Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday March 15,2010

David is going to be Adam's private doctor.Poor Annie she thinks Brooke has convinced him no nookie!Greenlee and Erica spar off and Jack makes them share an office!Madison is kissing up to Ryan and tells Emma what the ice cream that is the best at Confusion .Jack jokes they should have a competition and who ever wins gets Fusion.Greenlee convinces Erica to do that!Jack is not happy! Jesse knows there is a possibiblity Damon is TAd's and Hillary's!Emma hugs greenlee and says she missed her so much she wants to know why Greenlee didn't come live with us! Tad tells Damon he played with Hillary's feelings! Tad says he doesn't want Damon to be disappointed in his mom!Damon is goign to do community service at the hospital!Tad says he doesn't think Damon is his Jesse says let's get DNA Angela can hook us up!Jesse says his hunch is right!Annie tells Scott she asked Brooke to move out and hse says Brooke is conviving and deceitful.Brooke says hope Annie doesn't mind she let herself in with akey Adam gave her one!Love David's office! Annie says she decide she over reacted!she said she decide to let Brooke stay!Let's cut the BS Brooke says !Annie saysshe 's not wanted!Jr asked her to look out for Adam!Scott fawns over Brooke too!
Adam says he's weighing his options.DAvid is not motivating to save him says ADam.David says he needs sanctuary and Adam is it!Neitherof them have achoice they need it .Talk about shaking hands with the devil!What an adorable kid new Emma is!she kissed Greenlee on the cheek!
Opal is telling Erica that it won't work Greenlee could beat her Erica has she has destiny on her side.Jack suggested waht shewanted!Greenlee's fatal flaw is revenge says Erica!Erica says she has a big vision for Fusion.

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