Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday March 8,2010

Oh so David travelled to Erica's in her trunk of her car!LOL David tied up Erica !
Annie poor Annie is panicking can't say as I blame her Adam is with Brooke!Adam should be ashamed!
Greenlee tells Natalia that Ryan kidnapped her he admits it saying he took her somewhere safe and they don't arrest him?Not happy with all the lawlessness in P.V.!!!David invested in Fusion 10 million and if he take sit back? Fusion will go down!Erica took 10 million from David and then did this!
Erica knows where David can't be extradited !LOL
Why am I so bored I know because this all seems like the same old same old David does something they retaliated commit crimes and get away with it!Nothing has really changed !!I thought it had but it still continuing with David doing something and the Scooby Doo gang retailiating and commititng crimes !When will you learn dear writers that the lawlessness is the problem! The so called good people are committing the crimes therefore they aren't good anymore!!!! Natalia runs around playing cop and commiting crimes!so does Jesse it's disgusting while Ryan abuses women commits crimes and then kidnapps them adn when the victim complains they ignore her! that's not good wriitng that's awful writing !do a little work and give us something other than lalwlessness and gotcha scenarios!

Definition of a Stalker:A pattern of willful or intentional harassing, annoying, or alarming conduct, such as repeat messages, following, vandalism, and other unwanted behaviors
Infliction of credible explicit or implicit threats against a victim's safety or that of her family
Actual and reasonable victim fear of the stalker resulting from this behavior
Stalking behaviors have different motivations and take differing shapes. One researcher summarized the current thought by categorizing stalking into four different types:

Courtship (e.g., letters, calls, and personal meetings expressing love and saying "we can work things out," along with flowers or other gifts)
Symbolic violence (e.g., breaking into home, vandalism, property theft, or leaving penal code provision number for murder on victim's pager)
Physical violence.

Ryan has done all of these things therefore he's a stalker and should be charged with stalking!!I'm so sick of his behavior being condoned!Ryan puts a bug on Greenlee? that's outlandish and stalking !Ryan calls Greenlee is frequently where she is!Broke into her home!He has engineered a plot to get David with Erica Jake and Amanda.Using Amanda to keep Greenlee out of the way.He got Gayle to pretend to shoot Erica to get David to confess to a crime coersion.He kidnapped her took her to acastle and locked her in a room with him giving her no food and water until she collapsed! He keeps telling her as soon as he gets rid of David they can work things out. He broke into David's house and put a bug on her to know her wearabouts!she has reason to fear for her safety given his history of threatening her when she was pregant and kidnapping her from her wedding to David!
So therefore Ryan is a stalker and should be charged with stalking!!!And convicted!

The ony good thing right now is Annie and that storyline and maybe Greenlee's feistiness but really stop with the lawlesness and the tying up and abuse of the law and woman and human rights!Brooke that wasn't said very nicely that no wonder he' s grateful to Annie for saving JR that was not said kindly you are showing your colors you want Adam!

Adam's guardian angel pin for Annie was a nice touch!However!

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