Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday June 29,2010

Jack says he isn't even allowed to look at Plamer's instructions before will reading.Erica is dreaming of Caleb.hugging him and him calling her darling.Bianca is there when she wakes up.Bianca wants to talk about Caleb Scott is worried the nonotech project is listed in the will and he will be found out for taking it.Annie says they were close at end maybe Palmer left him cufflinks.Cover says Palmer was delusional.Scott says that won't fly.Annie says I will back you up.Jr is wheeling and deeling at breakfast claiming contract today or we will not dealon the phone as Marissa come in.She reminds him that Uncle Palmer's will is today today is family time .Jr talks about those battles in the past that created Chandler betweeen Palmer and Adam.misses them!
Opal get ready for the will reading dressed in awhite dress she's sure Plamer would love debates hat with Krystal.Opal says she heard Palmer's voice all night long and he said I'm coming back.~~~~~~~~~~~Bianca wants to know waht's going on with Caleb dreaming and erica.Erica says she chopped wood.Tree size logs.she says picture me clean chick and beautiful then like that. She says she had to fight for bed!
Caleb is grumpy opinated arrogant and telling everybody waht to do all the time as if it takes courage to run awy from real life.
Bianca has aflight back to Paris right after reading.Binca says if there was wedding I'd stay.
binca says now that David has confessed yo can make palns Erica wants to relax and enjoy engagement.Caleb receives papers about not taking funds from Erica lawyer talk says that this obsolves Erica from liabilities.Caleb misses Erica!
Krystal comes looking for Jack talks to erica alone.Krystal tells Erica she looks bettersays she was with Jack when finding Erica he was so afraid until he found you and proposed.Krystals says jAck's love is pure and bright he putting whole heart on line....So am I and he's my fiance'Don't go through with wedding if your not 100% Erica.
Krystal you may straighten his files books but I straighten his ties and our life is none of your business says Erica
Jr asks if he can get a maid to move Marissa's tuff back in their room .Marissa says she'll get around to it.
Annie comes down in a black mini dress.They call Annie on going she's says she's there for Scott.Jr wants to know why Scott was invited.she says Plamer was delusional.She sets up story for Scott!
Jr says she shouldn't be at will reading says what happened in park was mistake.Jr says his friend dying hit him hard that's why he reached out Annie says and you came to me like a real person Jr says won't happen again.
Opal talks to Jack about will wishes Petey was there.Family is coming she hopes!
Most all ready have their bequests like kids!Krystal makes Opal jump.Krystal and Jack had memorial commissioned .anie says she doesn't want to make things worse for him.He says he will talk to Jack and make sure she can come she reassures him everything will work out fine.Annie talks to Plamer that he btter not have screwed up things for Scott.Marissa says talking to yourself not a good sign with your history!Jr says I take it you got smart and left Annie at home.Scott says no she's coming and leave Annie alone.Jr says accounting people says he invested all in naotech if it tanks company is in trouble.Scott says he is the majority holder.
Marissa says she dropped AJ at playdate.Annie asks how beesting was Marissa says how did she know that.annie says she was wiht Jr when she called there goes your mind with worst possible conclusion.Don't be paranoid .Your palying lady of the house coming to private family event no one wants you at says Marissa. Scott wants me there and that's good enough.th way you lead him on you just want staus and money you
don't care as long as you get waht you want Marissa says
Is that waht you convinced yourself asks Annie?I hate to tell you but Jr came on to me he kissed me initiated it be honest if you weren't a boring little mouse he would never have had sex with me!
what is so exciting about you lie cheat murder kidnapps own child crazy person.Adam let you for better woman Scott will leave you .Annie says don't underestimate Sex.I stopped sleeping with Adam and he left.And who's not sleeping with their husband?
Stay out of my marriage says Marissa
you are the one palying games here says Annie.Waht you are doing to Jr is not adog with holding sex and tell he can prove he's worthy of your pink flannel love is not right.He's aman sexy passioante amazing man but yu will never be amatch for him.look at that I'm invited.Marissa fights with annie try to grab her phone Marissa knocks over Palmer memorial plaque blames Annie.Annie wants to walk away Marissa says they have to fix !How about nail glue says Annie!
Jr says Scott is not knowledgeable about business can't run Chandler.Jr says he s better choice Scott is making mistakes.
Bianca sees them fighting goes over hugs Scott.
Krystal and Erica spar over Jack.Erica is threatened by Krystal thinks she's going after Jack.Krystal you are employee says Erica/.Marissa and Annie walk in Marissa says since you are here don't embarrass Scott.Annie says she has right to be there too!Scott asks if they should know something.Marissa says just Annie being annie.
Erica ssys she doesn't know how Krystal finds the time to serve up more than grits.Krystal says she can serve up more than grits! Remind me not to ask about your
specials when I come in.
J r tries to make Annie leave when Binca says it's palmer's day.Scott says get off Annie's case and Marissa says get off Jr's case as ceremony starts for reading will.The music is favorite of Plamer.earer my god to thee!Marissa has a mean side says Annie the quiet ones always do.
Jack starts last will and testment opens box as all watch.takes out will.
Welcome to swan song i'm sure you want toget back to each other's throats but for now floor is mine I know each nad everyone strength,weakness,secrets.I may be gone but you'll feel my prescence for years to come as I plan to bring big change to Pine Valley and each one of your lives!wahtever I have accomplished I ammost proud.Those residing outside of Pine Valley will receive my letter
To my Son Peter I leave my lasting loveand faith and proud and a trust to fund his dreams.to my cherished OpalI didn't always make your life easy but hopefully the money I left you willmake the rest of your life easier.I found a sign a while back from glamoramma which I have arranged to have delivered to you don't forget your roots!(Opal and Erica laugh here)you made me realize the honor of honouring those roots and my last wishes will continue to do so because all though I spent most of my life avoiding the past it's remembering where we came from that gives us strength

(Jack gives Opal letter he says he was going to propse that old reascal Opal cries.Her engagement ring is in letter.she says you really were mine i really am yours she says looking up to the heavens)
To my darling Bianca
I was proud to launch Kendall's business and proud of you that's why I leave you the puppets from the puppet shows I put on for Miranda so your children and ther children can rmeber their Uncle Palmer so you'll rember through our children we see the best of ourselves whatever ilost gained lost and gained moneywise again the legacy tht matter most was the children and his family

(Jack gives Bianca letter)
(Bianca says Plamer says even though her mother is Erica Kane Erica is her mother first and even though she won't admit she needs Bianca!)Erica hugs agrees.Binca says she's not going home except to get kids for visit and plan wedding.
I hope that the next generation of Chandler's and Cortlandt's wiser than in my day feuds and hostilities will cease i hope that the actons I have taken will end that
To Jr my beloved Dixie's son you had some communications over the year that were through yor father about our animosities but when financial misfortune befell your father years ago despite the bad blood I refinanced with dixie being given shares in compan your mother refused and I forgot about existance they are yours now to doas you see fit never forget whatever Chandler there is in you there is Cooney too!

(Jr is smiling and hpapy he knws this means he is equal to Scott Annie is frowning!)
Jack gives letter which says he's equal 50/50 Jr thanks Uncle Palmer)Marissa is exstatic too! He wants to read letter alone)
Scott Chandler don't hold onto waht belongs to you it leads to trouble it's never to alte to remember to return what's been taken (Scott stands up is going to confess Annie says let Jack finish) I bought picture of Pigeon Hollow Creek that he looked at every day.Maybe you've never been to Pigeon hollow but as Stuart's son the best of that is in you.Never had much use for Chndler's but Stuart was a man of integrity and heart he took you in as a child and raised you to be amna s good and kind as he was
Jr reads letter in park keys fall out of enevelope.
Dear nephew rely on heart and head be a far better man then your father.you are at crossroads these keys belong to cottage your mother loved I hope you'll use this cottage to get away when you are losing touch of what really matters.
Scott asks if that's gum that is holding Palmer's memorial together.Annie lies that she doesn't think so!Scott asks if this has to do with Marissa and her.She excuses herself to ladies room.
Erica says Plamer was powerful and anyone who got in his way~~~~~~nothing meant more than family we had that in common She talks about wedding says she can't wait wants to get married right away.
Annie says she lost lipstick wants toknow what's in letter anything interesting asks about keys beach cottage he tells her that his mom loved why are there two keys then if you want to be alone asks Annie!Marissa sees!
Jr says he wants to spend time with her tell her what Palmer tells Annie not to rush home.Annie recalls Bedding with Jr.
Annie says it's terrible that Scott has to battle it out with jr.He says it's asign form his dad as much Plamer all will be .right with nanotach he's relieved .no guilt no looking over shoulder.Anni says you will always look over your shoulder with Jr as partner says Annie
Jack continues Fortune had ups and downs in recent years but Coutlandt is still force I may be gone but hopefully Cortlandt will continue to make it's mark on world tha's why I'm entrusting my company to be run by two people
the first awaomn who grew up in P.V. making herself a household name and the wrold Erica Kane my kindred spirit but since she can't always be available becasue she has own businesess.I leave full ownership to my nephew Caleb Cooney.
Caleb walks in.
Dorothy your here?

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