Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday June 2, 2010

Amnda is palnning the wedding she says Jake is distracting her with wedding chart! She says she's trying to Encourage love connections if possible. Jake says don't put Liza near tad and she says she knows what she's doing! Damon come into Tad's with bag!Tad asks if he's allset.Damon says he knows what he's doing!He says he is how old and this is all he has to show for it one sports bag from the 80's (it looks like it's that old yellow leather addias bag!)Confcious says it's waht you carry in your heart not your bag says
Tad to which Damon says okkaaaaaay!TAd says he's happy your here at home.Damon asks about rules.Tad says no drinking out of carton.Damon ask if someone can stay overnight.Says if it's Colby your taking your life in hands! Liza is talking o colby asks how she is says things have changes.Colby says Damon told me how you offered him money to dum me.
Liza:honey did he tell you he took it?
Colby says we appreciate the donation for NYC .We'll get good jons there and neve come back!
Ryan is drinking with David calls him his friend to waiter !with all he's going through all the arguing with Greenlee I'm sure you could use another glass!
David says check and I'm not paying for ryan.David ants toknow why the sudden interest in his marriage.Ryan says marriage a sham too bad he's fallen for Greenlee!
Sweet!It will be even better whne it blows up in face! David says married people argue .Ryan says I wondered what you could have possibly said to have greenlee give you that look!What look asks David?the look where she wanted to be anywhere on the palnet except standing next to you!
Greenlee says you're going to propose to Erica.i didn't know she says.Sure you did Greenlee says Jack I never love anyone more!I let her get away from me once I'm not going to make that mistake again.I'm going to go down there i'm going to find her and I'm going to bring her home and marry her!
Damon says so i can't bring colby here becasue you're afraid of liza? Tad says right down to my socks mister you should be too!That's not all theri is too it Kathy and Jenny are here.Damon says he'll lock door .Tad says let's protect their inocence a little longer they like to be where you are.Onward and upward you're going to jake's wedding asks tad.Damon says Yess!holding his face.I am!Tad bought Damon atux!Damon says he's never worn one let alone owned one.Td says well just consider it like the prom tux you should have had Damon says he dropped out before prom he never went!
By then Bailey was pregnant.Tad says they can alter to fit! Tad says he has to run some errands take something to Krystal he'll see him later!
Liza is tellling Amnda she can't be bride'smaid.Tad and she damon and colby can't be in same room.Amnda says maybe it would be good idea .Liza says on one palnet.Jake says becasue were happy and we want you there GOODPOINT PUT YOUR DIFFERENCES ASIDE FOR WeDDING LIZA!
Amnda begs Jake begs with cheery on top!Liza says okay with olive in meartini!
As she gives in saying theri both nuts but okay!she'll stand up for Amnda..Ryan say waht are you tipping today 20 30% he never knows to rYan.What do you want Lavery asks David! Ryansays something big is going to happen with David and Greenlee and he wants to be there.David says where were you when Greenlee was lying in that cold river and I found her?I gave her back life I saved her life. Ryan says till she realizes you've cost her family friends and soul and then she's going to hate you!
JAkc says he doesn't know what happened but he knows that Erica would steal from Miranda center! Greenlee says I'm so sorry Dad.Jack says what are you sorry for?
Greenlee says "youknow about Erica dad!
Tad has box of stuff for Jake and amanda's wedding he takes into Krystal's well running into Ryan! Ryan saks if he's doing deliveries he says lovesick brothers stuff!Ryan asks how it's gong with damon tad says on ascale ofakward and excrutiating somewhere among ponderious.It will get bett says Ryan.Colby asks Tad to talk to mom she paid Damon to break up with me!Tad asks how much?then covers rolls eyes
It's like she thinks serial killer or something you've seen he good in him!says Colby
.Damon is amzing underneath he's incredibly smart I wish mom would see that.Tad kisses forehead says I'm glad you do your preaching to the choir but to your mom he has rough edges.Colby ays so did you!Gosh Colby why didn't I think of that great selling pint to your mom.I wish she'd realize I'm not little girl anymore.Madiosn talks to ryan he doesn't hear.she says she's getting Greenlee vibes.I know I need to stay out of it but by the look of things her and David are about to crack Ryan says
Jack says Greenlee what is it! what are you sorry for? as David comes in says am I interupting Jakc says yes.
Greenlee says no aactaully i'm just telling my Dad how sorry I am for all thff going down with eRica she wants him to be happy.Greenlee asks if she can tell David when David asks if there's any news.Greenlee says my dad is about to ask Erica to marry him again!Wow says Dave congrats!When erica comes back we should celebrate mend fences .Jack says she'll face charges!David says probably clerical error.Greens says my Dad is going to west virginia to track down Erica.David says that's not good idea Erica hates to be secnd guest dshe must have good reason1thank you both says Jack snarly!for your advice but you cantell he's going.I'll call later honey he says to Greenlee.
Tad asks Colby to cut her mom a break she will always be her mother's little girl she scares off every guy who looks at me!Damon needs aot of support right now but your mom didn't like it.Tweenty yearsago you'd be dead right now.Offer parental advic take it sow says Tad.Colby says is this sex talk!Tad says nonono! Tad wants t know if Damon has said anything about being Martin? colby says that's off the tablebut she doesn't think it's sunk in!Lza comes looking for Colby finds Damon with no shirt on says put it on!Damon asks for help because of hsoulder injury!
then he says he can't find buttons!she says you use cuff links sure tad has some.Damon wants to knoww hy she's being civil when does she rip into him?
She says why would she do that! she wants Colby to be happy!tell me about daughter winter or summer? what does she like italian food or chinese?waht makes laugh cry?
she likes me!that's wht dating is!Do for right reasons Liza says.
Iwant my daughter to be with someone who is good and apprciates her I don't think you're tht guy.
Tad says to Krystal that he has good idea from colby! Monday martin family night!Junk fod chips board games pizza.Krystal says nice but don't excpect magic!Damon has lots thrown at him.don't suffocate him!
Madison says that's great if David and Greenle break up for you!Ryan says there done but he'd like old Greenlee for Emma family and friends!
when he looks at Jake and Amanda Greens seems like lifetime ago!Madison has to go!
Ryna says he'll call Madiosn.
Greenlee says she can't beleive she lied to dad to his face.David claims he's loking he beleives she's okay in meantime keeping appearnces freaking out when you hear Erica's name is not good says david.when are you going toadmit you might have killed erica? asks Greenlee
David take sofence says that's what you thinkI killed Erica? I know waht everyone thinks Dr.Doom Dr.Death man is monster!
I never said that sasy Greens waht you think of me is everything.Se says people says horrible things about that I have no heart that I lost it a year ago That's not tru I see your heart every day you put at risk for Emma you're suffering for your DAd.How do we do it David .We survive just like we allways did!just like we did after accident.I will never lose sight of you.look around you built all out of nothing you deserve this.I do says Greenlee.And you will never stip looking says Greenle!You have my word says David!Then I'm with you Greenlee says
Jake wants Ryan to be groomsman.You have to wear tux but not look to good and show me up! He tells him Greenle is bridesmaid if you want to undue!
Ryna says we will be fine.I'll look good but not to good!Jake wants Ryan to buy wine!
Amanda is happy about Ryan the arrow is cupid says Jake!LOL
Greenlee says delegate delegate dlegate!Amnda asks greenlee to be bridesmaid! She means alot to Jake!Greenle says she's honored!She delegates to Greenlee menu choices.
She's on her wa to flowers.
Damon says what is betweeen Colby and him is between hate me because you feel I took away dear old Dad.If I'm going to going away so fast wahy are you flipping out? leave us alone!
Liza says she's worst mom on planet when she runs into Tad!
Tad says your daughter is sensitive caring individual all you should be is proud!
David asks where Greenle is she's helping me out with wedding stuff at Krystal's
Let me guess bridesamid invite comes without plus one.Yes don't crash my wedding says Amanda!
David says he has no desire to hurt her and Amanda begs him not to mess up big day.It won't be because of me that it messes up!David says he won't be there.
Krystal gives Greenlee yacht club menus? says knock yourself out!
Ryan comes into Krystals! He tells her he's in wedding party too!She's looking through menus!Maybe you should do both !David's probably waiting says Ryan.Greenle agrees to pick menus she promised Amanda
Tad asks what changed her mind about wedding!Liza complains Jake and amnda are most sickly sweet lovey dovey couple on palnet.She can keep an eye on Damon and Colby Damon is going to ruin her life.Tad says more like you're going to ruin yours.liza says she ahs to go Tad asks her to save last dance for him!
Damon asks Colby her favourite colour!she asks wahere that came from.He says it is something he should know she says blue he says she looks good in blue or everything!
amnda wants to hold off on sex until the wedding night!shewant sto start frash.Jake balks but says oak whatever she wants.she kicks him out to Tad's! David is upset he can't find Erica.Jack calls Doc waller abut Erica and leaves Message!
Greenlee gets alittl drunk on three glasses of wine!Ryan says don't dirnk 4 you know how that gets.He says it's the same wine they used for wedding is she going to drink and drive she says she has to go and get car pulled around!

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