Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday March 29,2010

Adam signed for the divorce papers as Colby gloated! Annie grabbed then saying the envelope was crawling with germs Jr could get sick becasue the guy was sneezing Marissa wants Jr to rest!No don't!Adam says it was shareholder suit nothing to worry about!Colby says that won't get rid of the evidence Colby tells Annie she did it.Colby says she's going to tell her dad!Annie says Daddy won't believe her and Liza will be disbarred if she tells!Annie says he's go to be the stepmother from hell until she dies!Jr wants to settle with the shareholders and their suit.He's mad that they didn't get Slater casinos!Marissa wants Jr to save business until later.Scott says he's like Adam!Annie cleaned herself to save Jr from germs!DAmon took pictures of Damon hung over and tells him off.Adam is grateful Annie thanked Brooke to getting help for others !Colby wants to tell !thanks Brooke her story helped his marriage! Brooke says Adam saved JR!HE yells about him teling him he's on probation.Kathy and Jenny arrive!Damon plays with them despite his hangover mostly to get out of the lecture but he does like them!Ryan says the cops are coming to get DAvid Greenlee yells at him as David tries to escape and Ryan stops him.Jesse arrests David and Jesse says he'll add assault to the list for Ryan?Greenlee tries to intervene and Ryan shushs her along with David so she doesn't incriminate herself!Tad is freaking out wants Kathy to keep it down as she squeals!He's cross and tired and has headache.Krystal says the girls are not going to walk on eggshels because Damon was stupid and has a hangover!Good for her for calling him on favoritism and Damon's problems!Krystal is calling him on it .She's saying Damon needs to get his act together to be safe around the girls!Tad says he made a few phone calls to get Damon a job !Randi says there is an intern job no pay but he needs to intern!Damon wants to take them to a movie Alice in Wonderland Tad says he spent to much down the rabit hole all ready.Fusion is full of music and pretty girls so it's a job up his alley.Don't keep a pretty girl waiting says Tad
Damon ties to pick up Randi !Tad says she's happily married!Damon is smoozing charming Randi!Damon says that's just great that she's a Hubbard!Jesse wants to arrest Liza she says they were on their way in She called an hour ago!David says Liza is his lawyer!Colby asks Jr why he isn't helping her more.She claims their family was happy and together!Jr said no they weren't !Colby asks if she should tell Daddy he says no let him handle it.Damon says he slacked off a little that's why Angie doesn't like him!But he would slack off on ajob he liked!She asks Damon to do inventory and check numbers .He says the job isn't right for him and leaves!Jesse has David sign for his stuff!He wants to dot his tees and I's!Liza says Greenlee must testify!Greenlee doesn't trust her! And she tells her and Ryan that she doesn't trust either!

Oh thank -you Greenlee for saying that Ryan has a syndrome where he thinks he's a white knight and saves people who don't need saving!David is tying to convince Liza not to use Greenlee.David wants to protect her.Liza says he can't do that from in jail!THey really do deserve each other says Liza!Liza says he better let her do her job!

Brooke is happy about Annie's 2000 hits on the story!Adam is asking Brooke to forgive him for past !Brooke says JR come out of it and he didn't give up because he's father loved him! Adam kisses Brooke on the cheek as Jr smiles and looks on hiding at the door!Damon tore off from thatjob at Fusion Tad is trying to figure out why!Tad he wants to tell Damon he's his Dad Krystal is telling him not to tell until he talks to hillary.Damon comes in says the jobwas abust Tad said he'll call in favors Damon says don't bother.Ryan is going on that he held back and didn't hit David Jesse is telling him he did good!Greenlee says she's suing P.V cops!Greenlee says for David to be careful Liza has her own self interes David says that's good for her career.Greenlee wants to testify.David is trying to stop her!He says when the trail over so is thee marriage!Adam is welcoming JR hone at their party!Adm is really happy!Jr saysAdam already proved they were tostubborn to die.marissa is welcomed!the future of our family.Colby has the stubbornstrak in spades says Adam.Scott is keeping Chandler a float well cousin is sick he's proud and so would Stuart be.Annie gave JR agift beautiful he says!Jr says he doesn't know how to repay her he promises he will.Annie grimaces!Brooke who saved Tempo and pulled the family together?Brooke!
Jr is tahnking Annie by himself.Annie says you hate me Jr says he knows she burned he divorce papers but didn't sayanything.Damon says he wouldn't make any money.Damon says he couldn't do the math!He dropped out because he can't do math!David will be arraigned soon!Jesse asks her why she says publicity.He says she sound like Liza from high school.You'll still do anything to get what you want you sound jsut like David says Jesse!David says you agreed only to get back at RYan.Greenlee says her back is hurting gain.But he matters to her .When she maried him it was safe something changed though the feelings were real .Greenlee says she really loves him.OOH mean Green David loves you!

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