Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday June 9,2010

Liza pretending she's drunk in her underwear and tad is at that door.Liza says Tad and throws her dress on! Damon hides! Tad is playful
Jesse is arresting David.Greenlee heares his accomplice inmurder from ryan and Jesse .she imagines being taken to station and says you don't understand it was an accident! Ryan says Greenlee what are you talking about David covers says she's right it was accident,tha he eneded up there.Ryan asks waht happened tells Greeenlee she can come to him if something is wrong.
Jake is lookin for ring David provokes him says the next baby he'll be looking for babies daddy.Jsse arrests both when David says he will press charges for Jake's swing.
Tad tells Liza in China it's tomorrow .You're drunk says liza.i'll make it quick se offers him coffee and water.Tad says he had liquid courage to talk to her about Damon. Tad sasy he was mean to cut her out and put Damon totally first! sorry! He wants Liza back on his arm again.Was it good for you too? Liza says she doesn't know where he's going with this.He invites her to be his date for the wedding the restart to something he wants a second chnce.liza says she'd like that.Liza says go home get sleep aspirin.Tad gets randy she shows him the door.He says that's areally nice dress.Damon says date that's so sweet.Damon is on to Liza's plan says you wanted Colby to walk inon us.
Jesse is angry says he asked Jake to stay out of it he was handling it.No you let me handle it.Greenlee says you made things worse if erica is dead it's allrady happend.Opal called erica she was missing her friend.
Frankie and ryan scan for te ring david knocked out of Jake' hand.Frankieoffers metal detactor from friend!Randi and Frankie go toget it.Colby is upset she can't find damon think mom had himarrested and rowned in Turleish prsion.David tells greenlee to leave becasue of risk.
Amanda is asking why David came!Jake apologising for ruining evening.He says he wont ruin wedding fresh start and love love love!
Jesse Jake asks for present,5minutes with davy he says .Jesse says your funny!
Jake says fighting with dAvid serves n purpose he would be jutified going after Davdi but bein gobssesed hurts his family and he doesn't ant to be david.Make someone else miserable Godbye mr.Hawyard.Enjoy mediocrety Jake says David.
Fro a lawyer you relly didn't think this out your daughter would hate you.Tad wouldn't either. they won't find out.
liza I could tell says Damon.Damon has pics .Tad will never forgive her corrupting his son!Colby calls about call.Liza says stay and enjo yourself.Damon isn't here he suppose to be here.DAvid and jake were arrested she says becasue of ffight.
Great performance Damon says Colby wouldn't no you weer half assed nalked with boyfriend! Liza says you would have gone for it if Tad wasn't at door says Liza
Everyone goes home.Krystal and Opla have cahmpagne.Greenlee asks if they found ring.Opla says how can she find ring idf she cant even find perfect man when he standig beside her.
Ryan says she's feeling guilty when Greenlee says perfect wedding deserves perfect ring!
David is whining about preferencial treatment!Angie says she has full control when he in jail.He says Liza is his lawyer asks why she's talking to Jake.Tad finds out Jakea nd david was arested!Tad asks where hewent damon doesn';t answr.Tad feels hoepful!Damon says hope it works out for him.David whines that she is his alwyer she's on retainer.She hates being pyriah! Liza answers to Jakes' bail hearing tells David to get lawyer! Jesse says night judge is leaving soon or he'll be guest overnight handing David phone.!0 minutes!
Greenlee is arguing with Ryan about David finds wedding ring in vent!They use gum and pen to get gross!!Ryan calls himself brillaint .Give me a break!!!
Colby is hapy that mom got jake out.Liza says he's afree man.Colby is happy she got him out instead of David.Colby says she makes right choices too.Liza ffers ice cream sundaes.Eveything has changed says Colby when Liza mentions Damon!
Tad is hpapy Jake is free.Tad says David lives to cause trouble.Tad says Liza has good side defends Liza! Tad offers to help with Liza.Liza calls to make sure she ddin't imagine it it was the drinks .Liza says they are on.David is escorted to cells.Angie has to approve experimanatl surgery she says!
Frankie coems back with metal detactor .It's really his!Randi laughs! Jake is happy he's out Ryan and Greenlee found ring!Greenlee goes to see David who's not out.
Ryan tells her he saw real Greenlee tonight that he hasn't seen in awhile!
Opla says this was fun !Jake wants to kiss Amanda without bells and whistles.e dded some local colur Opal says about DAvid?Jake says we've had fun nothing bad is coming.Damon is with colby says sorry mom is making life tough not a problem anymore. Amanda dancies around with dress.Tad and Jake bond! hugging drinking milk!
Liza remebers Tad saying the strt of soemthing Greenlee remembers Ryan saying she was back.Damon and colby kiss.Greenlee is thinking about Ryan as he thinks about her.Music is too freaking loud to hear dilaogue again. Jake says I love you!

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