Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday March 18,2010

okay so Erica signed partnership says she won't surrender.Jr is better white counts up.Tad is so happy says Angie she's encouraging Krystal!Damon is geneticly Tad's he's in the closet with a giggling volunteer.He was giving her hand!Angie tells Krystal that she has no idea how much Tad was at that age!.Hillary's in Europe Liza tried to talk to her!Tad's mad !!!He says she should have stayed out of it!He tells Liza Damon is his son!Adam says the answer is no to David he's asked for to much he'll give him harbor!David says he gives 6 months to live if he just gives him harbor!Madison gets a reprieve but then Ryan says he just bought the casino !Oops!Told you Madison!Annie is banging on the door wants to know why Adam's room is locked and who he's talking too!David says making her happy will kill him.Annie says she heard someone who's in here ?Adam says he was talking on speaker phone about his business!she says she wants to be with him and he deflects saying he heard what the doctor said about her she has to take it easy!Erica says she worked hard she's not going to hand over the company for the asking she's invested to much to walk away!and of course Kendall's interests .Jack says whatever you say.Erica says don't take Greenlee's accusations at face value!Ryan pretends Madison didn't know and Greenlee says how did you pull this off and Ryan says he got a little sneaky.Haha Erica found out ZAch sold it and she can't get the casino! but why to Ryan?Ryan writers why?
Gee I wonder why Liza's threatened Tad confides in you Krystal?Instead of her?Angie warns her that Liza was mean in high school and she was cruel to Jenny you better be ready to go to the mat!Tad tells Liza he told Angie,Jesse and Krystal.Liza is upset he begs her not totell anyone.He needs time to figure out what to do next .Liza is devastated!Damon gets acall from Liza that she's cancelling lunch.Damon is upset too becasue he wanted to hear about Bailey and Stuart were!He's very upsetand kicks his cart telling Colby!Brooke and Annie are sparring about breakfast .Brooke wanted to get down before Adam to get him to feed him right.She told Lucretia what to fed him and cleaned out the liquor cabinet!annie says Adam won't like that!!Erica is trying to leverage Greenlee with Ryan but it didn't work !Greenlee tells her to quit spying!ERica says Greenlee is exciteable little thing to Jack.Greenlee says she's going to pull out her manicured little claws out for good out of her company and then she'll be happy to Ryan!
Hillary is worried about her marriage says Krystal!Quit defending that b Krystal!Damon is trying to get his community service switched by using Colby!Colby is falling for it!Let's not fight says Brook?She's got to be kidding!Annie checks Brooke's phone!LOL Annie takes credit for Adam's breakfast!Decaf coffee is offered by Brooke!Adam wants Annie kept busy with Tempo he asks Brooke to do that but she's says first he has to tell her why?Annie is looking around in Adam's room and finds the tunnels open !she thinks it's Brooke and says is that the best she can do then takes a flashlight and goes in the tunnels!
Liza says that she has complicated stuff going on to Colby! Brooke isteelling adam she knows he's not well.she's says his not superman.He says nonsense she says someone willl find him dead on the bathroom floor.She makes him promise to be proactive about his health.She says he needs a doctor!David hides from Annie.Jack isn't fooled Erica is trying to snow him but it's not working Erica says she loves to win but she dosen't need to bring Greenlee down.Erica says she's notdoing the chasing anymore !She misses her family.He says does she need a man in her life suggestively!She says she's not chasing anymore.Jack says what happened to carpe diem .She's says that's seize the day not the man!
Jack tries to kiss Erica who kisses his cheek?She says she's keeping him impartial!and gives him the brush off he just laughs and leaves.Ryan says his sorry and says Greenlee will find she can trust people.Tad says Hillary is selfish she's abandonned her child Damon is going to hte him Tad knows this and Haillry tied his hands on purpose!Tad says how can he tell Damon unles he knows!Damon is slacking off listening to music!Angie is calling his counsellor to tell him that he dislikes that job so much he'd rather go to jail!Colby is bing told to stay awy from Damon because his life is about to explode and Liza wants her out of the blast zone!Annie is nsooping throught the tunnels and hears soemthing .She listens to a conversation with Brooke and Adam and he says he doesn't want her to be suspicious!Then she hears but doesn't see David!

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