Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday June 25,2010

Angie is checkin on her blood in a microscope.picks up recording device.she has dizzy spellas .She needs specailized equipment they don't have mut get it apst David .she says patient life depends on it. Jesse givs her hell for working in dark says sh'll go blind.She take to nurse heather about patient.Jesse aasks for food for Angie says she didn't eat last night.It's only 8am but he's worried becasue she didn't check in.Natalia was made detective las night and angie forgot.Angie compalins no time for anything.Jesse says we love you and we understand nothing to make up.Angie sees Jesse with no face!oh dear Angie!
Jesse think she's mad! Angie says she beleives him that they are not mad.David was a confab.Jesse sayshehas to check it palne crash.David taunts that the mayor is real stickler for results.David wants to know what's going on with Angie says come with him.David says she's spending money we don't hae.she says she's saving livs.David says this taks money resources.Angie syas operations are cancelled and patients are being turned awy.David says she doesn't get big picture.David says that kid passed out and you didn't tke precautions risking everything.David says wear gloves and equipment.Rule is protect self says David.GEt it together there could have been conseq should you he says.mayor congrataulaions.uence.Angie cries is worried.Natalia and Jessse are worried about Angie's overwork.Jesse is honoring Natlalia with mayor that.Highest score on exam .Jesse says he is proud she's a detective now.Department is lucky to have your father I mean chief mayor says.Jesse tells her it will look bad when he nails Erica. Jesse then tells Natali she's buying everyone lunch it's the rule for celebrating being detective.Frankie helps Angie acess Ramone Catera's .
Frankie wantsher to go to breakfast with him and she says no she needs inf.He asks wahy it's important she says she doesn't know.Angie is till wroking on what she had.
Frankie meets natalia and congrats Brot says thanks for making us all look bad being yungest.Angie shows up say sorry for last night she says she's proud.Natlai says mayor branco mad eit painfully clear she doesn't like ti that hse doesn't hink we deserveit.Angie sys becasue you're awaomn of color it's doubly hard you have to work twice as hard keep your head down and hsow the what your made of.Angie wants Natali to find Ramone.Angie goes home stares at pic of Jesseand angie.
Jesse is late and se .ems surpised Angie made party even for moment.Alarm goes off and Angie can't see it.nurse says chief hubbard do you want to try some atrophine.angie doesn't respond asks Jake who appears to take over.She claims she drank at lunch!Natalia says Ramone was last at 88 uppershack road next to rockpoint park with foster family says Natalia.Krystal gives free lunch to celebrate Natalia sos she doesn't have to pay!Frankie says he done for day.Jesse says he has to go back to work.Frankie says he's like his mom.Jesse says she eats drinks sleeps hosital. Frankie convinces Jse to go to park and have fun.angie sees Rmaone in park asks if he remebers her.He stares traight ahead doesn't answer.Angie asks how he feel off bike.He's blind!He's brother gives him white cane.Angie goes back to hospital.David finds Frankie and Jesse eating in aprk.Mayor told David waht Jesse said about him that she shouldreturn campaign funds.David says he won't let down people who depened on him.David says if you take mea way from wife daughter you won't know what hit you.Frankie is worried about Jesse he says he was suprised to hear david mention Marissa and his wife guess it's what we workfor.Jesse tells he's son that Angie thought she might be expecting and says false alarm.Frankie seems relieved!Jesse calims he has bad ankles when Frankie thrwos ball.Frankie complains he's old man then Jesse says go long as frankie throws bal.Angie workshard to diagnose her condition.angie fluffs off Jake's concern says it's be one of thosedays when he asks what's going on.He asks if he can do something.she tels Jake she's helping patinet.Want me to do consultationwe can figure out together.Jake sys we can help each other we are friends.something is not right about this you are off your game Jake .David is breathing down neck!says I'm worried first year could do basic life response.If you ween't okay you'd tel me say Jake.Angie says yes lies!Angie goe sback to checking. Blurrd vison disorietation ocasional dizziness starlight effect hemmorrages noticed in eyes.Infectius process in eyes indoffimyitis! unknown cause psychian carelessness is cause!Few trials available.antie experimental treatements fungal trails unefective.some patients get better on own others get permanent damage and blindness!Frankie hug Mom when she comes out.Says she is incredible mom doctor.Says he stopped back to check patient. Angie syas he's got hergenes.Says he's perfect gene poll.He says Jesse and he ha great time throwing Football like in highschool! Angie sys that must have been sight tosee!Jesse and Frankie playing football.
Angie is now at yacht club apparently hospital scene with Frankie was memory? only explaination very jarring to have Angie suddenly appear at yacht club!
Jesse sneaks up hig and kisses Angie Sorry babe it's just me.Hospital said you signed out needed air so I guessed here.she says she loves the way the lght bounces off water it's so pretty.Angie stres at Jesse she says he is exactly who she want stosee and who she wants to talk to!Jesse smiles at her says hewants to get out of her go somewhere and talk ot her about something.He says he doen't now where to begin .He loves her! it's his everything he saw david today he declared all out war fighting with Mayor too he says.You and I have been so busyWe have to make time we are solucky I never want david work or mayoe gt in the way of us and our family/Angie says we won't let him.Jesse says when he thought she was pregnant he loved her even more.He wants her to stay in yacht club room overnight with him.she says he is her star moon her finish! Jesse hugs her and makes love to her.

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