Saturday, June 19, 2010

Amelias Take On This Week On AMC

First of all thank goodness Erica's off that darn mountain!I love Michael Nouri's other work but I totally dislike Caleb.So far I've seen a cretin who is verbally and psyically abusive throws an injured woman around treats her like an inconvenience.He does get the medical care she needs and then berates her for not seeing that he's inconvenienced!So tell me what's to like about Caleb.So he's loved and lost is that suppose to make me suddenly like him?I know Erica is not the easiest person to get along with but she was injured!Unless thye figure out away to make this man not act so abusively then they've totally lost the ability for me and oters to like this character. That said I loved the moment that Jack and Erica saw each other and he picked her up and cared for her.It was magic! Jerica is magic don't lose sight of that Writers with your plans for Caleb! Maybe Opal can make that cretin likeable and whip him into shape!I really don't know right now I don't like this character at all!
Oh and the note of abuse I know we'd all like to strangle David but Really? Really? Did it have to happen and to have Ryan strangle him?I applauded for a second when Madison looked like she was angry and told Ryan to go.I was thinking good she's standing up against Ryan and his temper that harms women and others...but no she wasn't do that she excused his behaviour!Come on writers Ryan looks good with Madison but he'd look even better if you'd let a strong woman stnad up to him and make him ashamed of his behaviour enough to get help for his behaviour!

Moving on I'm enjoying Annie moving on with Scott and being strong against Jr and his lust for her!I'd love to see Annie come into her own and be published author her stories about Princess Emmaline on par with Harry Potter! That popular!Sure we need some tension there between Annie and Jr but I want to see it one sided.Jr needs to be one upped by Annie and Marissa needs tosee the horrible person he truly is.Marissa should team up with Annie and take him down!Marissa should get custody of AJ!
Christina Bennett Lind has been a great addition to the show as Bianca. I'm very pleased with her performance as Bianca .To say I was worried about a replacement is to put it mildly but Ms.Bennett-Lind has come through in spades.She's not Eden Riegel but then Alica Minshew wasn't Sarah Michelle Gellar! I love that they through her right into the mix and she held her won agianst Greenlee(Rebecca Budig) and David(Vincent)!I do worry though that the writers are writing both David and Greenlee into an evil box that the characters can't recovery from!Right now I really depise the pair!
The new Angie story is building up nicely getting us worried about our beloved Angie.We worry that she has a terrible illness!
Damon is really a bad boy!Sometimes too bad make sure Damon does cross that line Writers that line where we hate him. Damon has to show his good side too .It was good balance having him play with Trevor and look after him!
However I can see that we may have a Marian redux which means Colby and Tad will be hurt.Make sure that Damon is not onesided in this and don't make us completely hate him make sure he's not only remorseful but tries to make it up to Tad!
Everything on the show has gotten so dark again however we need some feel good stuff like the Jmanda wedding last week to break up all the drama!
For as Agnes Nixon has always said for her show
“ The Great and the Least,
The Rich and the Poor,
The Weak and the Strong,
In Sickness and in Health,
In Joy and Sorrow,
In Tragedy and Triumph,

All and all not a bad week on AMC some stories worth watching!

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