Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday June 28th,2010

Erica is in hospital room Jack says he's putting foot down.Jack says she's had setback leaving aganst doctor's orders.Bianca says he's on his own but she makes Erica promise to take it easier.Jack tries to bully her back tbed she says she doesn't like that .Erica says Fusion is crisis mode she needs to be there.Jack says you told Greenlee to turn David in if she did that you could rest.She won't says Erica.Erica says she thought about life on mountain she will never let a man control her.Jack produces a wheelchair but Erica says not on your life!He says art of compromise Erica says that Frankie will chck her out whenshe comes back and if he says she needs tosay she will she promises.

Angie in the afterglow of loving making is thinking about complete bindness I don't thinks she slept as Jesse wakes up.She says she was starring at handsome face want to memorize every inch.He says she's beautiful even in morning.she says last night was amzing.Jesse senses something is wrong but Angie convinces him all is okay!
Angie says she wish it was always like this she wants to last forever.Jesse says lets take a little longer in bed.As alarm goes off.

Amanda and Jake eat in park burittos.Amanda says she canceled Italy shoot.Jake says we should just all go as a family!
Greenlee talks to DAvid about problems with SCC she says David's plans are too dangerous.she'll fix this.David says he's contacting guy about plane.Bianca is at door she says she wants answer about Fusion are you going to turn in David or not? asks Bianca
Greenlee says she doesn't respond to heavy tactics from Kane women.David is my husband!
Bianca says if you listened to conscience that you would turn him in for plane crash.David hears as Bianca asks this and asks if she really cares enough to lose Fusion for David.I will not sacrifice my husband I'll keep my company and my husband says Greenlee!David has supported me I trust him completely.Do really poeple getting drugged planes falling out of he sky you and Kendall have put your all in since day one you .I can't believe you would scarifice something that is such apart of you.Is he worth it .conversation is over says Greenlee.David says that was interesting Erica and Bianca want you to turn me over to SCC and you didn't tell me.OMG you were actually considering it I thought we were together no matter what.I just found out you slippped into Bianca's drink and I was mad so I considered for a second but I just told them no.I don't have time for this.

Jake says we go to Rome and Florence have wine and pasta.We can teach Trevor to eat spaghetti!Amanda says with all going on how can you take time off? Jaks says were ever she is he's behind her!
Jesse is told Iris the mayor was looking for him and she was mad he wasn't there.Jesse is sending Natlaia to West Virginia to check on what is holding up investigation as his representative.Natalia balks she's worried about Mayor Blanco!esse says he'll prove it and nail David.Jesse says he sees the pressure and stress on Angie. David is idiot doesn't understand decent people.Angie is not ready to walk away.He's worried about her.He needs to tke David down.Then he says he to do something.
Jake wants Angie's help he wants her to sheck sinus rythum it's on table he says there is no patient.He was testing he knew!
Erica says it was quiet on mountain!Jack thought she would miss fast pace most.I wish Greenlee would turn in David to Jack.Greenlee comes in says not going to happen I take it you sicked Bianca on me.Erica says I guess Bianca thought you would grow a conscience!I am doing the right thing not turning David in.We should try again to convince them it's a clerical error.That didn't work says Jack they will not move on this until they have someone to drag out in handcuffs. says Jack
Ther's always Erica.
Youknow and I know Erica didn't take any money.Jack says
so what are you going to move on me next to save your girlfriend asks Greenlee David and I in prison then you get rid of your daughter and Erica gets my company?
We both know who's responsible says JAck!I'm not going to let you pin this on David Greenlee says
"It's all rightI've taken care of everything I told him I was ready to cooperate.I told him that I set up Erica for it.What have you done asks Greenlee David:In short I confessed.How could you confess undo!It was clearly the only thing I could do there was clearly no logic to this Jack says
You admitted what we knew all along says Erica Why did you confess none of this would have happened in the first place if you didn't do it.
David I expected a little more gratitude .Erica:You don't do anything ever unless there is something in it for you
DAvdi:i did it for my wives happiness.
Erica you're not exactly the martyr type.
DAvdi:No i have grat lawyers.I'll fight for areduced sentences.
Jack:did you Nation safety transportational board I just though since you were in a confessing state of mind.
davdi I would never try to kill you Erica please look me in my eyes and tell me that.
THe old David wouldn't but i don't know you anymore says Erica
We had alot of battles but we always fought on the same side.
Jack says he doesn't belive it where as david says you should be happy i'm going to be in jail it will give you more time to convince Greenlee to divorce me.
Greenlee says she doen't wnat David to do this.It's too much.
David says he couldn't live with himself if he lsot her company and it crumbled.
Jesse says it has to stop David's crime has to stick.You wouldn't take matters into your own hands would you Natlaia saks.
Jesse says you know David's Mo and you'll see it and nail him.Jesse praises Natalia he says her mom is probably bragging all over the heavens.David can not beat us because he doesn't have family.
Angie says that was cruel.Jake says if you're going to keep pretending nothings wrong
Everybody has problems now and then.She tells him what it really is.Jake says that's very rare. Fungal she says symptoms Jake asks.
She tells him about boy she was exposed to.He aaks about clinical astudies prognosi.
she tells him that she could go completely blind!
It atacks and destroys eye tissues! she'll get more dizziness orientation until loss of sight.Jesse appears says he accidently picked up her phone.Asks how all is she says couldn't be better while Jak hides face.
David you shouldn't have done this Greenlee says.I had to says david I neede to make up to you what I did to Erica's plane.Greeenlee says the SCC is going for blood they want maximium sentences.You're making huge sacrifice for me .I was amd about Bianca and you do this something so noble.David says she will bring Fusion to the top.Greenlee worries he will lsoe years of his life.David says you take company crown throne. She says she doesn't know whether to kiss or cry.David says i promised you anything you want world in bow but atleast I can give you waht you truly love Fusion.David says he has to gosee attorney it will work out.
Jack says confession will stand. Erica says she only wanted to help Kendall temporarily.
This company has become her life consumesd her and she doesn't want that.Jack says are you ready to let Fusion go!
Erica says she wanted in the best shape was that the right decision.She wants her life back!There is so much she wants to do and it isn't Fusion!
Jack asks what happeend up there as he get phone call. His assisitant says Doc Waller called there were isntructions form Palmer.
Jake is having trouble hiding it.Angie asks for time for discussion about patient.Jake says you need to tell Jesse.Angie says David's staff cuts were the reason.Jesse is close to nailing David she says.Jake says he blames David.
Jake says it's not right it'snot fair to your patients.Angie says she needs time.Jesse brings her water. Jake asys take care of angie they are lucky guys as Jesse says
Angie hugs Jesse
Bianca comes in aks if it's true of Greenlee that David confessed.Greenlee says news travels fast.David has done an admiral thing first thing his done in along time like that he really cares about Greenlee says Binca.Maybe htere's hope for you after all Bianca says.
David speaks to soemone in a park he tells the SCC guy that the money guarantees minmal charges.When he is free to be with wife the guy gets rest of money.
Jack says the instructions dictate all.If I know Palmer in for big surprise says Erica!

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