Tuesday, March 2, 2010

AMC-Tuesday March 2, 2010

So I'm enjoying David blackmailing Angie does that make me bad? Aw but the worm has turrned as Angie tells David he's done worst! Good for Angie
But really make Frankie act like the adut he is stop call him Frankie either Frank or Franklin and make him own up to his mistakes !Oh boy I see addiction to pills in his future!
Greenlee comes into Fusion and says "Hi honey I'm home!'totally appopriate given how much she's loves Fusion.And then her talking about boarding school with Madison!Good work Writers good use of Madison's history!
Love the way Damon is bonding with Tad and he's looking after him despite the fact he's worried about JR and now he's comforting Tad !I love it!Damon is really growing on me !wondering waht he's background story is please be Tad's son!Drat is he Hilary!I hated her!
Erica is telling Greenlee she is a vengeful spoiled child!Pot calling the kettle Black!Loved Greenlee's line So classy you slept with the man your daughter cheat on her husband with!LOL but it would have been even better with you slept with your grandson's father something like this" So classy you slept with the man your daughter cheated with her husband with and your grandson's father!Absolute class Trailer Class or should I say Trailer Trash?
Fusion is going to tank though while they are duking it out!

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