Friday, March 5, 2010

ÀMC -Friday March 5, 2010

Come on no more Scooby -doo gang I'm tired of this!
Adam congtaulating Annie about time!Lke Tad thinking about Dixie and hearing it but quit shoving Krystal at him.s nice that she's making him eat but quit putting them together!It' Dixie telling off JR telling him he gives up to easy.And making him see that people need him.What about your kid why isn't Dixie mentioning that!Jr has a nerve telling Dixie don't tell him what to do! He needs to face his issues!Yahoo Stuart will stop him!Stuart is telling Jr how happy he is and painting!Stuart says he has no blame!Stuart says he has too many loose ends he needs to fix!Jrs being his old selfish self where are Marissa nd AJ while he`s thinking!
Jr is saying he fixed everything but he didn`t he is so angry!
And how many times do we have to see this Scooby doo stuff Not believeable Erica being shot by Gayle!Coercion lovely more lawlessness!hope David foiled them that`s the onlt thing that would save this crappy writing!
Oh Brooke that triumpth look when Adam said you were staying at Annie !Shame on you for making the moves on another woman`s husband !You always said that was low!And Adam bringing Brooke in without consulting Annie and not being there while she undergoes the procedure!Staying with Brooke!
NU-Colby is working on my last nerve because she such a terrible actress!
Haha to Greenlee saying she faked the pain to give her hubby time to get away!Just the way Ryan taught her the griff!Haha that Greenlee said `you think you are all the law in this town and can do anything you want!then calling Ryan À five star jerk!

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