Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday March 16,2010

Jenny has been aged ?Damon fits right in as a chocolate cereal lover!Tad is warning him to behave at the hospital!haha daughter hasn't watched for a week and says why is Damon at Tad's.when I didthat happen and how he could be Tad's she says how!Greenlee her or the door to Madison.an were good to heres ince her husband and father abused her!They talked about no having a normal childhood!Madison confessed that both Erica nad RyAdam gave David a drug! oh dear did he attempt murder?Love how Adam is tricking him !!Jesse being supportive of his wife good !!Like Angie and Jesse being a team!Krystal pumped Tad and found out Damon could be his!Oh dear he didn't tell Liza he was having a DNA test done by Angie but he told Krystal!!Love teh bonding betweeen Tad and Damon.He's telling Damon about his past!Oh dear Frankie could be canned!!He's hand is really injured still!Greenlee confessed she had parents that ignored her!Randi came in late and Greenlee says looks like Erica lets you set your won hours!Then she got a cell call and asked who Basheba was Randi says Lot's wife!Frankie is thinking about taking pills before surgery then throws them away!Opal is warning off iza she says she remembers how the green eyes monster wrks with her and she better get a grip or ruin everything with tAd.Tad is telling Damon not to mess up like he would have!Tad called him SON and then looked at him like he wished he was!!Awww Tad thinks Liza wouldn't forgive him? that's silly they weren't involved and Tad had every right to sleep with whom he pleased!!!David got Adam to let him see Greenlee but oh dear Adam found something on David's cellphone!Greenlee says she has a good excuse to go to the Chandler's!Randi has declared war on Madison!She says she'll be watching her!!!!Frankie was told he did an excellent job!oh dear Damon got caught with the ills that Frankie threw away in his pocket he says e was going to turn them in angie acts like she doesn't believe him!Jesse just barges into Chndlers and asks if David is hiding there!wants to search thewalls when Adam says he took cash and keft Adam says no!

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