Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tips for AMC Writers

I'm liking some of the David Greenlee storyline.They're building relationship is interesting !I am also enjoying Damon being Hillary's son and also possibly Tad's that said I hope there's a good back story to that one!I'm enjoying Brooke being back!That said there are some things that are happening in the storylines that are giving me pause!

You are obviously in denial that you are alienating your viewers because that is the only explanation for some of the stories at All My Chidren!
Repeating stories over and over and changing the names and the circumstances does not
make you endeared to the viewers it just annoys them!Having someone always wanting to get someone! Always wanting to get even with someone may have worked in the past but only if the people are doing are root worthy!You've lost that ability simply because the last few years have been pall after pall, crime after crime until the viewers have become sick of it!All dark no light on the show!There are no seemingly good guys because everyone has committed a crime and got away with it!And not only have they commited the crime but they don't have any remorse about it either as if the end justified the means!
You seem to see all your characters much different then you are writing and your actors are presenting them!You want us to not root for certain characters and to root for others.Example: Ryan you want us to believe he's a white knight but he doesn't act that way!Lets' leave his name and I'll tell you what the character has done!
A man kidanps his ex -wife who is recovering from injuries and can't get away!Keeps her a prisioner in a tower without food and water until she collapses then gies her food and water and finally lets her go but he continues to watch her every move when she marries another he schemes to put said husband in jail for her own good and tracks her movements!Sorry but this is a description of a stalker not a white knight!
Example 2;Annie you want us to see her as all bad!But we see her as a mental patient who isn't getting treatment and is being mistreated by her husband and his family !Now I hear you are going to have JR come after her for saving his sorry life!Same old same old!Revenge ,revenge, revenge!You could have taken it in a different direction Jr being drawn into Annie's web .He could have been feeling that she was more attractive now and he could have competed with his father and Scott for Annie!Wouldn't that have been fun to watch!
It's extremely frustrating to feel the story lines are being taken in the easiest directions!Please don't make me feel like five minutes of thought have been put into them because that would make me think that I'm being deceived and that you only moved AMC to LA to cancel it!

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