Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday March 11, 2010

NB:Posting on the fly so this maybe a little raw!
JR is stable everyone relieved doctor said transplant still has to take!Annie was able to leave today she got dressed said she had to see how JR was!Colby told JR she'd throw her out and get rid of her!!Yahoo it's Jack with Greenlee.Greenlee wants him to represent David!And he's cautioning his daughter about being with David! Aww David at Leo's monument!Sweet moment!!Nu-Colby is saying how JR scared her I didn't buy her acting sorry!.

Tad fell asleep in the chapel saw Dixie!Dixie told Tad to be the father he needs !To talk to him and then Tad's heart felt missing of Dixie! Dixie's gushing over Tad and Kathy of Dixe!Gushing together!telling him he deserves to be with his children everyday!Promising he'd see her again and in their star!!!!! Damon got a call from his mom Hills that she wouldn't be at his trial because her husband won't let her but she's sending money!Damon said this was because of Stuart but it sounds like abuse!!!
The bonding between Greenlee and Madison at the office was interesting!Greenlee yelled at Randi and Madison leaped in smoothed it over and then sympathized mentioned her DA husband!Jack thinks Greenlee is being brainwashed by David.RYan so don't underestimate her but he has the perfect plan to break up that alliance!I really am not liking Ryan!!Greenlee went to meet David at Leo's monument and the cops followed her she said she was visiting Leo and they got called away for a robbery!
Ryan is pushing Jack says to be acareful but Ryan is being Ryan he does what he wants!Greenlee is telling DAvid that hse asked Jack but he said no he's waving Annulment papers!David says to do it but Greenlee says no.David says she can handle Ryan on her won.David is worried he won't be able to get away all the roads are blocked.
Annie says she did a lot for JR! She almost gave it away and then Colby yelled at her and told her to stay away from her brother.There going to Damon's trial!Tad is on his way too!Brooke claims she's only worried about Adam's health to Angie even though Annie says she's after him.Brooke says it's a difficult year for Adam he's lost to much this year with Stuart .Angie is telling her to look after him and be there despite Annie!Brooke tells Adam to go home and rest with Annie!Angie says Jr will have to get a lot of rest!Jr is begging to find out who's the donor he says he owes them his life!
Angie is telling him she can't tell JR! The donor does not want to be revealed! Marissa is saying there alone at last !He's telling her that the whole family saved him and fought for him and he's going to fight!The family is all that matters!Annie is telling Adam that she did it for the family and him!Adam says he almost lost his son he doesn't know what he'd do if he didn't have her!Damon is thanking Colby and Tad for the help with the DA.Damon is being thanked by Colby for being a friend and suporting!Tad is telling Damon not to Eddie Haskell him Damon doesn't understand the reference!Damon says it's not an act!Tad says pull it back by half because the jusdge will see through him! Be honestly sorry for what he has done and the judge might go easy!Greenlee answers the door tries to shut it on Ryan who grabs it and says he has a deal!
Liza says Hillary is Hillary Wilson the Hillary Wilson Tad's ex wife Damon's her son!
Dixe tells Jr to keep his heart open and sings you are my sunshine !I'm tearing up at the goodbye and the love on her face!Ryan says he will except a deal for David if she gives him up and he will leave her alone! Jesse found the chaplin collar at Leo's monument Annie wants to drink champagne to toast JR.Adm doesn't Brooke's right he says hehas to watch his health!Annie is saying that only knowing she was helping got her through without support .David was spying on annie and Adam in the tunnels of the Chander mansion!

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