Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday March 12,2010

Jr is ready to go home and be with his family!Annie is fawning over Adam making sure he's okay !So why aren't those alarms working in the tunnels?Adam is downing alcohol on the sly!Brooke is calling him on it.He told her to leave that alone !And stop playing nursemaid.Oh dear he forgot his meds and doesn't remember were it was!Now she's fawning on him.He said he's glad she's back running Tempo .He says the family needs her care kindness and steadiness!He's of to bed!Annie brought oysters bubbles to celebrate.Brooke is calling annie on Adam being tired!Annie aks Brooke to leave!Greenlee tells Ryan that she's lost David forever and its all his fault!AJ really wants his Daddy home so cute!Marissa is telling JR to slow down and get better! She says he doesn't have to fight everything is going to be fine!RYan is saying they'll catch David there right behind him! She's says David's gone and you'll never find him.She says he's in a coffin out of the country! Ryan insinuated David was a vampire nothing new!She is really mad she says David's stood by her and she needs David .Ryan hugs her Greenlee glares!
Is this part of your plan warm fuzzies!Ryan claims it's an old habit in that silence of the lambs voice!I hate that voice quit using it Cameron!!!!
Annie says she's taking care of adam when Brooke oversteps her bounds !Annie says she thinks Brooke has too much class to actually say she shouldn't sleep with her husband!Whoops she can give Adam something Brooke can't have!Good for her she kicked her out of the mansion!
Colby is dropping charges about her car and will testify.Tad is flumoxed that Damon is Hillary's son!Opal seems surprised !Calls her princess cupcake!!So hilary's husband's name is Paul!Tad says Damon just needs a little help.
Greenlee says she's going to win Fusion war with Erica.Poor Randi suggested that stupid castle and she took off Randi's head especailly when she mentioned Erica behind it .Jesse is consulting RYan bout DAvid? Annie told Adam she told Brooke to mve into a hotel!Adam said he invited brokke to stay as long as hse wants and hewants Annie to apologise to Brooke!Annie is sending Emma on a sleepover with Daddy!David looks shocked that Adam is drinking and drinking.Bet they'll blame that on Annie too!Damon was straight up and thanked Tad for telling him that!Damon took some from his grandma !Opal says Tad did that when he was young!Damon says he's dadd gav up on him!Hills is behind him but not able to come!
Madison says Ryan has been really involved with Fusion!Madison reached out Greenlee slapped her down verbally when she tried to bond.Ryan says lay back Greenlee wil let down her guard and they'll grab David.Ryan says he'll crawl out sometime for food something!Annie says Brooke is already gone.Adam insists he has to make things right with brooke.annie says she's out of line she''ll aologize!David stoled a sandwich and some fruit when they left the room!Haha David took all the green grapes a sandwich and some other food!Ryan is going on about Annie lying to him.Like Emma doesn't want to see her dad!Brooke is saying Jr is like his Dad she gave Marissa her cell number.Marissa says Jr!Adam is popping pills and forgetting what he's taking !David is going to have to save him!Interesting!David says looks like your a deadman Adam!Tad offered to supervise Damon so he doesn't go to jail .He has community service and probation!Tad saw her once before she married Paul Miller!!!Damon is so much like a young TAD!Madiosn keeps talking about her husband dying she says it was aturning point that she figured she has to blme herself! Greenlee says the blame is with Ryan and Erica!Jr wants to talk Brooke he says Annie is trying to make Adam have a heart attack!Why does he suddenly have this idea?so Brooke pretends she's agreeing for JR!

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