Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday June 23,2010

Liza is happy Tad picked her up from hopsital.He wants to fuss over her and give er dvd's and foot massage.He got rid of all! they talk about kitchen table etc.Oh dear Damon's home.
Erica walks into Fusion dressed to the nines aand asks Greenlee if she missed her?Oh you're late for your victory party.I want your full attention she says locking down elevator no one will bother us Erica says.Greenlee:Erica I didnt know

David shuts Bianca in a room to sleep off drug! Ryan is outside door looking smug!Damon why are you home? I'm all ready gone he says going to man cave.Liza says another night! Tad offers night with damon watching movie!Liza says no way!He saved your life.I'm grateful but... make connection blossom says TAd.Liza gives in fine fine!
Tad invites Damon to play doom day zone.Liza syas it will be fun.i have popcorn snacks hope you like buyyer.Liza fawns over father's day card from Jenny and Kathy!Damon says sorryhe forgot not aholiday in his home!
Madiosn comes for release papers!Frankie gives Madison heck for letting Erica leave.She nearly died on muntain.Madiosn pulls out woman card says you wouldn't do this to man.She's not always right!
David tries to get rid of Ryan tells him he rented suite for potentail buyres.Ryna syas there kicking Erica while she'ds down.Greenlee is doing what she needs to to keep her company!David says he has been lovely supportive husband and he's glad to be apart of it when ryan says he was behind fraud and plane crash.
Erica says plane crash is like this elevator crashing someone cutting cables!Greenlee is sick with her caustrophobia! Erica says I will prove you did this and when I'm done you will wish you'd done a much better job of it!

Tad claims Damon is louder than movie.Liza calls him comedian Tad says he got that from him! Damon thought she'd be chick flick!Liza says she likes all genre .Fancy french Damon says Tad.Tad gets call.Damon says were bonding aint it great .Tad for case.
Bianca wakes up says you drugged me.I always gave you beneft of the doubt becasue I kept tell me that somewhere there's ahuman being.Binca says she's reporting to hopsitl.David says by then drugg will have worn off good luck.Greenlee is getting Fusion back I won't let you ruin that.I gave you over counter drug.I almost feel sorry for you you put erica nd Greenlee in danger.I've come to help but obviously you don't want me here.
Just let me out of here Greenlee says!Erica says whatever you did and cause plane crash to frame me it will unravel imagine what it will be like when you're surrounded by bars!Damon says stay let's get toknow each other nad then maybe hee could delete from phone.
David says Binaca sounds like Jack ryan and everyone esle in town.Binca says Yuo'd do anything for her but she doesn't feel the same .She doesn't love you back!
Greenlee has won you can't change tht she's made the announcement now.You don't understand woman you drug coherse but that will never work with Greenlee.
Binca says she doesn't have proof he drugged her but my mother will make sure you pay and I won't make things easier what ever connection we had is over.SCC cancelled party LOL Greenlee
Greenlee says mountain air has made you delusional! Greenlee says she used expertise to win.Think what to you want but let me out of here!Erica says she's waitting for computer people as Greenlee hyperventilates!
Erica takes pity lets Greenlee out runs into SCC! Erica tries to get them to stop Scc says every keystroke is recorded the culprit will be caught until Scc addresses fraud though Fusion is shut down!
Tad sees Mr.Miller.. He says you wouldn't pop in on Damon
Miller wants to know aht Damon did!Found where he hangs out!Miller says did he make Colby preganat Tad says no and stuart isn't hisTad tells him he's his dad.He says congrautaltions his your problem now!
Damon says not to bad .Liza wants more butter turns off sex scene! Damon says i thought we were trying to be firends.How old was tad when he slept with your mom.She must have been pretty hot as least as hot as you.Ryan tellsMadiosn not to worry he knew he was helping.You're acting like erica is achild how are you helping by taking truth from her!This is erica's fight back off and let her do what she neds to do!
Binca says good I didn't miss launch!Jack says there wasn't one!jack says neither woan showed up!Binca tells Jack she was drugged. Jack goes after David.
Greenlee and Erica spar over Fsuion fraud!! Erica asks what is wrong with her .Fusion will survive this.I will never share my company with you says Greenlee.You have sabotoged for last time was it worth it? asks Erica!
david says she was headed to Fusion.They want to find the two woman,
Ryan apologises says they are strong woamn don't need man to keep swooping in to save day and she wants him to change tire he laughs!
Tad says you don't seem surprised Tad says he says he has feeling!Wasn't hard to figure out.Miller says he never pushed hima way.From thld walk he was misery.e moment he coui I am completely off the hook He's happy!tad says how can you walk away like thaT turn on alittle baby!If you ever gaave damn spent time with him you'd see a kid who tries .He's great with kkids he liestens to them.I'm sorry for you! He's aprt of mine supported excepted.It's the reason I wanted to talk to you! He wants to adopt!
Damon flatters Liza says guys think she is ahottie.liza says we can't be firends until you delete picutres.Why can't you just be normal! Relaly hard tog et lla to like you? says Liza
Tad wants perfects son Colby wants sounding board for family and you want me to disppear.My daughter doesn't play games and she doesn't have a plan B asa long as you have pictures I don't trust you Liza says.
Greenlee says you lied to me and you took my documents! Greenlee you tried to kill me!
Greeenlee complains she was trapped on elevator!Erica says it's not as bad as plane crash.JAck attacks David!Bianca says you all have to stop fighting to save Fusion!
Liza left Tad comes back thanks him for sepending time.Tad tells Damon he wants to adopt him!Liza sees Paul Miller! He says so this is how it works first Martin then you the adotion!Tad want toa dopt his soneMiler says he doesn't have aclure waht dAmon is like!Madison says my woamn here me roar lose punch when i can't change tire!Ryna promises to work on guy who has to save day.Madison says she will work on being overpowering I am woman here me roar!.
Greenlee and Erica are fighting!Bianca says when you lose comapny which of you will explain to Kendall.We will save company says Eric aoyu can go to jail later!

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