympathy!David claims to Jesse he had nothing to do with Erica's disappearance.Maybe I should talk to mayor.
Tell the mayor I says hey says Jesse hiding behind mayor if you had anything to do with dispapearance won't work.Angie says computer system is still messed up,budgetary requirements new rules on overtime.They need to be approved now.Keep pushing me and I'll fire your ass David says and Frankie so keep that in mind when you tell me how to run things.
Bianca is shocked and upset to find mom's pic in garbage.Greenlee lies and says it was promo of an old Fusion campaign they needed to get rid of your getting the wrong idea!We need room for the fall roll out.
We were suppose to have the same wedding day does that mean nothing?bianca asks That was all Ryan says Greenlee.It was suppose to be special to all of us says Bianca!His love changed you I could finally see the women hidng behind all that toughness your reverting to the person you used to be.Binky says Maybe I like that person says Greenlee.That person didn't let people push her arund .I know you're not that cruel Greenlee you wouldn't want my girls to grow up without my mother.Deep down you want to tell me the truth so just say it please Greenlee be honest.Tell me what happened to my mom's plane!begs Binky.What ever happened it was an accident!Greenlee says.Just like when Kendall's car forced me off the road.
Bianca:Was that your motive payback for that.Or was it Fuison with mom out of the way you get it all?
Greenlee:I never kill anyone for a business.Bianca:What about David would he kill for you?
David sees Ryan and Madison in the park as Ryan offers help.David says you might to watch out he's still in love with my wife.Ryan says you might want to keep walking all I see when I look at you is what you did to Erica!Waht are you talking about you have no proof .Don't use weddings to manipulate Greens.He asks if David will send him down in plane like he did Erica then he atacks him saying you don't get to hurt anyone else!
Greenlee says you know me you know David .
Bianca says you are not the kind of person who can watch someone suffer and not doing anything!I know you've loved imagine one of those people hungry hurt the iamgine is in myhead right now help me tell thetruth I'm scared for my mother.
Jesse comes in and says I heard you were ready to tell the truth and Greenlee clams up.Says she wouldn't want to hurt Erica.Bianca:What is wrong with you Jesse can you arrest her !If my mother doesn't come back becasue of you.Phone rings ;Uncle Jack did you find mom .Where is she no food shelter water?I am with Greenlee.
Jack reassures Bianca that Erica will survive she's tough!
Bianca wants to kll Greenlee!She asks where she is she says they found the plane without Erica.
Erica is down the hole! She prays to Palmer! I don't think you mant this she says.
she stll has box.She screams as more dirt falls!
Ryan accidently hurts Madison when fighting with David .He apologises.JERKHe's still an abusive jerk!!!
she tells him to go!Good girl!
Greenlee tells Binca not to go she's too upset to drive who's fault is that my mother could be dead and you did that Don't touch meshe says as Greenlee reaches out to hug! Greenlee claims she's family she hates tosee her in pain.Bianca:Tell me the truth I'm standing here looking at miracle how can you toy with another's life tell me.Greenlee doesn't bend .
Jack asks if Tad and and her could get back together she says she hoped.but it's not happening.she asks if Jack has special plans when he and Erica are back togehter he shows ring and asks what she thinks!Is this special enough!Erica calls for help she says you saved me from plane crash for this!please let someone find me give my family peace of mind.My family needs my help!please God help me!please take care of Kendall ,Bianca, Spike, Ian ,Miranda Gabby!Caleb finds Erica gets her out .Says snap out of it you can handle alittle dirt!
Ryan says you shouldn't have to see that kind of anger.Madison says she understands anger.Find Erica!You can't sit still when someone you love is in danger.Go I'llw atch Emma.The ring is huge.Krystal asks how he will propose.He says he just wants to find her.Krystal says you want this propsal to be just as great asks for tips from Krystal she says you can run it by me.Ryan comes into fusion in to Bianca asks if the girls are there as he hugs he.she says no!Ryan says he is there for her.She tells him Jack found the plane.Greenlee says that's actually good news she must have walked away from the plane.Bianca:She be found if you were honest about your part in this .Stop using me as your punching bag says Greenlee.Attacking me won't find Erica!
Maybe you should find your husband Greenlee.says Ryan Why what did you do?asks Greenlee
I put my hands around his neck and squeezed!I wish I hadn't let go.says Ryan as David nurses a scotch neat.
He says Jesse is following him.The more you squeeze me the more I squeeze pine Valley hospital I do own it !Jesse says do not threaten my wife.
David threatens to make Angie's life more difficult.Angie checks own blood pressure. It's high and she's dizzy!She takes tablets!It's getting higher still!
Caleb says come on Dorothy rise and shine.she calls him Jack he's insulted.
She collapses saying it's all your fault you have cellphone.He says you don't make anything easy!David tells Jesse to go away talk to his lawyer!Got lawyer did you Jesse says We found plane in West Virginia.David:What about Erica is she okay?come on Jesse I'm as worried about Erica s anyone esle.Jesse:We're going to find Erica and when we do you better hope to God she's alive
Erica won't rouse she tells Caleb she's tired and he says no no no no don't go back to sleep we have to get shelter I can't do this alone I have bad ankle you can do this you're not a quitter!
Greenlee to Ryan: You tried to choke my huband why were you trying to kill him or did you just lose control.
Ryan:You have to stop protecting him how much of your soul can you lose before youlose self.Greenlee:My soul isn't your problem.
Bianca toGreenlee: Miranda woke up screaming she is worried about Erica.
Greenlee:I'm done being your kicking toy why don't you got to west virginia nad be useful.This is my company slam me some more behind my back and when your done slamming David leave me alone.
Jesse tries to pry Angie awy from hospital he says he has bubble bath romantic dinner from Krystals.Dizzy spells are a sign you need to slow down!Angie says David is trying to bring and my son.Greenlee looks at neck of David moans over what Ryan did!Bianca was there tried to make me feel guilty.David says who's going to believe me/us now.Greenlee:What have you turned me into? David says terrible accident.They found plane they'll find Erica too.They'll line up against us but we won't fold we have each other.
Bianca says she was drinking champagne taosting mom's death with publicity photo in trash!RYan says she attacks everyone I've got to move on.Bianca says she like to move on from things!
You still care says Bianca no matter what she'd done I'll always love her.If we find out she's responsibile will you help me get justice.Ryan nods!
Jack rehearse speech he'll says to Erica to Krystal says Erica's his heart at the core is deep abiding love.He doesn't know how he could live without her.
Krystals says she'll be wearing ring before you know it.Jack tends fire covers Krystal!
Caleb builds fire covers Erica with sleeping bag!she says thank you!He asks if she knew who she was thanking?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday June 15,2010

New Bianca Today Christina Bennett Lind!
Annie says that she has been involved in many charities from matronly like society woman!She begs for position but Marissa already has it.She asks why? when Jr shows uptells her she's unqualified!Scott finds out from Marissa that Erica's plane went down with Palmers' will stuff
David is with Greenlee for moral suport at Fusion.She says they lost significant prduct base.Madison is mad that all Greenlee cares about is Pr angle when Erica could be dead!
Jack and Krystal are looking for Erica.Caleb bring Erica back to cabin! She asks if it's about locket asks if he'll kill her.Erica screams help me please help me he says no one will hear her !Was he playing her she says she shouldn't have trusted him He.was playing her!
Caleb shoves her.Your defnitely going to die but not quite yet he ties leg!
Jack and Krystal are still looking he's crabbing at Krystal.Wearing huge backpack worried he won't find her in time.Krystal says he has connection with Erica use that you'll find her. Jack thinks he should have been looking for her all ready if not for Greenlee who knew for weeks .If Greenlee caused crash we will lose both.
Greens says this business meeting! Why are you here than DAvid asks Madison says.
David says we are all suportive .Greens says we have to seperate personal from business.Like we did when we thought you were dead says Randi.Fusion is my company I will save it keep alive says Greens
Palmer updated his will before he died says Marissa. Erica went to go retrieve it!Scott feels guilty and sees vision of Jack saying he picked pocket of Palmer's heirs why did he do that what would his father think?He says he wants life with Annie apparently he thinks some aloud because Marissa asks what he said.
Annie is trying to help others she says to Jr as she takes him aside.Jr says she just wants power and recognition.she says you kissed me and felt something you didn't want to feel.Your relationship with Scott is a lie and it's an even bigger lie that you love him says JR!
Erica gets leg tied by Caleb he says it wil stop infection.Caleb says real world will infect his exhistance if she leaves.You thik you can waltz in destroy someones life and leave.Sick of mountainman!don't really care who he is his annoying!
Madison says we need to go to West Virginia try to save Erica's life.
Madison says Erica put me back on feet gave me confidence if there is anything I can do I will do it.
Fusion is not Erica's go look for her you're fired says Greenlee
back to Green Mean!
Jr says he could say anything and she wouldn't be accepted.Mag wants they want pic for website!Marissa will be mad about that!
Annie says she has done some terrible things but she wants to help people I want to fit in to this life you were born to it.
A woman like Marissa doesn't think like us she won't forgive.Jr blames himeself for Babe's death.he won't fail AJ again!Says he will save marriage and Annie will help
Thinks they should sleep together again even Annie is shocked.Says are you saying we should sleep togehr again when he says we should get it out of our system!Jr thinks the craving will go away if he sleeps with her.Annie asks why she's even considering it go away.she talk to Scott!He says he just wants to hear her voice wants to spend time with ehr is headed to meet her at hotel!Jr is jealous! Marissa comes in asks why he's there instead of office.
Madison hands over keys to office!Madison asks if it is her personal life!
JACK with Krystal finds Erica's shoe at crash site!Erica says she's going Caleb forces her to drink his alchohol which she spits out call it medicine.She says she might as well have died in plane crash if she drinks she's 5 years free from booze!
Caleb says if he knew she was addict he wouldn't let her chug it.he hands her water.she tells him to leave her alone she'll surivv pain and him.He says you may not have notticd I'm all you got.
Jack finds scarf! Krystal reassures that Erica probably walked out on own power but he's worried sick says it can't end like this.They see smoke in cabin!
Greenlee says all promo advetising will not feature Erica .We are in survival mode I know it's not easy thanks Randi.who says they did his when they thought Grenlee was dead! David says she did great.Greenlee says if there's a hell I'm going there.Jr claims he was showing Chandler prescence at yacht club.Marissa says she was signing Aj up for swim meet.Jr says that sounds like real family night.Marissa beleives her.Marissa says to have a man who says I can trust and i can beleive it thank you Marissa says with all daddy's craziness rumors about Erica!
oh Marissa you are so deluded!
Scott promises love fidelity nad no hurting to Annie.He's wanted her all this time since she comforted him after dad died.
Greenlee asks if she was wrong to fire Madison.David says you are right to keep people you trust around you.It was not Ryan she's wrong says Greens.Greenlee wants a drink says Val needs to find better spot for good stuff a she brings chmapagne.David says it's not easy but you'll get all you want.Greens says Erica came to rescue she went crazy on process server when Leo died.Stay true to who I am no doubts said Erica .All I have are doubt what I've done.David says you are Greenlee Hawyard strong.David claims he cares deeply for Erica even loved her once don't let mind got there.Let's toast to Erica!To Erica Kane never been another like here Greens toasts.David gets call about hospital business!
Greenlee stares at Erica's picture throws in garbage
Erica:You think because I'm a woman and smaller that makes you stronger,Yes you survived but there's no way in hell this is living.I survived addiction, rape,loss of my mother, daughters, career upsets,husbands I took every risk for every pain joy more than surviving life is about love .Got to get home to love.You will stay here by yourself because you are coward live here by yourself with dog who I'm believing doesn't exist she hsits him he has her cellphone she notices.OMG you've had my cell all this time she says as he grunts!
Erica says you had cell all this time so I couldn' t call police and family .Erica grabs gun says you kept me here pretended to help me!Gets him to give phone I'm getting out of here .You don't know which way to go says Caleb.You told me which way to go says Erica.Caleb puts his hand together as if praying and says thank you when she leaves.
Annie says Scott was amazing he says just beginning as Jr sees pic of Annie and him together and thinks of her.
Jack shouts for Erica who is carrying gun and Palmer box!Battery is dead on phone!Erica collapses!
Greenlee drinks to Erica saying I wil never forget you you've made me stronger person I'm sorry!'Bianca asks if she's celebrating mother's demise all ready you better hope Uncle Jack finds my mother alive or you'll wish be the one to go down on that plane!