Monday, March 29, 2010

Writers a big thank-you

I really enjoyed todays show !It was very well written and had many aspects of what the show has been missing!
First of all seeing Annie find a reason to snatch those divorce papers and burn them hilarious as she said the process server could infect Jr becasue he sneezed! Annie actually cleaning the foyer herself!Too funny!
Then when she told Colby Adam wouldn't believe her and that Liza could be disbarred if she backed Colby's story.then to say she was going to Be Colby's evil stepmother for along time!Priceless!(I actually must give Natalie credit today as Colby I believed her acting for a few minutes!bravo Natalie you may be getting better!)
Then Tad taking pictures of Damon hung over to show him later!LOL good parenting. And when he said that Damon had been spending too much time down the rabbit hole spot on and funny at the same time!I'm really enjoying the relationship building between father and son.Then the big reveal that Damon hadn't graduated high school and was bad at numbers!Good build-up and then cut to reveal of how incompetent the parents that have raised him are that they didn't try to get to the root of Damon's problems!
Greenlee practically quoting from the SN board can I say thank-you that made my Day!Saying "that Ryan had the white knight syndrome where he had the need to save people even when they didn't need saving!'
The flip back to the Liza of old who wouldn't be pushed around that served her own interests much more interesting then the Liza we were seeing!And Jesse bring up their history .Liza charging him with and going after what she wanted and not thinking of others I'm really liking this!
Greenlee is being Greenlee and using David and David's feelings!She told David she loves him even though she doesn't at least not yet!

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