Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ttuesday March30,2010

Sleepless in P.V everyone is up early.Jr is saying he couldn't sleep because of the excitement of being with family Annie says isn't he really trying toget her.Erica is having a early breakfast and Brooke comes in Damon goes into the tunnels and to colby's room Greenlee comes to see David in jail who says he knows she lied about loving him!Tad is out looking for Damon.Ryan is running in the park!Tad commierates with Ryan about David he says Greenlee will come around.David says denying Ryan won't make her love go away.She says David has protected her unlike Ryan.It doesn't have to be flower and hearts love and pain.Greenlee says she loves him he says go get sleep.David says he's trying to protect herself.Angie and Jesse are having a romantic breakfast!Jesse says David is staing even if Liza is his lawyer.Angie can't believe it!Jesse says David is going down!Jesse says there schedules are bad he wants to take Angie on vacation to kep her warm! Sooner the better they both say.Angie wants to go to Valley road and route 40 the Evergreen motel were they spent there honeymoon room 12 with daffodils Jesse says yes!.Jr says Annie burnt the papers not to worry she saved his life.Annie says don't pretend he fels that.He's putting it on thsick saying she saved his life.Jr says he doesn't believe she did it for noble reasons but he wants to let go for noble reasons!Brooke got a latte.Erica says she's looking after Kendall's interests.Brooke scoffs and says what does Greenlee think of that.How's your love life Brooke ? Erica says Adam must have been surprised.Brooke says Adam invited her .Erica says maybe you should notice how Annie goes around with almost nothing on if you want Adam back!Amanda came in to the hospital to be with Jake!she's talking about her modelling.she is saying he shouldn't be seen as a an appendage she doesn't want the job to ruin them he says he doesn't break his promises they won't.amnda says her family comes first!Damon and colby are together .He tells her Tad tried to get him ajob and he ahs him on lock down!Colby tells him they care!People should back off.She calls him on his crimes.Tad is trying to help!Colby asks what he dosen't want Tad to know .He says he's leaving she begs him to stay becasue she needs a friend !Jr says Annie would trust him other if I was you. AJ comes in and says he thought daddy went back to the hospital sick!Jr says Annie had a special operation and saved him AJ hugs Annie .she smiles andsays she's tired and going back to bed as Marissa looks on!
Erica wants Brooke to go after Adam and save him from annie.Erica says she too busy for aman.Jack comes in and says he saw the lights on and cam in Brooke says she's leaving when he says his going to join erica.Ryna is doing situps on the ground in the park.Ryan says he never stopped loving Greenlee and he told her that!Tad says talk toher Ryan says his done withthat.Tad says yor letting David have her?David is saying she doesn't want to know how he feels about her!He says he ruins womens lives he care about he's acold heart basatard.He says he loves her so much it's scares the hell out of him.If this doesn't end god help them both!Tad says he walked away left Krystal like anewspaper.Greenlee doesn'twant to be saved.Tad says if he pulled a ripvan winkle that doesn't make Ryan the bad guy.Ryna claims he doesn't forgive himself.David is tring to chase off Greenlee he says waht she feels doesn't compare to his!He says he's going to keep his promise even if it means protecting her from himself.David says if she really finds love for him he fight to be the one she needs.Marissa is upset her Dad is in jail.she berates herself for wishing he had vanished.Jr says he'll hold her hand and be there for her wahtever she needs he'll be there.annie wakes adam he asks what's wrong she says she couldn't sleep.Adam is happy says all is well.Annie says tell me you love her and he dose and she goes to sleep on him.Jack and Erica have Breakfast.Erica says the only thing Brooke has is work.Jack says everyone needs love Erica says she Jack arches an eyebrow!Erica claims they always fall aart and he blames her!Jack says they alwys end up together! They always come back togeher a charge between them.It's arisk but he says if they say no it's still going to happent hey are envitable!Angie was talking about something on the phone says it's nothing but Angie tells Jesse tha Damon is missing.If Damon is out of town Jesse says he'll have toarest.He says he's apain in the ass .Angie says Damon reminds her of Jesse not just tad.She says he was all gangster Damon is in alot of apin and needs Angie Jesse and tad.Colby is showing Damon her doll Lidia he favorite that she left bhind when mom took her!Damon says her dad is a hardass!Colby says she feels left out everything is focused on everyone else no one is listenin like she's at afootball game and no one can hear her .She wants to matter.she wants to do something with her life.Amanda is worried about screwing up.Jake says family first.Jake said he won't be Mr.Amnda Dillon or Amanda Maritn but he'll be Jamanda!Jr says your up early!Marissa says hse's tired going back to bed so is brooke.Jr says he saw you and my father last night she says leve it alone.Krystalsays maybe they should call Jesse Tad says he'll wait and hope he comes home!Damon says sunrise is his favorite!he thinks about why he's there and what a screw up he is .Colby smiles at him and ssy it would be nice to know he's not ascrw up!Annie and Adam sleep.Madison asks Ryan for breakfast date!Greenlee tells David she'll leave his suit.David worries about Greenlee he says until the day he dies!Meaning he loves her.Erica says next you'll say it's destiny.Jack tries to convince her it is as she says she's leaving and kisses her senseless!with akiss like that Erica you'd have to be out of your mind to walk away from Jack! Talk about kissing you senseless!!That's why I say Jack is like Cary Grant suave cool sophisiticated deviling handsome and kisses like he'll leave you stunned and breathless!

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