Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday March 9,2010

God blessem whoever they are!says Krystal talking about Annie!
Please don't revolve the show around Ryan it doesn't work!Ryan and his bug that's stalking do I have to spell it out for you writers! STALKING!
Nice to see Krystal and Marissa bonding nice to see David sneaking into see how Marissa is through the window!Krystal getting her coffee and support!Marissa wanting to be steady like her mom! Krystal telling her she's been there for everyone especially JR . Good scenes with the family waitng for JR!And JR
Erica tied up with Greenlee lording ovr her should have been more fun!
Super Ryan to the rescue boring!Thank god NOT!
So Scrappy Doo is at his doctor job!He remembers he's a doctor?
Love that David had cash and a passport in his desk drawer!And he dresses like a priest with superman glasses?Brooke still making the moves on Adam can I get you something?Krystal offering a shoulder to sleep on for Marissa!Love Marissa dreaming of a Happy Future dancing!Aww break my heart with Tad dreaming of father's day!Tellling JR that he fought all by himself but that JR looks up to him and He admires the the man he has become his heart from Dixie!That he looks up to JR!Adam waitng and thinking of JR succeeding on his own and admiring him for being his own man but knowing that ADam believes in him!And hearing that JR is working on believing that!
I really don't like Nu-Colby she can't act !I'm not believeing her even when she's thinking of the future!Poor JR is rejecting!!!
David and Greenlee wonderful her supporting him and him suporting her!LOve this!!
David begging Greenlee to let him go and her not letting him.LOL thee looks up to JR!Them finally figuring out about the phone because Emma called!
Love that Jesse sent flowers for a beautiful woman and wants to support Angie!Go Jangie!
More of the Scooby-doo gang lovely!You have to move on writers!focusing on this doesn't work!Greenlee talking to Jake! Tired Bored and disgusted witht he scooby dood gang!Loved the line though from Greenlee that Ryan gets bored if he doesn't have a damsel in distress to save !Poor David in the cyrpt is that Leo's? And why does he have a crypt with no body recovered?

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