Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday June 30th,2010

This is a joke says Jack as Caleb says almost the same.Caleb asks Dorothy if this is set-up.Erica looks stunned and angry!Jack wants toknow who Dorothy is!.Erica says he is who saved her!Jack thanks him .He says he'll take cheque be gone.Opal says he reminds her of Palmer!
Annie stamps around looks for something while Jr is on phone.Jr is trying to take control claims he's taking company for them when she wnats to spend time with AJ.Marissa fights with Annie Jr says so that's what happened you two got in fight tell me what happened
David is talking about charges going away on phone.minimal no jail don't call David's home call direct and then he'll wire money.Pretends to Greenlee about sentencing says he's talking to lwayer is trying to get charges reduced he can't be linked to crash paid off meachnic to disppear.Is fooling Greenlee who thinks he's her hero!Thank you David for saving my company
Erica says you are Palmer's nephew!
Jack reads Full company electronics to my nephew Caleb Cooney he will remain at least one year at helm and in P.V. and run company for one year!
Jr asks about fight scratching hair pulling annie says it was nothing and she's going to hospital she's presenting cheque in Palmer's honour for Scott.Giving is better than taking Marissa says snidely.
Jr wants to know what fight was says don't let her get to you.(but is secretly excited)Marissa calls mom for help with wardrobe.
Krystal blows her off at first but says she'll meet at her place?Tad's?
Tad come asks how all is according to Jr just great Tad says he heard that Jr got shares.Good Weird karma!He was able to stick it to Adam one last time.Tad says Mom was always proud even when mistakes,Tad says Annie looked ticked and so did Marissa
David and Greenlle kiss she want to thank him says she never expected this he wants her to to everything he deserves he says she feels guilty for attacking him and blaming him.She says she forgot what marriage really means she wants to spend rest of day with him.He wants to open champagne lead way she says!
Erica says she won't work with Caleb.It's crazy asking the mountain man is like asking gorilla to perform brain surgery
I could compare you to monkey but that would be insult to monkey.says Caleb
Jack asks for respect for Palmer
Why would anyone want to switch Pete for Plamer.
Caleb is to change surname from Cooney to Cortlandt.End of summer to co-host party to formally introduce Caleb.
That's not going to happen Captain Morgan says Caleb only thing wrong with people is a room full of them.
Opal stand up says Palmer mentioned him Caleb)says he lived in woods.
This is Palmer's day we won't ruin it we will talk alone says Erica!
Bianca worries they can't get along. Opal says he's rough around edges
Erica says to Caleb why didn't you tell me you were a Cooney
Why didn't you mention where you were from and that box you weer carrying around was that from Pete? asks Caleb
It sure was!'Says Erica we were very close!Erica can not think why he would want Caleb to run company.Pete knew I hated this life pairing me up with you.We are not pair.My mancurist could then we could run better. I'll take you to bus
Opla says hold your hores you will haera what I have tosay!
David and Greenlee have been evicted from Wildwind Palmer bought it!
Greenlee thought he owned!The go to police chief to find out.
Marissa wants shopping with mom to get clthes.she says Annie and her had fight that her clothes are awful Marissa says she wants to do makeover.Krystal says you don't need amkeover he should love you for you!
Krystal says thinka bout what you want.Jr won''t change.
Jr loves you hewants toput family first but he'snot.Jr neesds to figure things out and put you first.Marissa yells and says she doesn't know why she bothered
Tad says actions speak louder than words show Marissa she's first.Annie is addiction like alchohol she's dangerous you know what to do why is she still here don't make excuses get her out of your life!
Annie wants to see Angie.Annie says she wants to donate money to hospital Frankie fluffs off .
Annie says she wants to prove to the man she loves she mentions JR .Frankie catches the slip!Annie she loves Scott it was a slip of the tongue.Frankie goes to work.
Jr says he can't be addicted to Annie it will waer off I'll be better husband.Put Marissa first you sound like Adam Tad says!Palmer said that too.Tad says take Marissa and go with AJ!
Opla says she doesn't know why but Palmer he was counting on him he's going to haunt you if you let him down.
Listen Ellie May no offence but your wasting your breath says Caleb I would never step into Pete's shoes!they never fit him.Erica says she agrees she won't carry him no ofence to Palmer but there must be solution Jack says he has to stay for a few days.
Get acclimitized check out Cortlandt while waiting to sign off maybe change mind.
David comes to Jessee demands information.Jesse says he did job Palmer owns Wildwind!
Jesse says he left instructions to throw them out.DAvid gets them small one bedroom asks if it is problem as he lies there are no more rooms.
Jesse says when you find new place let me know we'll bring stuff.
Jack tells Caleb Corlandt Electronic is huge company with lots of people who could lose jobs.Sign over to Erica
Who's that asks Caleb about Bianca being a flirt trying to tick off Erica
That is my gay married daughter says Erica.Where's campground.He bought you Wildwind!says Jack

Marissa puts on vavomm dress makeup leaves message for JR.Jr wants to leave doantion to hospital in Palmer's name gives it to Frankie.Annie yells at him.
She asks if he is trying to one up her and he tells her psych ward is two floors down she taunts him that Scott has something he'll never have and he stops elevator!You don't know me he says.
Annie wants to know where the hidden Jr is!Jr says she like alchohol he doesn't need her it's him against temptation and he always wins!
Aj wants to know what mommy is doing he's scared. She says she will wash face.
Caleb isn't hpapy Erica says there is stable.Jack says he let staff know prepare for him. .Erica says Jack's daughter was thrown out for him.This is p.V.this is my town.Jack invites to dinner but Caleb says he doesn't trust restaraunts!
Jesse says he needs something solid help from Tad George King the mechanic suddenly disppeared find him and put David away!Jesse wants smile for Angie .Jesse tells him Angie wasn't pregnant .He is worried about Angie he will do all to put David away.
DAvid promises Greenlee the moon and promises to get home back.Greenlee says we are together let's focus on us!David says when it coems to there marriage he's all in!
Greenlee says growing up staff looked after no one loved her.She's connected by his love and scarifice she's not alone.He takes her to bed.
Marissa greets Jr with smile clean face,ponytail.Sweats!
Jr wants to go away this weekend to beach cottage .Marissa want to take AJ!Marissa is mad she wants to go!We're going with you!Every decsion you make efects us.He claims he doesn't want to hurt AJ!We face everything from now on together says JR!
Tad says David is good at hurting people but he wants to be in loop!Keep him posted.
Greenlee makes love with David.He asks if she's sure.She says she is she loves how he takes care of her knows her better than anyone.
Caleb asks why Pete did this to him
Erica and Jack talk wedding!Shewants to be married by end of summer

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