Thursday, March 18, 2010

My take on how to fix Ryan on AMC -story

You need to break him down to nothing to fix what the previous writers have done that's destroyed Ryans character to a point where we looka t him with hate!So destroy him and then you can take it from there!If you want use any of the ideas below I give them to you freely!

Ryan enters the casino two months after his acquisition.He smiles and thinks aloud
"Wow business is booming!Darn I'm good!!Look how properous the casinos are!'
as he says this one of the machines goes off indicating someone has won!
"And Zach said it wasn't as easy as it looked!'Ha!'Ryan says to no one in particular
"Hey boss We're doing good tonight we have parties booked tonight !and a private party booked tomorrow.'says Gary the pit boss
"Where's Andrew ?'asks Ryan
"Andrew hasn't been in all week I've been filling in for him watching over the day to day results and depositing the money into the bank!' says Gary But the office is locked and we couldn't get access to it !There's a mail in there from last week!"the staff has been getting a little antsy but now that you're here they should settle down!'
"Hmm my accountant Gerry has been sick too must be soemthing going around!But that's weird hasn't he at least checked in?'asks Ryan "cause he didn't call me !Why didn't you call me?' asks Ryan his eyes narrowing
"Andrew said that you had given orders that you weren't to be disturbed with the day to day workings of the casino!'
"Nonsense,I guess Andrew misunderstood I said I didn't want to be disturbed about every ittle thing !'says Ryan
"Sorry boss won't happen again "says Gary
"Relax Gary I appreciate the fact that you stepped in and kept things going!'says Ryan
Ryan goes into his office and starts opening the mail.There's a letter from the Pine Valley bank it says
Final notice on the envelope
he quickly uses the letter opener opens the letter and finds inside
a foreclosure letter it says
Notice of Repossession this must be paid within 30 days or the bank will repossess the property.looks for the sum and finds $500,000 must be repaid!
What the heck why would I owe 500,0000 ?What is this loan sharking?'Checks for the date and finds the letter dated a month and half ago.The 30 days has passed!H goes to get on the phone to the bank when his office door is opened.
"Boss we've got big problems!'says Gary
"What's the problem Gary ?'asks Ryan
"There's some officers at the door! They have some huge chains to lock the door with and an notice of eviction!'says Gary
"What?'says Ryan coming out of his office to the officers saying to the patrons of the casino
"You all have to leave !This building is being reclaimed by the bank!'says the officer getting the other officers to hurd the patrons out!
"Wait a minute you can't do this I'm a personal friend of your chief Jesse Hubbard!'Ryan spouts
"Are you ?'says the officer turning as we see it's the cop Ryan hit before
'Uh what's going on?' Rya nasks trying a conciliatory tone
"What's going on here MR.LAVERY is that I'm doing my job the bank has decided to reclaim it's property!And you are not going to stand in it's way!
"Really I don't think so I'm going to call your boss Chief Jesse Hubbard!'You remember him don't you ?says Ryan snottily like
"You do what you want sir but you'll get your things because I'm generously giving you ten minutes and you'll get out.Don't waste your time on a call because if you do your stuff will be staying!'says the cop smirking talking to a nearby cop"Stupid hothead rich guy thinks he can control everything and everyone!Popped me and few months ago and got off without even a slap on his wrist becasue he's personal friends with the chief!thinks he's above the law if he thinks I'll blink this time think again MR.Lavery!
Ryan calls Jesse
"Jesse there are cops in my casino and they are shutting me down!What's going on Jesse?'asks Ryan
"We have a lawful order of eviction to post form the bank Ryan !My officers hve to follw through!'says Jesse
"Can't you give me a little time Jesse?'asks Ryan
"I have to do my job Ryn and so do my officers I can't let this slide you'll have tot ake this up with your bank!'says Jesse as Ryan slams down the phone and the cop says "Mr.Lavery times up!You can either leave now or we can escort you out and charge you with trespassing! What will it be sir?'
"I'm not leaving I'm calling my bank!'says Ryan planting his feet and taking a swing at him and resisting
"I was hoping you were going to say and do that Lavery! I owe you one !"the cop says popping Ryan and dragging him to the floor then putting cuffs on him
You saw that Bob he swung at me?'says the cop smiling "so I can add resisting arrest and assault to the trespass charge!'
"You goaded me !'says Ryan
"Did I ?'says the cop smirking and putting the chain on the front door of the casino!
Ryan arrives at the jail and is placed in a cell
"I get a call!'says Ryan as they put him in the cell.A cop takes him to the phone but instead of calling a lawyer he calls the bank!
"Alfred Vanderpool please?"asks RYan
"Afred Vanderpool here!'says Alfred
"Ryan Lavery here!'says Ryan"what is going on why did the bank says I owe 5000000 and seize m casino!'asks Ryna
"I'm afraid it's much worse then that Mr.Lavery the bank has also seized Cambias Industries as well!'says Alfred
A few days later Ryan gets out of jail to goes to Cambias and finds Zach in the office .
"You? You were behind this? Does Kendall know what you Did?'asks Ryan
"Actully I wasn't behind this your accountant Gerry and Andrew were behind this!did you know they were brothers?did you check out there background at all Ryan?'asks Zach
"I was able to pay the bank the back sums owed for Cambias got them for a song!Iwas unable to buy back the casinos though it seems that Krystal Carey Mrtin bought one and the one in Vegas was bought by someone else!No matter I was done with them!I understand you have legal troubles RYan?
"What's it to you?You want to gloat Slater?'asks Ryan savagely
"Sadly no Ryan for my boys I'm not about revenge and pettiness!I feel bad for Spike!'says Zach
"You leave Spike out of this!" shouts Ryan
I thought a few days of jail would have made you think I guess not huh Ryan!"I can't leave Spike out here! "Zach says to Ryan shoving something at Ryan.
"What's this ?'asks Ryan angrily
"It's the deed to your home !'says Zach "so you have somewhere for Spike to visit 'that's if you don't go to jail!
"What?' says Ryan"how did you get the deed?'
"The bank took that too Ryan !I'm sorry I wasn't behind this even if it would have given me satisfaction I couldn't do this for Spike and Kendall's sake.When you love someone you don't destroy someone they care about! I'm sorry for you Ryan your ruined and it's all your own doing you trusted the wrong people!You really don't have the business savy you think you do!Andrew and Gerry took everything looted everything and have fled where they can't be extradited!'says Zach
"You did this!' Ryan screams at ZAch
"I'm sorry you felt that way Ryan! To me you are nothing no one to bother about!I bought the house for Spike as you see the deed is in trust in your name until he's eighteen.'says Zach quietly"I'll pay the taxes on it!'
"You did this! Ryan says again and reaches for Zach who side steps and turns to leave
"Grow up Ryan!get some help for your boy sake! I was willing to go to bat for you!I was even willing to pay Liza's legal fees for Spikes' sake! How do you think you got out on bail but frankly the world doesn't revolve around Ryan Lavery and neither does Pine Valley!So to paraphrase Rhett Butler "Frankly Ryan I don't give a!'leaving Ryan
Ryan looks stunned and sits down on the ground defeated!

take from here writers make us feel sorry for him by making him feel remorseful and get some help for anger issues and his childhood that haunts him!

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