Monday, March 8, 2010

Dear Writers-How to fix AMC part 2

Dear writers I want to like my show,All My Children,again you almost had me there for a short time then we got the same old same old the things we objected to under Mr Pratt's writing so here again are some tips for you!
1.)There has to be laws in Pine Valley and that begins with the poice force! Have them follow the laws starting with Jesse.He needs to following them himself and then he needs to make Natalia act like a cop! If she doesn't follow the laws or orders then she needs to be disciplined like any other cop!
2.)Good people don't break the law quit having Jake Tad Erica, Amanda and everyone else break the law to get David or for any other reason!
3.Ryan (shakes head here)is not a hero!Not the way you're writing him !He commits crimes kidnaps someone he professes to love.Doesn't give Greenlee water or food until she collapses!He threatens Greenlee, that her staying with David will hurt her and get her involved criminally .He systematically goes after David even committing crimes to get David!Then he plants a bug on Greenlee!These are stalker activities writers !!!Come on if you want him to be likeable Ryan can't be a stalker!
4.Don't have every event take place around Ryan!It makes the show boring especially because i) we see to much of him
ii)everyone agrees with him too much and does his bidding making him more objectional
5)Do show the characters with flaws but show why we should like them!(show us some genuine goodness in their flawed selves) (that's why we root for David and Annie)
6)We don't need outlandish stories just give us a little everyday situation with a little drama and will be happy (borrow from real life headlines if you want)
7.)Add some love in the afternoon and some fun and comedy !That is good to watch!Just don't make it sleazy!
Thanks again I know you really want the ratings to stay strong and maybe even go up and so do I!
Your loyal viewer
Amelia Cambias

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