Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday June 14,2010

Tad takes moves presents to take home for Jamanda.Liza is not happy that Damon and Colby are dancing.Tad says that isn't a crime.Liza goes to talk to Colby Liza wants to know if she's thought through relationship sleeping with Damon. Damon says he's cell phone has good resolution and Liza hits out of his hand!Tad defends Liza says she didn't meant it.Liza says Damon doesn't make it easy.Damon's phone is not broke he says he has all backed up on computer anyway.Colby apologizes for mom.TAd says I want it to work but all the worry in the world won't keep Colby from Damon Focus on me for five minutes I'll give you reward.Tad flirts with french accent .Liza says you are on!
Damon says he wants to have sex he has changed mind to Colby.Liza asks where they wentwhile tad kisses Liza!Tad says they're old enough to make decisions.Liza says Colby's not she'll make wrong one I saw text!

Colby and Damon talk kiss in park .Damon wants to go back to her place make out!Colby says it's like stick of dymnamite there with Annie Jr Marissa and Scott!If she were Marissa she would never have taken back JR she says!Damon says how but the man cave it has lock now.She says it's romantic under stars there in park!
Talks about the wedding how romantic it is when she crushes flowers.Damon keeps with one track going to bed!Colby says she thinks she like to be with one special person how she like that in her future! She feels lost without her Dad is she broken?Do you expecting me to propose asks Damon kidding but Colby looks like she'd like idea!She claims that she doesn't want to marry right now maybe later though!She like own house family!
Colby pulls back says she wants sex to mean something she wants future someday with him.she doesn't want to do it to stick it to mom she wants stable and solid and Damon won't leave her!Damon taunts Liza when she shows up that they were talking marriage! Liza looks upset! Starts in on Colby what are you thinking marriage?Colby says we weren't having sex!He didn't change mind I did says Colby I want it to be serious!Liza says she too young for serious.Which makes Colby mad mad mad!she teelss Damon she wants to have a person to hold on to to count on
Damon says you were following me Tad says no he was following Liza.Damon says he was hoping Tad would keep her distracted and off our backs.I'm with Liza because I want to be with Liza not to keep her away from you! What's this about marriage I'm not walking aisle anytime soon.Colby asks to be taken home.
Tad tells no bridal dress anytime soon! Liza is worried about Cobly being let down she's been hurt to many times.she blames herself for driving Colby into Damon's arms.Tad says back-off before you do something you regret as Liza recalls pics Damon has of her in undies!
Tad kisses Liza passioantely Damon walks in.Tad says not that I have to explain
myself girls are at Opals and you are exhausted from wedding!Colby's home .SAfe and sound really tired Damon says.
Tad says don't give damon second thought you won't see until noon tomorrow.Liza asks where we are going he tries to get her to go upstairs.Damon sends pic says don't do anything I won't do!Liza says it's not Colby but she wants to go! She can't stay.
Are you worried about Damon I can kill him they'll never find the body.Tad jokes!
Liza says she just isn't ready for this .Tad joks it take him longer these days but Liza refuses!Madison looks at pics of wedding Ryan.Ryan apologises says he has nothing to wotk out with Greenlee.He says it's not Greenlee it's Erica! Her plane went down in WEst Virginia!Madison hugs him comforting saying Oh my God!she's really worried about Erica!

Randi Frankie and Madison are at Krystals'.She named drinks after beloved Pine Valleyites.Myrtle martini ,Dixie Daquirie ,Palmer pomegrante passion..Madison says she'll have water.
Madison is unhappy! Randi says it sucks what Ryan did! Randi says the right guy could come through at any minute.Randi says guys give you that hmm look there are other guys other then Ryan.Randi throws Mad's bag cute guy comes to rescue.Mad sits with Frandi again.Randi says guy is interested go talk guys like girls that make first move right Frankie?why are we doing this again?asks Frankie.Because Ryan left without her and that's not cool says Randi!Mad says what the hell.Frankie acts like announcer at ball game says it's home run as guy smiles at Mad!Madison says the guy likes fashion .He loves her dress he's designer and he's gay!

Greenlee you told them about Erica? asks David It is was something I needed to do she says! DAvid says he doesn't know what's going on Ryan says suddenly your being accused of murder.shh Ryan says Jesse.It reeks of you David Erica's plane going down.Greens asks to talk to David.Ryan says don't do this Greens threatens lawyers
Jesse says he has to to Ryan who protests!Ryan keeps protesting to no avail to Jesse Jesse says he has to handle coordinated effort with FAA for search for Erica's plane!

Greenlee is ready to confess but David convinces her not to!David says he feels bad about Erica he dreamed about her.He was locked away in jail dremaing about her remembered waking up missing her! Greenlee says she didn't tell on him and the meachanic you're my husband. David claims he'll protect Greenlee and that he'll be there for her!Jesse calls david honest ABe.Greenlee asks why he went to wedding.I think shewants him to say it was becasue of her.That he wanted her to turn on David.
Ryan sys he twists things make it seem that he the only one that cares!David denies that he knows anything about Erica or her plane says Ryan put things in Greenlee's mouth to get him.You have no proof of crime you can't hold me!

Greenlee asks about fun they had at wedding what was that!Ryan says you are woman I used to know confess do the right thing help Erica!
Ryan tries to convince Greenlee totell the truth but she protects herself and denies all.Guess she didn't learn that the Nile is a river in Egypt!

Greenlee calims before he left we were in bad palce she sabotoged cahncs of winning.I started to get worried I felt guilty about arguing and my dad he loves her so much.! I wished she would disappear and never come back.David dug and found out that Erica got on plane in Pigeon hollow but plane never landed!Her wish had come true !Jesse yells you're free to go as Ryan asks what she said to Jesse!Erica's plane went down!
Think of Eric and your Dad Ryan says as David leaves with Greenlee they go to Krystals to eat.David says she's amazing the whole town tries to turn her aginst him but she won't let them.Greenlee asks if they'll find Erica.David says i don't know but we'll be okay!When we get home I jsut want to shut out world hold you in arms and be wih you.Greenlee says I want to be alone tonight

Jack arrives at hospital in West Virginia where pilot is they tell him about Jane Doe.He sees pilot by accident .Jan Doe has critical head injuries Krystal offers to go see Krystal says Erica was a warrior for kids in Africa! that woman can survive anything.Jack thanks her!
Man brought in May 24th! in intensive care in accident dumped at hospitalJack says he's Erica's pilot!
Pilot has been unconscious for weeks says Doc.Jack tries to wake him up yelling at pilot Krystal!Doc gets mad wants him ejected .but pilot wakes up says Erica .Pilot says no expection trouble in air palne crash.Plot doesn't remeebr much.Jack asks if he knows where abouts crash site is?Mountains he says .39 77 22.Pilot goes back to intensive care room!Jack thanks Krystal apologises for biting her head off he's off to find Erica .Krystal is coming! Erica's shoe is at crash site!

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