Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday March 25,2010

Jake is romancing Amanda.Amanda is all ready worrying about eating fries?Jake gets her to eat!Erica tracks down amnda shewants tosee her immediately she owns you now!Jack says he had the PV bulletin shipped to him overnight.Jack says there are crtain things to be had that you can't find anywhere else.poor annie Jr is snowing her hugging her.David says he's not going to jail until defence is sewed up.Liza calls Jsse!Greenlee says Fuison is all she has .Ryan says she has all in her corner!Greenlee says not Erica he claims people are pulling for her!Greenlee says she needs to be grateful but so much has changed the ground has been snatched away.Ryna claims he felt like that before but not anymore it's okay to have faith.Madison interrupts about phototgrapher.JR the scum is lying through his teeth saying his grateful.Adam says he's proud!Brooke is wanting to do an interview a interviwe streaming live.Annie says you want me to pretend everything is peachy?Jr says go along with him Colby tries to tell him about what she heard!Colby takes Annie's phone!She phoned her mom on Annie's phone!Jack says he wants Erica back!Erica wants Jack to put her first over Greenlee she's attacking Greenlee!Jack says it's finally there time isn't it worth it to find out.Scott says he finds Jr hard to believe.Adam says we don't need to question it!Scottwants to talk business Adam doesn't want to.Brooke says nothing up her sleeve nothing to fear from ex wife!Je begs her says she can talk about anything!Annie says she needs to call a friend !Liza says she has the divorce papers together as Colby palys with Annie's phone!Colby is pumping her mom! Liza says she doesn't want to get in to it!Now Colby's going through her mom's briefcase!Greenlee wants Natalia to be at roulette table for Shoot!David calls Greenlee she says his name? He says she needs to get out of town!Adam says he would have died if JR died.Jr says Annie is young and beautiful and has been treated badly.Jr says he's grateful Tempo is going crazy they are calling Annie an hero!Madiosn is moving in on Ryan as she tels him the hours will go over for the shoot!Ryan says no problem.Process service comes to Liza she sends out divorce papers to Adam!OOPs Kicks David off her phone!Colby is gloating now? does she not realize her mother could lose her licence.Erica is pressuring Amanda to sign on as her slave I mean Model! colby is telling Jr when Brooke interrupts she says later!Adam is all happy that everyone is gtting along.Adam wants bordeaux .colby says no drink JR can't.Annie asks waht Colby is up to!Liza is telling off David wants tostart on case .Liza says she's agressive Greenlee is the key!Sympathy!He says it will blow over.Liza says she will do it herway !David fires her!Ryan is looking fro greenlee as Madison is in charge!Randi says nice trial you are not Ryan's type.Natalia wants Ryan to call Jesse and tell him Greenlee is with Liza and possibly David.she told him she was undercover!Amanda signed!Jack tells Jake not to take personally!Jake says he's happy!What is Jack trying to talk him out of it?Although he's aluded to the passion between him and Erica!And there are the divorce papers Colby had sent out delivered!Greenlee gets to David who's just fired Liza with ryan on her tail!

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