Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday June11, 2010

Everybody is having good time at wedding for Jmanda.Tad and Colby watch Liza and Damon dance amazed!Liza says I thought it was opportunity to show me pics you're holding over my head.taunt Damon Damon taunts back!
Natalia lets David out.He says it's illegal to hold him indifinately.David called a mayor.Mayor demands answers from Natalia why didn't David get access to counsel.Mayor wants to know why? She's launching investigation.David has supported her campaign she wants answers she tells Natalia to straighten up mix up and brush up on constitution.

Angie is dizzy and nauseauated.Jessie is afraid to leave Angie alone.Angie claims she isn't dizzy anymore. Jesse wants to know what that was.Jesse refuses to let her dance! he wants her to see Doctor!she says she is one that she would know!

Jack is dancing with Krystal.Greenlee is telling Ryan that she knows what happened to Erica.Ryan says what did you do!Greenlee says it isn't what she or anyone did stops talking Ryan demands answers.Amnda and Jake interrupt thanking for ring.Ryan says you can tell me anything she says why so you jump to horrible conclusions about me.Krystal says Greenlee can benefit by Erica's disappearance Jack says he knows but Greenlee didn't do it she would have told him if she had known she saw how he was suffering.Jack admits he thought Greenlee could be involved but Greenlee would never do that and Erica would never take money from Miranda center.Greenlee has seen what it's doing to me she wouldn't let me twist in wind.

Liza and Damon are arguing Liza says she'll take chances on the the pics.They won't guarantee future wih Colby you'll screw up. Damon says Tad and Colby believe in him.They are wrong says Liza
Damon asks if Tad knows the crzy things she does behind his back.You are going to crush her the way Tad did me.You've made me into my mother.
Damon asks is that what your mom did she sleep with him? There's no way!

Ryan pushes Greenlee for answers again she says not her this is Jamanda day!
Ryan leaves chasing after Greenlee and poor Madison is left behind forgotten.
Jake and Amanda cut the cake white with roses.She wants to save piece for next year on anniversary of anniversary?Amanda says
Amanda enjoys cake stuffs piece in Jake's mouth.David watches Krystal stops him.She asks how he has nerve to come here after last night.David says he's looking for Greenlee.Krystal says she left with Ryan I think it had something to do with Erica mess.She says Jack thinks his daughter had nothing to do with it but with you all bets are off.Ryan asks Greenlee what happened !Greenlee says Erica is force of nature she acts like it's hers and you're just in it.Greenlee says she was on plane in West Virginia and the plane never made it back.How do you know this was it you did you cause plane to go down as Jack hears.
oh dear
Ryna says Erica got on plane and didn't make it home.How do youknow information. It doesn't matter.Jack says it matters to me tell me Erica is all right.
Jesse wants Angie to go to hospital.she won't .Amnda throws bouquet Angela sys this turns ugly.Damon is freaked that Colby wants to catch bouquet. Frandi push Madison .
Liza catches the flowers.BLECH!!!
Stripper music for garter throw he pulls out bottle in slight of hand and cuffs from under Amanda's dress as she sits in chair?
Tad catches!The fix is in says Ruth!
Greenlee says just find Erica.Jack wants to know her role in this!Why didn't you tell how did you know unless you had something to do with this.I don't know if I beleive you would do this.You are waasting time go .Ryan says he'll call Erica.Jack says you heard me say I wanted to marry Erica and you said nothing.I hope your ready to accompany me to her funeral.Tell me what your son of bitch of a husband had to do with this?
Jake and Amanda make Tad and Liza put garter on Liza with teeth the higher it goes the better the marriage says Colby.
Amnda and Jake go to leave Ruth is watching baby Trevor!Amanda calls her mom, thanks Ruth!
Jake arrests Greenlee .Greenlee won't say anything else.She says Dad appealing for help.Jack says get out of my sight!
Jack says I can't sit her and wait.Ryan says it may not be that bad.Jack says life is funny I grieve for my daughter for a year and she does this.Krystal comes in as Ryna says he's going to station and Jack says he can't go he can't look at Greens.
Frankie tries to tell Madison Ryan is not the guy to take and ditch it must be important.Madison says she knows that.Frandi takes her out to eat.Tad asks Liza if he embarrassed her.Tad says relax they are still here .You were dancing so long you must have had fun with Damon.

Jesse says FAA wants to know about Erica's plane don't dig any deeper or it will go worse to you to Greenlee!.Ryan says you told me for reason because you knew I wouldn't let go so tell us about Erica!Wasting time search for her says Greenlee.
Amanda and Jake homeymoon making whoopie!
Liza and Tad flirt! Damon looks over. Liza says she want to be with him despite risks but hesitates. Tad says no risk no reward!
Damon says all are gone.Colby doesn't want to end she says weddings are hopeful!
Colby says force cam over her with bouquet she and bouquet she wants to geet married.Damon looks green!
.Angie goes to hospital to work.Angie looks a cosmetic mirror.Jack is mad says Greens won't tell where ask Krystal to fix phone calls she says someone else will do it! She's coming.Ryan preses Greens!David lords over Jesse the mayor and Jesse's daughter's spanking.Sees Greenlee she says they know about Erica.

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